See summer dream breathing gradually flat.

Zhou Lulu just helped her to stand up from the ground, then turned her head and glanced faintly at Liu Meng.

"Did you just push summer dream to the ground?" Zhou Lulu asked.

"So what if it's me? This man is a thief, wearing the clothes of our Shengde hospital and sneaking into my dormitory. Thanks to the fact that I talked with President Wu for a while and came back a little later, I don't know what terrible things would happen if I came back earlier."

Liu Meng patted her chest with her hand, with a look of fear on her face.

Zhou Lulu ignored her. Instead, she looked around. All the interns were on Liu Meng's side, as if she were the eldest among the newly recruited nurses.

"I heard that a large number of nurses in the hospital resigned a few days ago due to some special reasons. The hospital office was forced to recruit you to fill the vacancy of nursing staff to avoid unnecessary problems in the hospital during this period."

Although, in order to avoid the spread of influence, Shen Jianguo secretly destroyed the photos of Doctor Liu and the female nurses.

But the nurses who were involved in the incident were worried about the long night and many dreams. After thinking about it again and again, they chose to resign voluntarily and leave Shengde hospital. Some even left Nandu directly, so as not to cause bad effects on themselves in the future.

Five of the seven nurses in the incident have left the hospital one after another. The hospital office has to consider the nursing tasks of the hospital. As Zhou Lulu said, President Wu Xiongfei made a report and recruited these interns.

Among these interns, Liu Meng is the most special.

Her family is engaged in medical equipment. I don't know where to learn that this hospital is actually the private sanatorium of Shen family. In order to get a hand in with Shen family, she spared no effort to donate two sets of medical equipment with a total value of nearly 10 million to Shengde hospital, and then she got this valuable internship place for Liu MENGZHENG.

But Liu Meng didn't want to work at all. She went to bars all day to buy luxury goods. This time, her parents threatened to come here to work with her credit card broken, so she was in a bad mood all the time.

And she has always been used to bullying. Today, when she saw that Xia Meng was more beautiful than herself, and her figure was better than her, but she was wearing a nurse's skirt without a work card, she immediately became even more upset. She directly vented her pent up anger on Xia Meng.

And depending on how much money her family donated to the hospital, she naturally did not pay attention to a mere high-level private care.

"Ha ha, a private nurse knows a lot of things, so you should know who my father is, right?" Liu Meng said with a sarcastic smile.

Zhou Lulu nodded. "I heard from my colleagues that your father is a medical equipment manufacturer. He is still a bit famous in Nandu. He donated two machines worth more than 4 million to the hospital so that you can have the qualification to practice here today."

"Ha ha, I know you don't want to get out of here. Do you know the meaning of 25 million machines? One year's machinery budget of a top three hospital is only 8 million. My father will donate 10 million to you all at once. Even your president has to flatter me. What are you Liu Meng looked at Zhou Lulu with disdain and said.

"Well, yes, in front of 10 million medical equipment, I really can't count as anything, and I'm not qualified to say these words in front of a young lady like you. After all, in your eyes, we nurses are just part-time workers, which is no different from the manual workers on the construction site."

Zhou Lulu looked at Liu Meng indifferently, with a very gentle tone.

"I can't see. You're quite conscious." Liu Meng said triumphantly, "in this case, in the future you and I work in the same hospital, I will not care with you today, you now let go of the woman in your hands, and then do what to do, this matter is so."

Zhou Lulu shook her head, "no, I can't do that."

"Why?" I can't do it. I told her in a dream that I couldn't do it?

"Well." Zhou Lulu nodded, then picked up Xia Meng and said, "she's in bad health now. I'll take her downstairs for an examination. If something happens to her, you people will not just lose your job. Do yourself a good job."

With that, Zhou Lulu helps Xia Meng leave here and goes downstairs to find a doctor.

And her words are not alarmist at all.

Although she didn't want to admit it, who didn't know that Xia Meng was Qin fan's woman in the whole Shengde hospital. Before Xia Meng jumped out of the building, Qin fan directly called Dr. Martin's team from Germany, and spared no effort to spend millions of medical resources to pull Xia Meng back from the gate of death.

As a result, he was just cured, and was made to be a student nurse by a few dog eyes. Once Xia Meng had any more problems, Zhou Lu had reason to believe that not only the originators, but also Wu Xiongfei, including all the people in Shengde hospital, would bear Qin fan's most terrible anger.

Looking at Zhou Lulu's shaking away from his eyelids, Liu Meng immediately jumped and scolded: "stop them quickly, why let them go like this? The thief hasn't apologized to me yet!"Zhou Lulu is a senior private nurse in Shengde hospital. In addition to Liu Meng, other people are just ordinary intern nurses. Without Liu Meng's family background, it's natural that they do something out of line on this occasion.

On one side, I watched from a distance and did not dare to move forward.

"I'm really angry. If any of you want to become a regular in the future, you should join me. I want to see what's great about this woman. Maybe she's just pretending to be ill, trying to escape and daydream. I can't give her this chance!"

With that, Liu Meng took the two girls who had just dragged Xia Meng out and quickly followed them out.

And the other interns hesitated for a while, they all left one after another and ran down to the second floor.

"Thank you, Lulu."

On the way, Xia Meng looked at Zhou Lulu gratefully and said.

"Thank me. I'm also protecting myself. If anything happens to you again, with Qin Dashao's temper, our hospital will close down. If I lose my job at that time, you'll take care of me for three meals." Zhou Lulu said.

Referring to Qin fan, Xia Meng's white cheek suddenly blushed, "what about Qin fan? Won't he come to the hospital today?"

"Well Maybe later. He had something to do last night and went to bed very late. He hasn't got up yet. "

Zhou Lulu came to the hospital in the morning to find Wu Xiongfei and convey Qin fan's meaning. Next month, she may have to use the manpower from Hainan sanatorium. By the way, she wanted to see Xia Meng. Unexpectedly, she ran into such a scene.

"And you don't talk. I feel that your symptoms are like a relapse of an old injury. You have to operate immediately. I'm afraid you'll be in trouble if you're late."

Zhou Lulu has always been very concerned about Xia Meng's condition, and is also very clear that it is not easy for Xia Meng to survive this time. Once the old injury relapses, the consequences she will face will be unpredictable.

As soon as they appeared in the hall on the second floor, the nurse on duty at the nursing station saw the pale summer dream who was supported by Zhou lulu in her arms.

The nurse on duty's blood was cold all over. She hurried forward to remove Xia Meng from Zhou Lulu's hand. At the same time, a nurse patted the emergency button and installed it in every corner of Shengde hospital. The alarm devices in every office, operating room and ward instantly rang. For a moment, the whole building rang loudly.

"Did anyone in the Shen family have an accident and go to the hospital?"

Hearing the alarm, Wu Hung up the phone with the Provincial Department of health, stood up and rushed out of the office.

Meanwhile, a phone call was made to the general surgery office.

"Order, all the doctors on duty and on leave are on standby in the operating room, and all the nurses without emergency nursing tasks will gather in the hall on the second floor. The emergency channel will be opened, and everyone will make way for the patients in this emergency. Quick!"

"In addition, the new batch of intern nurses are not allowed to step into the operation area. If anyone dares to go wrong at this time, no matter who he is, he will be dismissed immediately!"

"In addition, let the hospital office contact the Medical Research Institute in Germany immediately, quickly establish a video guidance channel, directly connect to the operating room, and do it now!"

The instructions were quickly given in the hospital.

Can Rao is Wu Xiongfei has been well prepared, but when he came to the intensive care unit on the second floor, he saw Xia Meng who had been pushed on a stretcher and was rushed to the operating room, his legs were still soft, and he just sat on the ground.

"Really, it's really her..."

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