Rows of helicopters were still hovering overhead.

Hearing this, the Wei people all raised their heads and looked at these iron and steel giants that could fly in the sky.

"I think the elder misunderstood that this kind of thing is not only mine, but also the dragon family. It was the dragon family that chased you last night. Otherwise, if I order to fire now, none of you will survive. Why bother?"

Before these people slow down, Ying Jun says suddenly.

The Wei people immediately responded and nodded their heads.

After all, they are now completely surrounded by these steel monsters, and there are so many people standing behind Yingjun. They want to fight. Although there are so many people on the Wei side, they are not human opponents at all. Why waste so much time with them?

As a result, more and more people began to move in the direction of Yingjun. Even Wei zipei and Wei Qingyun tried their best to dissuade them, no one believed them.

"Miss, I still said that. You are not the head of the Wei family after all, even if you are! Do you think that even if there is only one percent hope, will they choose to leave with me, or will they follow you back to the Taihang old forest and run for their lives? " Ying Jun sneers.

"You just want the people on the list! Rebuild the blood bank Wei zipei gritted his teeth.

"So what?"

Seeing that the plot was demolished by Wei zipei, Ying Jun said with no care: "I can offer more attractive conditions for these people than you. They believe that following me will lead a better life than living in the Acropolis. What's the reason for not following me? I advise you to be more open-minded. You are different from other people on the list. We won't do anything about you. Come with us. I will treat you well. "

At this moment, Yingjun's eyes swept Wei zipei's beautiful cheek without any disguise!

Wei zipei used to be high in his heart and could not be profaned, but now, she is standing in front of herself, and her life and death are all controlled by herself! Ying Jun saw that the matter had been said, so he didn't cover it up any more, and directly told his inner thoughts.

Wei zipei's face was cold. He held the five fingers of his dagger tightly and said in a low voice: "then I will kill you first! Take them away again. "

Ying Jun hasn't moved yet, but a group of bodyguards standing beside him have raised their guns and aimed the muzzle at Wei zipei.

"I know you're good at fighting, but I don't think my men are good at it? What's more, as long as you dare to hurt my hair, don't forget, I can let thousands of people behind you die here! Young lady, you are a person who knows the overall situation. Don't force the people to a dead end for the sake of a moment's anger. " Ying Jun sneers.

Wei zipei's whole body is frozen, and she has not yet started against Yingjun who can be killed in close range. It is because the more than 20000 people behind her are all gathered in the encirclement of each other at the moment. Once Yingjun has any mistakes, the winner will surely be buried with these people! She can't afford to bet

Wei zipei felt powerless when he thought that he could easily kill the thief who was not good for the Wei family.

At this time, the vast majority of the people on the list have already gone to the side of Yingjun, surrounded by nurses and fighters, and left here.

The Wei people behind them are very envious. They just hope that the speed of Ying Jun can be faster and more people can be arranged to take them away.

And right now!


A loud sound from heaven and earth suddenly exploded on people's heads.

Everyone, including Wei zipei and Yingjun, raised their heads and saw that a white smoke suddenly exploded in the center of the helicopter encircling the whole nearby area!

Like white fireworks blooming.

A little expansion, when the white fog powder diffuses in the air, several black spots are lifted off, and burst out in the middle at the same time!

The white powder that blocked the sky began to cover the whole sky. A dozen helicopters suddenly turned on red lights, and the fuselage began to swing. Without even doing any counterattack action, they began to circle and swing in the air, turning around and trying to escape from this area!

"It's graphite powder!"

The sun shouts out the white people behind him.

"It's the graphite powder that destroys the helicopter control system. Once it explodes, it will spread in the air and enter the electronic instruments, resulting in a short circuit. It's air control and satellite killing! There is an enemy attack

With the cry of an enemy attack, the heavily armed crowd began to panic.

In this moment, people began to jump from the helicopters covered with graphite powder, and then there was a splash of cremation in the inner cabin of the helicopter. Several helicopters lost control and went straight to the forest!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The helicopter crashed into the woods. There was a tremendous noise and fire!

Seeing this, Ying Jun's face changed. He no longer had the calmness and calmness he had before. He pointed desperately at the front of the Wei family and cried, "kill them all! I killed them all! Don't leave any of them

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