"Big brother!"

Seeing that Wei Shu and the other two guardians of the mausoleum came ashore from the lake, Wei Feng ran in panic and was about to ask about the situation.


Wei Shu slaps Wei Feng in the face.

How great is the strength of the tomb keeper?!

Wei Feng's running body was fanned out on the spot!

The whole person fell into the water directly from mid air, sank into the water, and floated up from under the water after a while.


When the law enforcement hall saw this, their faces turned pale. If the hall leader was slapped to death by Wei Shu today, they didn't even have a place for important people to complain.

A group of people all jumped into the water from the shore, hurriedly picked up Wei Feng from the lake, and tried their best to sit and rescue.

Finally, when Wei Feng opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood from his throat, he raised himself up and gasped heavily. He looked down to see that he was not dead, and then he breathed heavily, with a look of survival.

"Brother, why did you hit me?"

Come back sober, then be not angry.

As the leader of the law enforcement hall, he can be said to be below one person and above ten thousand people in the Acropolis. Even today's plan is made by him. Now that the plan is about to succeed, Wei Shu, the eldest brother, almost beat himself to death!

"If it wasn't for you and me, do you think I would stop?"

Wei Shu looks at Wei Feng coldly, and his cheek becomes a line.

The guardian of the mausoleum is precious to the Wei people!

If you look at the whole ancestral tomb, there are not eight people alive.

Moreover, these eight people were all cultivated by the family with almost all their strength after more than 20 years.

Today, just less than a day, two people died at once!

And it's all because of Wei Feng!

Wei Qi doesn't mention it.

If it wasn't for Wei Feng's information, there would be no secret room behind the iron gate, but the aurora crossbow! Wei Hong, how can he die here!

After hearing Wei Shu's rebuke, Wei Feng's face turned pale.

No chamber of secrets? It's an institution?

He shook his head desperately. "No way! impossible! There is a secret room under the note. How can she cheat me? It's impossible

"Who wrote this note?" Wei Shu asked coldly.

"It's Wei Zizhen!"

Wei Feng almost blurted out, "Wei Zizhen has long been my woman. She betrayed Wei Xiaohan and has been standing with us. She can't cheat me. Even the news about Qin fan and their family is that Wei Zizhen has been revealing to me. How can she cheat me?"

"How can you trust a woman?" Wei Shu's tone became colder and colder. "She's Wei zipei's own sister and love's own daughter! How can you believe that she will betray the whole family for you

The people of Weicheng regard the traditional clan rules as life. The betrayal of husband and wife and the opposition between mother and son are all felonies. Everyone can be killed. He has never heard of the story of Weifeng and weizizhen before. Coupled with the changes at the bottom of the lake, Weishu thinks that his younger brother should have been cheated by weizizhen.

"She couldn't have betrayed me, or how would her baby explain it?" Wei Feng is not willing to say so.

Wei Shu was stunned and looked at Wei Feng incredulously. "Do you mean Wei Zizhen is pregnant with your child?"

"Yes Wei Feng nodded, "we've been together for a long time. If it wasn't for her help, how could I poison Wei zipei so carefully? It's Wei Zizhen who helped me poison her food. She's willing to do such a thing. Can she cheat me? "

Up to now, Wei Feng doesn't hide the slightest. He tells us how he and Wei Zizhen worked together to poison Wei zipei.

After that, even the law enforcement hall confidants behind him were wide eyed.

You know, Wei zipei's poisoning was caused by the storm all over the city.

Wei Xiaohan's most proud daughter, who is also the daughter of the most promising inheritor, becomes a useless man!

It's because Wei zipei can't get out of bed that Wei Xiaohan's family's status in the Acropolis plummeted. No one will be optimistic about a family with no successor, even the head of Wei family!

"You did."

Wei Shu frowned, and now he had no time to ask why Wei Zizhen was with him. He gritted his teeth and looked at the bodies floating on the screen, and said, "let all your people go into the water and look for them one by one. Even if you go all over the bottom of the lake, you have to find Wei zipei and Qin fan. Otherwise, you and I will thank you for death!"


"Into the water!"

With Wei Feng's roar, forty or fifty law enforcement officials jumped into the water and went straight to the bottom of the lake to find the real secret room.


"They're looking for it."

In the secret room, Wei zipei heard that the sound of the bow and crossbow mechanism was constantly opening, and sighed gently.At this time, she did not know who had betrayed herself and who had poisoned her food, which made her sick in bed and the whole family's status plummeted, which made the situation today.

She just couldn't figure it out. Why?


If she can be the head of her family and the head of the Acropolis, why can she not get everything she wants?


Wei zipei's delicate face is full of sadness. She never dreamed that her sister, who grew up with her, would harm herself and her family!

"Don't think about it."

Qin fan's voice became weaker at this time. Although his injury was getting better with time, it seemed that he had almost recovered. However, with the excessive loss of blood in his body, his body became weaker and weaker. Even speaking became extremely difficult.

"How are you?"

Wei zipei wakes up and his beautiful eyes are full of worry.

"Fortunately, I've almost recovered from my injury. Now I need to recover my strength. I'll take things away for me." Qin Fan said weakly.

Wei zipei nodded and carefully took the "greedy wolf" out of his arms. However, in the process, she was shocked to find that the location of the "greedy wolf" and his wrist wound almost stuck together because of the long time and blood coagulation!

She tried to use the crystal clear nails to gently cut the joint between the two, but did not think that because the strength was not good enough, she pulled a piece of skin from Qin fan's wrist.

Skin and meat, Qin fan eyes a black pain, almost fainted in the past.


Wei zipei's eyes are red, holding the "greedy wolf" in his hand and apologizing at a loss.

Qin fan closed her eyes and shook her head. After she took the "greedy wolf" away, she took a deep breath and said, "they should take photos soon. Don't disturb me. Let me have a rest. I'm I'm so sleepy... "

After that, Qin fan suddenly lost his consciousness before leaning against the wall.

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