"Are you awake?"

Qin fan heard the voice and turned back in amazement.

Bai Jianjia nodded, motioned to Qin fan to put her down, stood aside, took a few breaths and said, "I was on the way to Pingxian county when I was found and captured by the people in the Acropolis."

"They should have noticed you a long time ago." He said.

"No Bai Jianjia shook his head. "It seems that they also went to Pingxian county. When they came back, they just met me. I heard them say that they seemed to contact someone in Pingxian county and came back after the task was completed."

"Contacts?" Qin fan frowned and asked, "have you contacted Wang Meng?"

"Got in touch." Bai Jianjia nodded, "I told Wang Meng, let him take the hunter action team and violet team to get here as soon as possible. They said they would start right away."

Qin fan estimated that since Bai Jianjia contacted Wang Meng yesterday, even if it was a charter flight, it would take more than two hours to fly from Shangjing to the capital of the western province. It would take almost another night to fly from the capital to Pingxian County, and from Pingxian county to Pingxian County, they would arrive at noon tomorrow as soon as possible.

"We can't wait for them. When they go to Pingxian, they should be the people who contact the outside world. The contact point between those people and the Acropolis may be somewhere in Pingxian. They will arrive here faster. We must seize the time to solve the problem of the Acropolis and leave immediately without further delay."

While talking, the people by the lotus pond also noticed here.

In fact, from the beginning, Qin fan did not intend to hide.

See Qin fan and others appear, Wei Xiaotian frown, will come over.

"Now that you're here, don't stand there. Come and have a talk." Wei Qingtian said faintly.

Qin fan nodded, leaving Bai Jianjia and Jiang Yanzi to be careful. In case of any situation, they must leave at the first time and not stay too much.

When he came to the lotus pond, Qin fan didn't stand by Wei Qingtian or Wei zipei. Instead, he stood in the middle of the pool and watched the two groups of people quietly.

"I didn't expect that my Acropolis has stabilized the situation for thousands of years, but it was destroyed because you were an outsider. I knew that earlier, I shouldn't have let you in and shut you out of the gate. Maybe, there are not so many things." Wei Qingtian looks at Qin fan with a complicated tone, as if he really regrets it.

Qin Fan said with a smile: "if you didn't let me go to the city at that time, who would help you to get rid of Wei Jiuhe's family, and their family would not die, how could you be in power in the Acropolis and wipe out the biggest threat to you, the law enforcement Hall?"

Wei Qingtian is stunned. He looks at Qin fan in surprise and laughs.

"I didn't expect that. I thought you were a brave man who only knew how to fight with your fists. I didn't expect that you could even guess. Should I be happy or worried?" Wei Qingtian said with a smile.

"What are you talking about?" Wei zipei and Dai frowned and didn't know what they meant. Wei Jiuhe's family is the enemy of their family for generations. The key is that they are not the people of the master. How can the master use their hands to destroy Wei Jiuhe?

"You don't know..." Wei Qingyun shook his head and said: "there are three guardians in Wei Jiuhe's family, one is the leader of the law enforcement hall, and Wei Jiuhe is also the elder of the elder group of the Acropolis. Wei Qingtian is eager to seize the power of the Acropolis to complete his grand plan. Now their family has lost their use, but they occupy such an important position. It's a threat to Wei Qingtian, so it's natural to think about it Get rid of his sister. "

Wei zipei was stunned at first, then looked at Wei Qingtian in disbelief and said: "so, you first attack our family with the help of Wei Xiaoqin's hand and force our two families to fight, and then lure them to attack the great wizard and kill him. Naturally, they have no way to survive. In such a family, the three parties fight, and in the end, they are all black and blue, and you can use the power of Chinese, no With a lot of effort, we will be able to grasp the overall situation of the Acropolis? "

Wei zipei was shocked.

The three forces of the Acropolis, the family leader, the law enforcement hall and the great wizard The three legs stand in balance and restrain each other.

No one has an absolute say in this ancient city. If he wants to make any major decision, he will be involved by both sides. Although Wei Feng seems to be loyal to Wei Qingtian and loyal to him now, that's because he was only a temporary law enforcement hall leader before he died. If he really becomes the law enforcement hall leader and is in power, he may not look straight at him Wei Qingtian.

But now it's quite different!

The leader of the law enforcement hall died, and so did the great wizard. Even the next leader of her family was reduced to the present situation.

Looking at the whole Acropolis, Wei Qingtian is the emperor here!

His words, no one can contend with!

Even in the end, he secretly ordered Wei Jiuhe's family to kill the great wizard, and then killed Wei Jiuhe in the middle. He was also trying to buy his own heart.

Wei Qingtian is the biggest and the only winner in this fight!

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