As soon as Liu Yong got off the bus, Qin fan recognized him.

That afternoon, when he went to Gele KTV, Liu Yong stood with Jiang He and sun Jiuli.

It was Liu Yong who arranged for the person to trade with Long Fei, and then made a false impression of "black eating black" and handed over the evidence to the police.

It can be said that Liu Yong is the only successor who has been trained by Jianghe after washing his hands.

So after seeing Qin fan, Liu Yong did not dare to neglect and bowed respectfully.

"Is this bar yours?" Qin fan asked with a smile.

"Yes, I'm usually idle and bored, which makes Qin Shao Shao laugh." Liu Yong bowed to answer the question.

"It's OK. The bar is very good, but now it has been smashed. When they are finished, you can check the loss and ask for money from manager Jiang." Qin Fan said.


In the shocked eyes of Shi Yingdong and a group of bar thugs, the current underground king of Nandu, the bar owner of live house, is like a primary school student who made a mistake. Frightened by Qin fan's words, he trembles all over and falls on his knees in front of him.

"What are you doing?" Qin fan frowned and asked.

"To make Qin Shao angry, this bar should have been smashed, but Qin Shao asked me to calculate the loss and ask you for money to prove that your anger didn't go away. That's not enough. Since smashing the bar makes you feel that you can't go away with it, I'd like to smash everyone together."

Liu Yong said all this on his knees.

The people behind him turned white after hearing this.

Especially Shi Yingdong.

His eyes flickered between Chen Zhiguang, Qin fan and Wen Renmu Xue.

Qin fan thought that he was just the second generation of the little rich who loved to show face, until he met Wenren muxue;

he thought Wenren muxue was the daughter of a big man who couldn't cause trouble, and knew that he met Chen Zhiguang;

he thought that Chen Zhiguang was a real super rich second generation, and only when Liu Yong appeared, he could step on all these people, It turns out that everything is back to the starting point.

Among the three people in front of him, the one who was the most humble and despised at the beginning was the one who was really hidden.

"What are you going to do with them?" Heard Mu Xue blink his eyes, the tone was full of curiosity.

"Pick a hamstring and break each leg."

Liu Yong doesn't know her, but he can see that this pretty girl has a good relationship with Qin fan.

"So cruel..." Hearing that, Mu Xue frowned, "you can't just kowtow a few heads like what you said before. It's good to apologize and admit your mistake."

Qin fan can't help but turn to see Wen Ren Mu Xue.

She is a beautiful girl.

They are also the children of senior cadres, with first-class education, and they work in a serious unit. How can they say something from their mouth? It sounds so strange.

Qin fan suddenly finds that she can't see and hear Mu Xue clearly. Her character is too multifaceted.

Half angel, half devil, how can she do it?

Thinking about it, Shi Yingdong was the first to react. He climbed up to Qin fan on the ground and raised his head with a red face. While admitting his mistake, he knocked his head to the ground desperately.

He did not know the origin of the so-called Qin Shao.

At least in Nandu, he had never heard of a wealthy family surnamed Qin.

Maybe it's the new ones from other places. As long as they can save one life, the others don't matter.

See Shi Yingdong kneeling in front of Qin fan, kowtow, other thugs have also reacted, Qi Qi kneeling behind Shi Yingdong, while apologizing, while kowtow.

Dozens of people knelt on the ground at the same time and kowtowed to one person.

The scene is so spectacular.

Fortunately, it's late at night and it's hard to see anyone on the road.

The place was next to the gate again, so it didn't cause too much sensation and was surrounded by passers-by.

However, Qin fan looked at these people in front of him, and then found that Lin Hao didn't know when to sneak away, and was not among them.

In the process of kowtowing one after another, the second generation of rich people who went into the bar and smashed up came out with satisfaction.

But seeing Liu Yong and the landmark Range Rover with the license plate number on the side of the road, some timid people still stood at the door and did not dare to go out again.

After all, Liu Yong's reputation can not be measured only by more money and less money.

"Get up first." Qin Fan said.

"Yes." Liu Yong stood up slowly and stood respectfully in front of Qin fan.

"How much did your bar cost then?" Qin fan asked.

"Well It cost less than seven million. " Liu Yong said truthfully.

"Is it so cheap?" Qin fan looked around. The location of the live house bar can be regarded as the golden zone of Nandu.With the bar as the center, there are all commercial streets, office buildings and high-end apartments within 100 meters. Almost all the best white-collar workers in Nandu are concentrated here. I'm afraid that the transfer fee of the storefront in this area alone will be a sky high price.

"Ha ha, don't laugh, young master. If he sold the store according to the market price, I'm afraid he would have to increase it by more than three times. I really used some small means to get it at such a low price at that time..."

In front of Qin fan, Liu Yong did not dare to hide anything.

"So." Qin fan nodded and gave up the idea of taking the bar for the time being.

He doesn't want to touch the things related to the underworld for the time being. With his wealth, it's unnecessary.

"Well, since you're OK, I can go home and have a rest. I've been struggling all day, and I can't open my eyes."

Qin fan looked at the time, and it was already more than twelve in the evening, so he wanted to go back to sleep.

However, before he left, he looked at Mu Xue and said, "you were so anxious to send me a message. Why did you let me come here to find you?"

"Pay for it." Hear the person Mu snow to say.

"Pay?" Qin fan's eyes widened. "You come here to play, don't you have any money with you?"

"I have it!" Hearing that Mu Xue blushed, she turned her head and said, "I didn't bring enough money. I know that the things in it are so expensive. If you come earlier, I have no choice but to find them and let them cushion me."

Wen Renmu Xue refers to the two guards around her. She usually has to take the guards designated by Wen renting to go out at night. However, seeing Wen Renmu Xue's flashing eyes, Qin fan doesn't have to guess. She must have thrown away the wine from the guards on purpose. When she checked out, she found that she didn't have enough money and had the cheek to go to them.

"How did you get here?" Qin fan asked.

Hearing Mu Xue's finger, the old Passat, who had already driven to the side of the road, said, "my car has arrived. My father is in a hurry now, so I'll go back first and invite him to dinner another day."

Qin fan nodded, but she patted her forehead again and said, "I forgot. I can't invite you to dinner. I'll see you in a few days. Goodbye!"

After hearing that Mu Xue had left, Qin fan didn't want to stay here. He waved to Liu Yong and asked him to go to the group to find Jiang Yanzi tomorrow. He felt that he had to make up for the loss in the bar today. After all, it had nothing to do with Liu Yong. Liu Yong was very respectful to his attitude.

Liu Yong did not refuse, but he did not agree.

After this, Qin fan wants to rub Chen Zhiguang's car back to feicui Valley to sleep.

However, when he went to the silver Lamborghini Batman co driver's seat and saw the long legged beauty in the sexy suspender, protruding forward and backward, he immediately felt embarrassed and waved his hand to let them go.

Then Qin fan walked across the road, bought a pack of cigarettes in a convenience store, lit one in his mouth, and waited for a taxi while smoking.

"What a pain..."

Qin fan looks at the door of the opposite bar. Liu Yongzheng carries Shi Yingdong's thugs in one by one. He can't help sighing and tossing all night. As a result, he doesn't even have anyone to send him home. It's really painful.

However, just looking at it, I saw a girl in a red skirt coming out of the bar door.

Long hair shawl, a pair of thighs is particularly slender, should be the guests in the bar, drink too much, stumbling out of a person.

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