In the face of everyone's anger, Wei Xiaohan waved his hand to protect Qin fan and said, "future son-in-law, you just go back to the house. I'm here. They dare not do anything. If they can't, I'll go to the owner of the house. Wei Feng is just an acting Hall leader, and his status can't match the owner's. as long as he lives, I see what he can do."

At this time, Wei Xiaohan was still able to defend himself against the public anger, and Qin fan was still a little moved.

However, he pressed Wei Xiaohan's hand with a smile and said, "since they want to find me, I'll go with them. It's nothing. Except for some people who come out of their ancestral places, they can't do anything to me."


Wei Xiaohan wants to stop him. As the deputy leader of the city, he knows too much about the law enforcement hall. It's hell there! People who have nothing to do have to be peeled to get out. These people are extremely cruel! Thinking of Qin fan

Wei Xiaohan suddenly relaxed his face and said, "go to the future son-in-law. Don't be afraid. After you leave, I'll go directly to see the owner. He will get justice for you."

Are you kidding me? Qin fan is unbeaten in the ancestral arena, even half of the guards are defeated by him. Unless the law enforcement hall really goes to the ancestral arena to guard the mausoleum, no one can do anything about him.

Qin fan just followed Wei Feng.

After they left, Wei Xiaohan didn't hesitate. He left the house and went straight to the house.

Law enforcement hall!

On the middle hall of a courtyard that seems to be the same as the ancient Yamen.

Wei Feng sat on the main hall in his black and red Hanfu. There was a wooden ring and a signboard on the desk in front of him. The Yamen officers held water and fire sticks and divided them into two parts. His voice was powerful, and he looked like a judge.

"Prisoner, why don't you kneel down?" Wei Feng sat on the main hall, majestic, scolded and said.

Qin fan stands in the same place and looks around curiously. He didn't expect that the law enforcement hall is actually like this. It's the first time in reality that the familiar unfamiliar environment often appears in movies and TV plays.


Seeing that Qin fan was not moved, Wei Feng's face was as cold as frost, so he ordered directly.

Four yamen soldiers with water and fire sticks stride forward. They hit Qin fan on the knee with the sticks. After forcing him to kneel down, they wait on him with the sticks!

This is shengtangwei.

Every time the law enforcement hall catches a suspect, it will beat him first, so that he will be afraid of the law enforcement hall, and then try carefully. This can get twice the result with half the effort, and the suspect dare not fight against him.

Just this time, when he did the same thing, two yamen servants directly hit Qin fan's knees with water and fire sticks made of pure iron. Suddenly, there was a strong wind whistling in front of him, followed by "bang bang"! There's a huge shock in my hand. I feel numb and bleed instantly when I hold the water fire stick, and the water fire stick also disappears


When a yamen servant was about to make trouble, he saw that his companion was turning to look at the position of the main hall, his eyes widened, and he looked like a ghost.

I saw that the water and fire sticks in the hands of the two yamen servants were inserted in the wall behind Wei Feng!

Two water and fire sticks are inserted into the wall and close to Wei Feng's left and right ears. If you go in a little wrong, Wei Feng's face will be blown up by the water and fire sticks!


Seeing this, the Yamen officers were terrified and rushed to save Wei Feng.


Wei Feng yells angrily, raises his hands and grabs the stick. With a "click" sound, he pulls the stick out of the wall and throws it aside. He looks at Qin fan coldly on both sides and doesn't speak for a long time.

He knew that Qin fan's strength should be the same as those who guarded the mausoleum in his ancestral tomb, so in order to target him, he deliberately found a person to guard the mausoleum, but because of the complicated procedures and the need to avoid other people's eyes and ears, it took some time for him to arrive.

"If there's nothing to ask, I'll go." Qin fan doesn't care about Tao.

"Qin fan, don't think you can fight, you can beat tens of thousands of people in the Acropolis!" Wei Fengqi's gnashing teeth.

"Just to be useless? Then I'd better go. " Qin fan is about to leave.

But just as he turned to leave the law enforcement hall, a shadow stood in front of the door, blocking his way.

The figure is not high, it doesn't look very strong, even a little thin, but standing there quietly, it seems like a mountain, blocking Qin fan's way, and even making Qin fan alert, feeling a bit of crisis.

"Second brother!"

Seeing the figure appear, Wei Feng stands up from the chair and shouts out the identity of the other side.

"Second brother?"

Qin fan's eyebrows also jump when he hears that Wei zipei doesn't seem to have heard that Wei Feng still has a second brother. Seeing Wei Feng's face full of excitement, it seems that the origin of the second brother is not simple.

"Mr. Qin, you'd better stay and listen to the questions. If you ask the right and wrong clearly, you can go. No one can embarrass you." Dark shadow spoke faintly, listening to the voice is not old, and Qin fan almost.

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