
Payment successful!

When Zhou Lulu took the UnionPay bill and signed it, the fat woman and Zhang Ze behind her looked very often.

More than 1.4 million

Fat women think they can't afford it.

But all of a sudden such a large amount of money was spent on clothes, shoes and bags.

Fat women feel that even if she can do it, I'm afraid it will take a long time to think about it.

Even check the company's capital chain, whether there may be vacancies.

But this cheap nurse in front of me.

Without blinking an eye, she completed her difficult decision. The key is that the expression on her face still looks so relaxed, just like she spent 14 yuan on a pearl milk tea instead of 1.4 million yuan on the roadside.

"It's so possible, Zhou lulu. Your monthly salary is less than 10000 yuan. How can you take out so much money? Come on, come on, buy these things..."

Zhang Ze can't even say clearly. He remembers that Zhou Lulu told him before that he was just a nurse, and he didn't work in Nandu for several years. This is more than one million yuan. How did she get it out?

This is totally different from Zhou lulu in his impression!

"As you know, it's just salary. As the head nurse of our hospital, she gets more dividends at the end of every year. What's exciting about that?" Qin fan rolled his eyes and told the truth.

"Chief nurse?"

Zhang Ze and the fat woman looked at each other.

Zhang Ze may not know much about the position, but fat women do.

One of her major clients is the head nurse of a second-class hospital in Nandu.

It is said that the power is greater than that of some vice presidents.

Some powerful people want to go to the hospital to arrange doctors and operations, and some medical representatives want to go to the hospital to sell their products. Without the head nurse nodding, there is no door at all.

She was hospitalized because of cerebral infarction and gave the client a red envelope of 90000 yuan to find the best cardio cerebrovascular operation in their hospital.

And the total consumption of the head nurse in her shop is far more than one million!

However, the head nurse's age is over 50 years old, and she is almost retired. Does this little girl look too young?

"Ha ha, don't pretend. There's no such young head nurse in the world. I don't think it's you, a cheap nurse, who was also wrapped up by some man. Today, in order to be angry with me, he spent so much money all at once. I guess he has received the consumption SMS and is on his way now?"

The fat woman thought about it and said with a strange smile.

"Lao, wife, do you mean Zhou Lulu is also taken care of by a man?" Zhang Ze's complicated eyes flashed, and then he said.

"It's necessary. I've been in business for so many years. I still have some friends in Nandu, and I know many people in the hospital. I've never heard of such a young head nurse." Said the fat woman triumphantly.

"I said, I was so stingy when I paid for it. I didn't buy enough equipment to play games every month. Now how can I buy more than one million clothes and shoes at once? It turned out that after being taken care of by men, I went to take care of little white face. But you two men are lying back and forth. You're so busy. Thank you for putting them in front of me before It turns out that she's not a whore who's full of people. It's unexpected. "

When I learned from the fat woman that Zhou Lulu was also taken care of by others, I remembered that she didn't even let her mouth kiss her. I was jealous and had no cover for her words.

"Madam, here are all your items and light. Would you like to check them on the spot?"

At this time, the waitress came over at the right time, put her body between them and said to Zhou Lulu with a smile.

"No, I'll give you an address. You can arrange for the things to be delivered directly."

Zhou Lulu picked up the paper and pen on the counter, wrote down Qin fan's villa number in feicui Valley, and handed it to the waiter.

"OK, I'll send the goods to your house by car now..."

"No more." Qin fan waved his hand and interrupted the waiter, "my wife and some people are waiting below. They will come up soon."


A sudden sound of Zhou Lu's unsteady steps rang out in the corridor.

"Head nurse Zhou, the car is ready for you. Let's move the things. Go back and have a rest first."

Several burly muscular men were standing at the door, led by the driver who had just sent them to the shopping mall. After receiving the text message from Qin fan, Liu Tianming immediately called the people from the Security Department of the hospital to help him carry the goods.

"Well." After Zhou Lulu was surprised, she quickly regained her calm, nodded faintly, and said, "take the things to the car and send them to Villa 2 in feicui valley.""Yes

These people didn't ask a word. They stepped into the store and began to help Zhou Lulu carry the goods.

"Well, it's time for us to go, too."

Qin fan stood up from the sofa, his eyes light swept on the fat woman and Zhang Ze's embarrassed face.

After all, whether Zhou Lulu is the head nurse of a hospital or not.

Just because she didn't blink her eyes, she could brush out 1.4 million yuan to buy clothes. At the same time, the group of men who came to move things looked like soldiers. If they could afford to hire such people as attendants, their status would be extraordinary.

At least not like Zhang Ze said before, just a small nurse.

Zhang Ze looks at Zhou Lulu, his face is almost blue.

"Before you, why did you keep it from me?" Zhang Ze hesitated for a moment, but opened his mouth to ask the question.

"What are you hiding?" Zhou Lulu didn't understand and asked.

"You are very rich, but why do you call me a little every month and tell me that you are a little nurse and you don't have much money for a month's salary? Why do you cheat me just to test me?" Zhang Ze is not willing to say.

In terms of looks, Zhou Lulu dumped fat women for hundreds of streets.

On finance, Zhou Lulu is obviously not under her.

But for the sake of an ugly woman with fat all over her body, she threw away such a goddess. Zhang Ze's face was as blue and purple as that of a dyeing shop.

"No, I wanted to give you a surprise after you graduated, but you gave me a surprise first."

Zhou Lulu smile, this is charming cheek, it looks more beautiful.

"Let's go."

At this time, a hand suddenly stretched out to come over, a grasp of Zhou Lulu's side Yan.

Qin fan touched her cheek and said with a smile, "I'm going to see the car in the afternoon. I've made an appointment with someone. Don't let people wait too long."

"Well." Zhou Lulu nodded, and they left the shop.

Until he left the mall and sat in the car, Qin fan released the hand that held Zhou Lulu's cheek.

"Thank you, thank you."

Zhou Lulu's heart beat wildly and touched the wound on her left cheek with her hand.

If Qin fan had not been quick eyed and covered his left cheek with his hand just now, no matter what they had done before, they would have been ruined by this scar.

I don't know why. At this moment, instead of feeling that there was something wrong with this scar, Zhou Lulu was grateful for it.

If it wasn't for it, it wouldn't be what happened in the mall today.

Especially in the end, Qin fan took the initiative to hold her and cover up for himself.

"Why do you feel safe when you are a child who doesn't have the same hair..."

Zhou Lulu murmured, but suddenly raised her head and said to Qin fan in a hurry: "well, what, the money spent today, when my annual salary comes down, I will supply you all. Thank you, Qin fan!"

Qin fan looked at her, stunned.

But at this time, the mobile phone suddenly rang up.

Qin fan took out his mobile phone and took a look at it. His brows suddenly wrinkled together.

"What's the matter, Ma?" Qin fan took a deep breath and asked.

"Where are you, Fanfan? Come home and have a look. Your cousin and your uncle have taken your father to the hospital now. They have to pay for their medicine."

On the other end of the phone, Liu Guifeng was crying.

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