"It doesn't seem to blame me."

Qin Fan said seriously.

Going to the toilet is just a small episode. It's clear that Chen Sixuan mistakenly remembers the time and has to mend her make-up on the way. Now she's stuck in the middle of the road and has to go there. It's really not her responsibility.

"I'm not blaming you, I'm blaming myself!"

Even when her mother's birthday was wrong, Chen Sixuan almost hated herself.

Two people lost their car and walked down the street.

Fortunately, these people who were stopped outside the building didn't know the iceberg beauty who was in a hurry. She was the iceberg goddess, Chen Sixuan, who was famous in Nandu and one of Chen's sisters.

Otherwise, even if they choose to walk, the crazy flow of people will not let them get stuck in the car.

"It's boring."

Facing passers-by constantly raising their mobile phones to take photos of themselves, Chen Sixuan just frowned and did not stop on her way.

But when she got to the door of the building, she couldn't help stopping.

There are too many people.

Those top luxury cars and the so-called high-class boys have not left because of traffic problems.

They got together, chatting and chatting, but Chen Sixuan had no doubt that once one of these people found herself, there would be chaos on the scene, and it would be difficult for her to enter the hotel in a short time.

"Back door!"

Chen Sixuan stops for a moment, grabs Qin fan's hand, goes around the front door and trots back.

On the way, her cell phone rang untimely.

"Hey, Dad, I'm stuck outside, but I've already reached the door. I can go up immediately." Chen Sixuan said in a hurry when he got through the phone.

Chen Tianyang attaches great importance to family style.

As a child, they didn't have too high requirements for their sisters in learning, but in traditional education, they were no less than the ancient feudal families.

Eat, dress, walk, talk

In particular, this kind of family or family gatherings can't be worse, not to mention the important occasions like mother's 50th birthday. She can guess what kind of rampage Chen Tianyang is in.

"Is Qin fan with you?" Chen Tianyang asked.

"Well, yes." Chen said.

"Well, slow down. Don't worry. We'll wait for you."


The phone was hung up.

Chen Sixuan was stunned.

Looking at the end of the call displayed on the mobile phone, Chen Sixuan slowly stops, and doesn't understand the meaning of dad's last words for a moment.

Are you really waiting for me?

She glanced at Qin fan, who also didn't understand what happened.

Shaking his head, he took his hand and went on.

At this time, only some clans of Chen family and Han family were in the banquet hall.

The Chen family is not like the Shen family. The Shen family grew up with Shen Jianping's hands. After that, some other Shen family became rich. Later, they became prosperous.

The Chen family is different.

Chen Tianyang is the son-in-law of the family.

Han Yuezhen, Chen Tianyang's wife, is a local local tyrant in Nandu.

As early as before the founding of the people's Republic of China, more than half of the land in Nandu was owned by the Han family, which monopolized all the most profitable industries at that time. Even among the government officials of the Republic of China, there were Han people.

However, because of some historical problems, the Han family gradually became lonely after the founding of the people's Republic of China, and began to fade out of people's sight with the passage of time.

But after all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

Without the full support of the Han family, Chen Tianyang, an outsider, could not have risen rapidly in such an exclusive place as Nandu, and became the richest man in Nandu with tens of billions of assets at one stroke.

So up to now, Chen Tianyang is the richest man in the capital of South China, although he is very noble in front of outsiders. However, the Han family still treat him like a son-in-law, and many people don't pay attention to him.

"Tianyang, how come only one of your two daughters came to my sister's birthday today? Why hasn't Sixuan arrived yet?"

Chen Tianyang just hung up his daughter's phone. Han GUI, Han Yuezhen's elder brother and Chen Tianyang's elder brother-in-law, holding a goblet, leaned over and asked.

"Well, I just called her. I'm already upstairs. I'll be there in a minute." Chen Tianyang said with a smile.

"But I just heard from you on the phone that we should wait for her. If she doesn't arrive, are you going to wait by yourself, or do you want us old guys to wait with you?"

Han GUI has always been dissatisfied with Chen Tianyang's marriage to the Han family. At that time, he fawned on the Jiang family in the capital. He had already made a private agreement with Jiang Shao to betroth his most beautiful sister Han Yuezhen to him. As a result, Chen Tianyang broke in and failed to marry him. On the contrary, Jiang Shao said that he had lost such a big backing in vain.Chen Tianyang looked at the time, said with a smile: "there is still half an hour before the dinner starts. They should have been in the elevator. There is plenty of time. There will not be the situation that big brother just said."

"So you mean I'm talking nonsense?" Han GUI frowned, "Tianyang, do you think it's very easy for you to come here? Or, when you become the richest man in Nandu, you don't pay attention to our Han family? In other words, our Han family is now restricting you, the richest man in the capital of South China. We feel that we are in the way. Do you want to draw a clear line with us? If you have this idea, you can say it directly. We are all relatives and everything is easy to discuss. "

Chen Tianyang looks at Han GUI puzzledly, "I don't seem to have said that?"

"Just because you didn't say it doesn't mean you didn't think about it." Han GUI said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Chen Tianyang asked in a low voice.

"It doesn't mean much. I just want to remind you that Chen Sixuan is old and big. You can think about what I told you last time. After so many years, don't let me down again."

Han GUI pats Chen Tianyang on the shoulder and turns away with a smile.


Looking at Han GUI's back, Chen Tianyang's goblet breaks and falls to the ground.

"Husband, what's the matter with you?"

Han Yuezhen, who is talking about the past with her sisters, hears the sound and runs over in a hurry.

"Why are you so careless? After a while, I'll go to the nurse and stop bleeding

Looking at the wound bleeding on Chen Tianyang's hand, Han Yuezhen's eyes are full of heartache.

"It's OK. Just a little bit. Just wipe it."

Chen Tianyang shakes his hand and invites the waiter to clean up the mess. He turns and leaves in silence.

Hundred flowers revolving restaurant, with almost 360 degrees of French windows without dead angle.

Here, you can overlook the nightscape of any corner of Nandu.

The lights are bright and neon is flashing.

"Is my elder brother looking for you again?" Standing beside Chen Tianyang, Han Yue looked at the night scene outside the window with her eyes twinkling, and said in a melancholy tone.

"Well, it's still about the river." Chen Tianyang said.

"I knew that if I didn't marry Chen Sixuan to Jiangliu, my elder brother would not give up." Han Yuezhen sighed. Then, she looked at her man and asked, "do you know who the father of Jiangliu is?"


"Jianglong." Han Yuezhen said.

"Sure enough." Chen Tianyang sneered, "when your elder brother wanted to betroth you to Jiang long, as the elder brother-in-law of the Jiang family, he soared up and won the favor of the old man. But he didn't expect that you would marry me, a poor boy with no good at all. What's more, I didn't expect that I would accumulate such a huge wealth in a short period of more than ten years. ”

"but he shouldn't be bothering our daughter!"

Chen Tianyang said, suddenly the tone of a cold, the whole person from the inside to the outside are emitting a fierce murderous.

"Li Peizi and Chen Sixuan are my flesh and blood. Over the years, I have tried my best to make money and constantly improve our family's status in Nandu, just to give them a life that they can do as they please and live according to their own ideas. However, he can't cheat you. Now he dares to put his hand on my two daughters. Even if Chen Tianyang has lost his family, he will lose his fortune Play with him to the end, and you won't let go until you lose both of them! "

"So now you put all your hopes on the boy who might be a relative of the Shen family, right?" Han Yue's eyes twinkled and asked softly.

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