
When the sound of the gate opening spread all over the Acropolis, all the commotion suddenly subsided at this moment.

The noisy Acropolis was silent for a moment.

Those who are robbing money, robbing people, fighting, Qi Qi stopped, looked up and looked in the same direction.

At the gate!

"The gate is open?"

Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief.

The gate of the Acropolis has never been opened!

Even if people come in and out, they always just go through the side door.

This door, which has been closed for thousands of years and sealed the whole Acropolis for thousands of years, is opening little by little

"Open the gate! The gate of the Acropolis is really open

Someone saw with his own eyes that the gate of the Acropolis was slowly opening in the dark, and suddenly screamed.

It's like a chain reaction. Over the Acropolis, they all began to shout the word "open the door". There was no fear and no abandonment in the voice. They didn't seem to have any love for the city. Some of them were just excited and curious.

A cat who has been locked up in a cage for a lifetime is suddenly released. What will it do?

Man is not a cat. This population has evolved for countless years, and still maintains a wild and curious nature that can't be compared with any other creatures.

When the gate of the cage which closed them the year before last was slowly unfolding, everyone forgot what they should have done. Instead, they began to walk from all corners of the city side by side to the gate, hand in hand with their relatives.

Step by step, step by step

The dull sound of footsteps began to become very tacit. When the steps of the whole city gathered together to form a huge echo, the shadows in the night condensed from all sides of the city. Finally, they all converged in one direction, the gate!

"I thought the Acropolis was their paradise, but I didn't expect that they regarded the Acropolis as a cage..."

On the challenge arena, Wei zipei's beautiful eyes looked at these city people who passed by him like dying zombies. Red lips murmured that they were lost for a moment.

"After leaving the Acropolis, they will have their own new life. The outside world is rich and colorful, which can't be felt by the old city like the Acropolis. They live the life of ordinary people in the city. As long as they adapt to the changes of the environment, they will find a way for themselves, but everyone's time is different..."

"Are you going to leave, too?" Wei zipei murmured.

"Me? I won't go. I'm too old to go out of the mountain. When I get to the society, I'll add burden to the people outside. I don't have many years to live. I just want to find a quiet place in the city and wait for those people to come. I'm not afraid to kill me. If I don't kill me, I'll die at home. Follow the city and perish together! "

While they were talking, tens of thousands of people of the Acropolis came to the square in front of the gate of the Acropolis hand in hand.

They looked at the completely open gate and the dark and completely strange world behind the gate. The excitement and curiosity in their eyes began to be occupied by fear and fear again. Most of them stood still and looked at the exit of the gate with vigilance. Only a small number of them, who were law enforcement hall and the legitimate members of the guard family, had squeezed out from tens of thousands of people, His eyes were shining, and he strode out of the gate.

Because they are the real Wei family!

After they go out, they don't need to think about how to live, how to adapt and how to survive as ordinary city people think.

They know that as soon as they go out, the ancient families and other forces in the outside world will scramble to take them away and treat them as the guests of their families. They are popular and live a more comfortable life than in the Acropolis.

They have been looking forward to this day for a long time. Now they finally look forward to this day. Of course, they don't have any hesitation. They rush out of the city gate as if they are about to get a new life. There are thousands of people in total. They almost occupy the whole road out of the city.

Other people are standing in the same place and watching, their consciousness is still in ancient times, strange world means risk, means that there may be wild animals around, they need to observe, to see what will happen to these guards who are usually high above everything else, and they will make the next choice.

Bang Bang light!

Just as they watched thousands of people rush out of the gate, many people could not help but want to go out with the pioneers. All of a sudden, strong lights came in from the gate. The intensity of the light beams made the whole gate as bright as in the daytime. Many people screamed, covered their eyes with their hands, and thought they were blind.

"Please note that the Acropolis will be sealed immediately, and no one is allowed to enter or leave without permission. Otherwise, it will be dealt with in accordance with the crime of defection, and the law will be put in place without mercy! Everybody back, please

Accompanied by bursts of "click" bolt loading sound, a sound from the loudspeaker that can make tens of thousands of people in front of the city gate hear clearly came in from outside the city gate.

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