Wei zipei, Wang Meng, Wei Huang, Qu Zhihai, Hong long, Bai Jianjia Qin fan's most powerful men gathered in the cruise ship's central control room.

Some think tanks, such as Ying Junyao and Hong Xin, also gather here.

After Qin fan pushed the door and entered, the indicator light on the display screen of the central control room lights up. Then, on the large screen, a satellite ocean map with crisscross longitude and latitude lines appears. Dozens of red dots are distributed in different sea areas and flicker slowly. Recently, the biggest red dot symbolizes that the "goddess of destiny" cruise ship they are standing on is berthing quietly In this quiet little port, be ready to start at any time.

"We are almost 58 hours later than the dozens of ocean going vessels sent by winner. According to the maximum sailing speed of ocean going vessels, they have left the port for more than 1000 nautical miles. That is to say, all 23 cruise ships of winner have entered the high seas at the moment, reaching more than 600 nautical miles deep into the high seas, and are completely under the jurisdiction of no national boundaries."

Ying Junyao stood at the bottom of the big screen and explained.

"How long will it take us to catch up?" Qin fan asked.

"According to the sailing speed of 21 knots, it will take us 10 hours to cross the East China Sea and enter the Pacific Ocean. If the other side keeps moving forward, it will take a day and a half to catch up. However, as far as I know, the winner's islands are too deep in the Pacific Ocean, and it will take them seven days to reach as soon as I can We can keep our goal and catch up with each other before they reach the finish line. "

"The winner sent out 23 cruise ships. Which ship is the winner's key person? Where are the men who were captured in the Acropolis? Although they are still keeping the same heading, once they enter the deep sea and begin to disperse, how can we catch up with them? " Qin fan asked.

"Far star and sun."

"Almost all the members of the Ying family left the port after boarding the far star. As for the Wei people, they left Tianjin port after boarding the sun. Part of the other sea vessels were used to confuse the enemy's sight, while the other part was responsible for the transportation of goods and materials. We just need to lock the navigation tracks of the two ships firmly, and they can't escape." Yao is sure to win.

Qin fan nodded, "when can we start?"


Early morning mist.

Destiny disappeared at the end of the coastline, facing the first ray of dawn from the skyline.

After ten hours, the ship crossed the East China Sea and appeared in the Pacific Ocean.

Qin fan walked from the control room to the deck and looked at the endless blue sea and blue sky in the distance, stretching for a long time.

"How can the outside world get used to it?"

He looked at Wei zipei, who was standing beside him. Meimou was staring at the sea all the time. She vomited and asked with a smile.

Wei zipei shakes her head and leaves Taihang mountain all the way. Up to now, she is on the edge of half blank brain all the time. The world completely subverts her concept and imagination. Ships, planes, cars

Too many, too many, she has been unable to distinguish between reality and fantasy, the brain is only one idea: revenge!

When a person's mind is only the word revenge, external factors, it is not so important.

"Where are they going?" Wei zipei asked.

"On an island far away." Qin fan returned.

"Can we catch up with them?"


Wei zipei vomited a breath gently, turned to look at Qin fan and said: "thank you."

Qin Fan said with a smile, "don't thank me. Sooner or later, I'll settle my feud with the ancient family. We can also be regarded as helping each other."

"Help each other?" Wei zipei nodded, "well, we'll help each other."

Wei zipei has been standing in the bow of the boat, looking to the deepest part of the sea, where there are her people, her enemies, and her long cherished wish. Now she is an independent soul, and she can't get into any extra feelings, and no one can go into her heart again.

"Where are they?"

Qin fan returns to the central control room and looks at Ying Junyao who just wakes up and asks.

"It's 800 nautical miles away from us, and it's beginning to disperse, but the far star and the sun are still sailing side by side Ying Junyao put her daily life in the central control room to observe the trend of the ships ahead at any time.

"Go back to your room and have a rest. Just give it to Hong Xin and me." Qin fan looks at Hong Xin sitting on one side of the chair, playing xiaoxiaole with his mobile phone.

"No, I'm sleeping well. I'm not so coquettish." Ying Junyao rubbed her eyes and then stood up to wash.

"Well, don't show up when you meet." Qin fan hesitated and said.

"Why?" Ying Junyao doesn't understand.

"Because he's afraid you'll meet the people, he can't do it." Hong Xin sat playing with his mobile phone and said without looking up: "the distant star is full of your relatives, including your parents. When we catch up, can you see with your own eyes the scene where the bullet goes through their eyebrows? Qin fan, this is also for your own good. You'd better do it according to his words. "

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