Thousands of people stormed through the old city gate.

The whole Acropolis was black.

The torch burning in the center of the square has been put out for a long time, and the ground is in a mess. There are bodies left in the street because of stampede when the city people fled. There are still some people who are not completely dead. They were just trampled off and unable to move on. After being found by the people who rushed in, they were directly killed on the spot according to the list photos.

In view of the night, a silent sweep of the city is unfolding.

Long Jun, Jin Buhuan, Su Rushi, or a young man with a cloak, stand side by side in the square arena of the Acropolis. They watch their armed men pass by and enter the streets, houses, all the buildings they can see. They clean the Acropolis and arrest the people on the list.

"This is the Acropolis..."

Rao Shi Jin Buhuan can't help feeling when he looks at the buildings that have been standing for thousands of years in this city, and when there are people living in these buildings one second ago.

"The Acropolis used to be a holy city in our eyes! It's impossible to climb, but I can only look up to it. But I didn't expect that the Acropolis would one day let us finish its life. After tonight, we can go back to boast with our children. We can finish the lighting work in our hands. We have no regrets in this life! Ha ha Su Ru laughs.

"What is the Wei nationality?"

Long Jun disdained to say, "no matter how powerful the family is, it can't stand the brilliance of time. What's more, this time our three ancient families join hands to encircle and suppress. No matter how powerful the family is, it's just a plaything in hand. If we let him live, he will live, let him die, he will die. They are all living people of flesh and blood. What's to be afraid of?"

Jin Buhuan and Su Ru smell speech to see him one eye, eyes how many all have some disdain.

After all, in their eyes, no matter how powerful the Wei family is, they have never interfered with the secular world. They have always lived in this isolated city. If it were not for the hereditary conditions promised by the three ancient families, they would never have any interaction with them.

On the contrary, it was long Jun. when they saw him for the first time, they often mentioned the word Wei nationality. The fear and fear on his face were that he was afraid of Wei nationality from the bottom of his heart.

But now we see the fall of the Wei people. It's really disgusting to say that again.

From time to time, thousands of soldiers were killed, but there was no gunfire in the city.

"What's the matter? It's been a long time since the wood warehouse rang so many times. The Wei people are all arrested. Can't they hang themselves?"

Long Jun frowned and realized that something was not right.

Jin Buhuan and Su Rushi also have some doubts in their eyes. In the city where 40000 people live, how can this move happen under the cleaning?

"Come here!"

Jin Buhuan reached for a man who had just run out of a room and was preparing to go to other streets. He asked, "what's the matter? Why don't you see the sound of the wooden warehouse?"

The man also said with a confused face: "I don't know. The city seems empty. I don't see anyone!"


"Ruan asked," how could it be that Jin Huan didn't grasp his neck

He was a little afraid and dared to fight with the Wei people. He didn't know how long he had been worried before. He was afraid that he would not be able to make a bad start and give the Wei people a chance to fight back and eventually lead to his own destruction.

Now, hearing that the Acropolis was empty, he was a little worried. He threw the man out and said in a loud voice, "look for it again! If you find a living person, don't kill him. Bring him directly to me. I'll inquire about the situation myself! "


At this time, a small team leader rushed over in a hurry. Because he was too worried, his feet were unstable, and he fell directly in front of the four.

"What do you find, say it!" Jin Buhuan is in a hurry.

"To my master, we found that the southeast gate of the Acropolis was open. We chased in all the way. We found that the ancestral place of the Acropolis was behind the southeast gate. A low mountain beside the ancestral place had already been blasted open. The nearby steps were messy, and there were bodies left. The people of the Acropolis should have escaped from there!" The team leader panicked.

"What did you say?"

Jin Buhuan's face turned white and strode forward to force him to ask, "are you sure they've all run away? There's no one in this city?"

"No one!" The team leader shook his head desperately and said, "the whole Acropolis has already escaped. There is no one at all!"


The arena suddenly fell into a dead silence.

The three householders, including the young man in the cloak, did not speak, and their eyes were coldly scanning the empty city.

"Order everyone to gather at weijiazu's place and catch up with the rubbish. Before dawn, you must catch up with them. None of them can run. If you lose one, you will all die!"

Long Jun's eyes are red and his tearing voice is roaring.

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