Qin Jiajun began to carpet search the main island.

In addition to more than 700 people in the general control room, more than 1000 winners were also found.

A total of more than 2400 people, at dawn, were all rushed to the island beach, not counting the remaining more than 30 Wei people.

The Qin army converged here.

Everyone on the island, all armed.

Accept the judgment of fate!

"In three days' time, all your other 20 plus cruise ships will arrive here. All the supplies together will be enough for you to survive on the island for decades. Of course, I only allow you to live here for 10 years."

Zhang Zihao looked at the crowd in front of him and said.

"In the past ten years, no one will know your existence, and no one will come to meet you!"

"I also know that your whereabouts this time are not watertight, but please believe it! If you leave this forbidden area, we'd better pray that you will not be picked up! Any vessel that dares to approach without authorization will be covered by long-range fire in the distance, including you

"Ten years is your life here!"

"You have enough! Enough medicine! There's even a fresh water converter! Your life can be guaranteed here. Of course, the premise is that you will not try to leave the island, and no one will come to save you. Before you leave, we will destroy all the ships and drive only one. "

"Ten years later!"

"We will come to pick you up and go back to the land that you think has been dull and only dream of longevity!"

"How long you can live, how many people you can live, it's up to you."

"Including the 38 Wei people!"

After Zhang Zihao's words were read out, the scene was as silent as death.

The result was beyond their expectation. Many of them thought that after Qin fan chased Qianli and boarded the island, the final way to execute them was to let them live on the island for ten years instead of killing them all.

They don't know whether to be happy or afraid.

Anyway, they survived.

Even if some people can't stand island life and choose to commit suicide, it's their own business.

Even if they blink their eyes, it has nothing to do with Zhang Zihao's death.

But not everyone wants to die.

Some of them are only in their twenties. Ten years later, they will be in their thirties.

Even those in their fifties, who are still in their sixties ten years later, still hope to return to the land they are familiar with.

It's like ten years of collective imprisonment. Many people feel relieved when they think about it.

All Qin's family members are not allowed to leave the beach before they leave.

"Ten years Ten years later, those old monsters will die because they don't have fresh blood. "

On the beach of Houshan, when the bonfire was waving, Ying Junyao sat beside Qin fan with her knees in her arms. Her eyes looked at the stars all over the sea. The stars twinkled in her eyes, as if she were the brightest star in the night sky.

"Well, it's not only these old monsters, but also those who are involved in the winner. Ten years will be enough to make people forget a lot of things. After ten years, the winner will go back, just a group of ordinary people living in exile overseas, who will live the life of ordinary people, what ancient families, what longevity, what influence It's nothing to do with them any more. It's good to live in peace. " Qin Fan said.

"Thank you." Said Ying Junyao.

"Thank me for what?" Qin fan looks at her curiously.

"Thank you for not killing them. Ten years seems to be a long time for ordinary people, but it's the best result for the winners. Thank you for not letting the winners kill." Ying Junyao said seriously.

On this isolated island in the Pacific Ocean, Qin fan wanted to exterminate the thousands of winning families, but he didn't do so.

Qin fan smiles.

"What are you laughing at?" Ying Junyao asked with a frown.

"Who do you think I am?"

Qin fan shook his head helplessly and said: "to say the culprit, it's just win Wangshu and win Jun. the other winners are just following the crowd. I'm not a butcher and executioner. How can I order the slaughter of so many lives."

"So you killed Ying Jun?" Ying Junyao asked.

"Yes, Yingjun must die, otherwise, I'm sorry for so many people who died." Qin Fan said.

"And my father, why don't you kill him?" Ying Junyao asked.

"He's going to die. The family won't live."

Qin Fan said with a smile: "and I also said, he is my father-in-law, how can I start my own father-in-law, or in front of his daughter?"

Ying Junyao's pretty face froze. She thought of what Qin Fan said in front of so many people in the control room. She said with her lips curled, "but don't you think it's unfair to other people? Because of your personal will, you are in charge of other people's life and death at will, regardless of the responsibility... ""Fairness is an excuse for the strong to give the weak obedience. The truth is only in the hands of the strong. Now I am the winner, and I can dominate everything as I wish, even if I let everyone go because of your words. This is my right, and no one can fight against it." Qin Fan said lightly.

"What if I really let you let them go?" Ying Junyao bit her lip and asked, looking at him.

"Will you?" Qin fan asked.

Ying Jun Yao's beautiful eyes twinkled, but at this time, a dull sound of boat flute sounded on the dark sea.

Hearing this, Qin fan looked over and said, "Bailin's boat is coming. We can go home."

An overseas station ship slowly sailed to the island from a distance and landed.

Beilin, dressed in a black uniform, stepped out of the boat and looked at Qin fan and said with a smile, "it seems that I'm a little late. I didn't take part in the play myself."

Beilin is Qin fan's real card. If the winner is really stubborn and poses a threat to them at sea, Qin fan doesn't mind waiting one more day. He will send Beilin, who is arriving now, to directly baptize the island and let the island sink into the sea with people.

At this time, many of the winning family members on the beach behind them also noticed the station ship sailing around the island. They looked at all this in horror. They saw that the terrible station ship was coming with a bomb, and Zhang Zihao's words, which made them sweat.

"A good meal is not afraid of being late. You just picked us up and floated on the sea for such a long time. I grew up so big that I almost vomited when I ate seafood for the first time." Qin Fan said with a smile.

Belline smile, "then get on the boat, this island from two days after all the cruise will be completely blocked, no one will leave, no one will come in again, this is to spend a lot of power, of course, all the costs, all by you to bear."

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