Looking for Qin fan?

Lin Xue was stunned. How could a loser like Qin fan know his friends in such a high-end place?

At this time, Huang Qianqian has promised: "here, please come in."

The door of the private room was pushed open from the outside and a middle-aged man in a suit came in.

"Excuse me for your precious time. Who is Qin fan?"


Qin fan was about to open his mouth, but Lin Xue was already in front of him and asked, "who are you?"

"Sorry, my name is Chen. I'm the manager of the Royal water society." Said the middle-aged man.

"So you are the manager here..."

Lin Xuedun raised his voice and said, "you're just in time. I just wanted to find you. How can you even steal in such a high-end place as Royal water? You don't even need the most basic quality of customers. How can you make us spend safely here? If you lose something, can you afford to pay for it?"


Manager Chen immediately became alert.

"Lady, you mean you found the thief here?"

Lin Xue complacently said: "yes, fortunately, I found out ahead of time. Otherwise, the Gucci bag I bought today will be lost long ago. You have to polish your eyes all the time. Anyone in a mess can enter at will. If it goes on like this, the reputation of the Royal Water Club will be finished sooner or later!"

As a high-end entertainment place, Royal water club is still in place to control the safety of guests.

After listening to Lin Xue's description, manager Chen immediately picked up the walkie talkie and said, "Captain Wang, you are bringing people to 555 private room now. There are customer complaints that need to be handled."

After that, he turned to Lin Xue and said, "I don't know if Ms. Fang is inconvenient to help us identify the identity of the thief. As compensation, all the consumption you and your friends spend in this club tonight will be free of charge, and we will give you a VIP card here for free, and enjoy a 20% discount for life. Are you satisfied?"

Lin Xue and Chen zikun's eyes suddenly brightened when they heard the word "free single".

The consumption of the Royal water society, even Chen zikun, is very difficult to bear.

Today, he managed to get 20000 yuan from his father, which is only enough for these people to eat on the third floor and then sit on the shuihui scattered seat for a while.

But if it's free of charge, he can definitely act like a bully in front of these friends.

As for whether he paid at the end, as long as he didn't say, no one would know.

Most importantly, there is also a VIP card of the Royal Water Club!

This is not something that ordinary people can get.

It is said that the boss of Royal Wynn is very young and has a strong background. Only when he becomes his friend can he get this VIP card. All these people are from the upper class of southern metropolis. They are rich or expensive!

If you can go out with this card, no matter what rich second generation he is, even Lin Hao has to kneel and lick in front of him?

Two people looked at each other, and then, Lin Xue pointed to Qin fan with a sneer: "you don't have to look outside. He is a thief. He used to steal things from the car shop when he was working. Now he comes here again. If you don't believe me, you can search him to make sure you can't find a cent. How can this kind of person spend money here, not a thief, what else can it be?"

"Sir, is this lady telling the truth?"

Manager Chen frowned and asked Qin fan.

After all, as the manager of the Royal water society, he can't just listen to one side of a woman's words in such matters. He needs to find out before he can make a decision.

However, the clothes of this guy are not like the customers here.

Even if he is not a thief, he can not continue to stay here, affecting the consumption level of the water society.

Qin fan's eyes were sharp: "I'm not."

"Oh, I dare not admit it." Lin Xue said sarcastically, "dare you say you are not a thief? So you didn't steal the thermos from poly? Believe it or not, I can call the car shop right now, directly tear you down and let you go to jail. I can't lift my head all my life! "


Qin fan looked at her in surprise. He didn't expect that Lin Xue could recognize the origin of the thermos cup.

However, at this moment, Qin fan began to regret giving the water cup to Lin Xue.

"Lin Xue, that's enough!"

Huang Qianqian couldn't help it any more and stood up directly.

"Lin Xue, you have insulted and provoked us repeatedly since we met. I don't know what offended you, but we can't live without bottom line and conscience. You say we are thieves, but you have to show evidence, otherwise we will call the police now and let the police prove our innocence!"

"Oh, did I tell you, Miss Huang? I can't see that you care about your white face, but what I said is true. Ask him, where did he come from? Do you dare him to answer you Lin Xue said coldly.

"I don't know what he did before, and it has nothing to do with me. It's just that why do you spit on people here and say that people are thieves? Did you see him steal things, or did he steal your things? If not, I'm sorry, you are slandering, slander is going to jailHuang Qianqian is not willing to be outdone.

She was very upset today and wanted to take Qin fan to drink here to relieve her worries. But she didn't expect to meet Lin Xue. Instead, her resentment didn't go away. On the contrary, it was even more blocking.

"You're so excited about this loser, aren't you? It's said that the fight last night was brought out of the detention house by your relatives. Huang Qianqian, you're so beautiful that you even gave a loser a tip. As a woman, you should be dead. " Lin Xue said sarcastically.

Seeing the two women quarreling more and more fiercely, manager Chen twisted his brows together and yelled: "enough, no one will talk. Wait for our security manager to come and find out the facts. I think who dares to make trouble in the Royal water club is impatient!"

Those who can be managers in such places are naturally not ordinary people.

After all, they were all students who had not graduated. When manager Chen yelled at them, they didn't dare to speak.

Only Huang Qianqian hesitated for a moment, biting her silver teeth and whispered, "it's OK. I don't believe in the place where there's no reason. I can't do it. I'll call my uncle again. Don't worry about Qin fan."

"When you die, you still pretend. Qin fan, I'll see how long you can rely on women. Garbage is garbage. It won't be promising all your life." Lin Xue said with a sneer.

She has a very clear mind. Even if she can't find out anything here, she just calls the manager of poly car shop in front of manager Chen to make sure that Qin fan stole the thermos cup. These two people will definitely be blown out by the water.

Thinking of the scene of NANDA Xiaohua and Qin fan being chased out by the security guard, Lin Xue can't help feeling a burst of dark cool in her heart.

"Wait a minute. What did you say was the name of this gentleman?"

Manager Chen frowned, feeling vaguely wrong.

"Qin fan, what else can I call him? Qin is Qin of the Qin Dynasty. Manager Chen, you should remember his name and appearance well, so that you won't be able to talk as well as me if you get lost next time." Lin Xue said triumphantly.

"Qin fan?"

The reason why Chen Deng came here is to find the manager!

"Are you Qin fan?" In order to confirm his identity, manager Chen had to ask again.

Qin fan nodded, "I am."

"What are you doing? I know you all have backgrounds behind you, but it's not difficult for us as ordinary students, is it

Huang Qianqian is also anxious.

She found that as long as she was with Qin fan, it would be no good.

Last night at KTV, if she didn't ask Qin fan those questions first, she wouldn't have called Long Fei to do that.

Today, too, if she had not brought Qin fan to the meeting, she would not have met Lin Xue, and the scene would not have been forced to this point.

Manager Chen smiles and explains: "beauty, you misunderstood me. I just want to confirm whether Mr. Qin fan appeared in poly yesterday afternoon and bought a Mercedes Benz?"

"Buy a car?"

Lin Xue couldn't straighten up with a smile.

"Is this loser still buying a car? Still running? Ha ha ha, you and I are too far away. He can't even afford to buy a Mercedes Benz logo. He still buys a Mercedes Benz. If he can afford to buy a Mercedes Benz, I'll eat it directly. "

Even Huang Qianqian couldn't help frowning, "you should be mistaken. It seems that he can't afford such an expensive car."

"It's me you're looking for."

Qin fan didn't admit buying a car, but asked manager Chen to confirm that he was the one he was looking for.

Manager Chen looked up and down at Qin fan with sharp eyes, then nodded: "yes, you are the one that Mr. Li said."

President Li?

Qin fan thought about it. He didn't seem to know such a person.

"Are you mistaken? I don't seem to know Mr. Li." Qin Fan said frankly.

Manager Chen laughed, "I don't know. It's Mr. Li who asked me to come here to see you. Then I have a gift to send to you in person."

With that, manager Chen took out a black titanium card from his arms, held a corner between his thumb and forefinger, and handed it to Qin fan respectfully.

"This is royal Wynn's lifetime VIP card. As long as you hold this card, you will enjoy a 30% discount for consumption downstairs or entertainment upstairs. It's always valid. Please accept it."

Qin fan took the card in doubt, and then asked, "where's Mr. Li? Didn't he come? "

"I'm sorry, Mr. Li has something to deal with at the moment, so he asked me to take good care of Mr. Qin. Just let me know if you need anything. It's my pleasure to serve you."

Manager Chen is so respectful that even his address has changed from Qin fan to Mr. Qin.

The scene changed several times at one time, which made Qin fan a little confused.

He thought about it and asked, "Mr. Li, did you also appear in poly yesterday afternoon?"Manager Chen said with a smile, "exactly."

Qin fan knows what's going on.

But at this time, I heard Lin Xue suddenly Scream: "impossible! There must be a mistake. How can a loser like Qin fan know the boss of Royal Wynn? You must be mistaken. Ask your boss to come and see if he is the one! "

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