At the moment when the call was cut off, Wu Xiongfei's number followed closely.

"Qin Shao, I'm Wu Xiongfei."

"Well, go ahead." Qin fan sighed softly and said in a low voice.

"From 11 o'clock last night to now, Xia Meng has completed five times of autonomous awakening, three of which are short-term reactive awakening, only once at 4 o'clock in the morning. This time, she is completely autonomous awakening, has independent consciousness, and can have a simple conversation."

"Well, then?"

"The medical staff of the research institute said that this is a good sign. At least, Xia Meng's current injury has been further controlled, but it does not mean that her old injury will recur, so further observation is needed. But for her previous state of intracranial hemorrhage and coma, this is great news." Wu Xiongfei said sincerely.

Qin fan's heart was finally slightly relaxed.

"And so far, the situation of cell tissue cultivation is also very optimistic. With Xia Meng's own efforts, I believe she will get better soon. Please don't worry too much about Qin Shao." Wu added.

"Well, how did she call me from the ward? Can I still make a phone call? " Qin fan didn't understand.

To tell you the truth, just saw the call reminder, showing the number of summer dream, Qin fan's heart almost jumped out of his throat.

As for the situation of Xia Meng, he still stops at the worst state that Wu Xiongfei said just now.

All of a sudden, when he called, he still called Xia Meng himself, which really made Qin fan think the worst. Fortunately, everything was just a false alarm, and good luck always arrived earlier than nightmare.

"Well, this is a communication device in the sterile ward of the research base. There is a holographic monitoring room here, which can see and receive any sound and thermal fluctuation in the ward at any time. We call you in this holographic monitoring room. Xia Meng just needs to whisper on the bed, and you can hear everything." Wu explained.

So advanced

Qin fan nodded and asked, "when can I go to see her?"

"Well I'm afraid that after the completion of cell tissue culture and implantation, after a period of observation, it is determined that she does not need to continue to be cared for in the totally sterile ward, and you can come here to see her. " Wu Xiongfei said.

"Well, thank you."

Qin fan finish, will hang up the phone.

"Wait a minute, Qin Shao!"

At the other end of the phone, Wu Xiongfei's urgent voice rang out.

"What's the matter?"

"Well, I didn't want to ask some questions, but this matter concerns your reputation, young master. I'd like to consult you. You went to Baihua revolving restaurant last night, didn't you?" Wu Xiongfei hesitated and his voice was timid.

"Hundred flowers revolving restaurant?" Qin fan frowned, "I didn't go. What's the matter?"

"Oh, I wish I didn't go. I just heard a few friends say that yesterday, Chen Shoufu congratulated his wife at Baihua revolving restaurant. It seems that he mentioned your name. I just want to ask you. If you didn't go, there would be nothing wrong."

Wu Xiongfei's tone of voice was obviously relieved. He also felt that with Qin fan's character, he shouldn't get involved in the feuds of these big families so soon. Although the Shen family is not afraid of them, after all, one thing is better than one thing. Wu Xiongfei is also thinking about Qin fan.

"Well, I didn't go to the revolving restaurant. If it's OK, I'll hang up first. I have to go out." Qin Fan said.

"OK, I'm sorry."

Hang up, Qin fan sat on the bed thinking for a while.

He doesn't have to worry about Xia Meng for the time being. After all, everything is developing for the better. It's just that Wu Xiongfei's words clearly have something to do with whether he goes to Baihua revolving restaurant or not. How does he know where he may go?

It's not that he can't feel it. Chen Tianyang must have guessed the possible relationship between himself and the Shen family, and then he tried his best to marry him. He even didn't hesitate to offer his baby daughter, but also wanted to get involved with himself or the Shen family behind him.

After all, Chen Tianyang, the richest man, is nothing but a local snake in front of the Shen family.

This is why he has been reluctant to reveal his identity.

I'm afraid I'll encounter such a mess.

But I didn't expect that Chen Tianyang caught hold of it. If he didn't attend his birthday party, he could say that he was at the scene of the birthday party. Moreover, since even Wu Xiongfei, who was far away in Tokyo, knew about it, Qin fan could be sure that Shen Jianping had heard about it.


Qin fan sighed and tried not to let himself think about it.

After sitting on the bed for a while, he got up and went out to the villa.

The bay where the villa is located is a private area closed to the outside world.

Golden beach, surrounded by the sea on three sides.

Standing here, you can see the whole process of the sunset falling into the sea level.That red sunset swept the sea and the beach, accompanied by the setting sun into the sea, rendering the beauty of the sea and the sky in front of you. Even if you are in a bad mood and stand at the door for a moment, you will disappear with the setting sun and sink into the sea.

When Qin fan walked barefoot to the beach, there was a huge bonfire in the middle of the beach.

Jiang Yanzi and Liu Yingying sat around the campfire, drinking beer and watching "Hainan Gypsies" singing and dancing in their straw skirts.

"Where did you rent such a good place? The people who can take care of this bay should not be short of your rent?"

Qin fan sat opposite them with a smile, opened a can of beer and drank it hard.

"This is Jiang's private resort in Hainan. Jiang Yanzi is Jiang's family. Of course, you don't have to rent it." Liu Yingying said with a smile.

"The Jiang family?" Qin fan was stunned.

"Yes, the Jiangs in the capital, haven't you heard of them?"

Liu Yingying is a good drinker. Before Jiang Yanzi finished a can of beer, there were four or five empty cans beside her.

Qin fan shakes his head. He knows little about the family affairs and is unwilling to inquire about them.

However, he thought of the light and shadow words that appeared on the Baihua building last night, and couldn't help asking: "Jiangliu, is Jiang's family?"


Yan Yimei's beer on the beach.


Looking at Jiang Yanzi's surprised eyes, Qin fan was stunned for a moment.

"Well, he's my brother."

After a moment's silence, Jiang Yanzi said.

"All right." Qin fan shook his head. It seems that those who are worthy of Chen Shoufu's daughter are not from ordinary families.

Then there was silence by the campfire.

Each of the three had his own thoughts. He looked at the fire, the sea and the people.

In the end, Jiang Yanzi was the first to break the peace. Meimou looked at the rising bonfire and said faintly, "Chen Tianyang has been looking for you recently?"

Qin fan Leng for a moment, nodded: "well, yesterday he invited me to his wife's birthday party, but I didn't go."

"Well, you're right. Anyone can go to this birthday party, but you can't be there." Jiang Yanzi said.

"Why?" Qin fan frowned. Although he was not interested in the Chen family, his departure yesterday was just a flash, but listening to Jiang Yanzi's tone, he seemed to have escaped a disaster.

"Because once you really show up at the birthday party, you are bound to involve the Shen family in the struggle among the Chen, Li and Jiang families. Although you are not afraid of the strength of the Shen family, you will lose eight hundred by killing one thousand enemies. Can you understand what I mean?"

Jiang Yanzi looks at Qin fan with burning eyes. This is the first time that she talks with Qin fan in such a serious tone.

"Does the Chen family have a grudge against so many families?" Qin fan asked.

"Family feuds and old grudges can't be explained clearly in one or two words, especially some big families rooted in a certain region, with thick branches and luxuriant leaves. Chen Tianyang only relied on the support of the Li family in those days, and now it's time for him to pay his debts. He wanted to use the Shen family to escape the disaster, but things would not be as good as he thought Simply, the Li family has been planning for a long time to make a comeback. It's impossible to stop just because of a woman. "

Speaking of this, Jiang Yan Zimei looked at Qin fan and said seriously, "Qin fan, you should remember that you can touch all the women in this world, even me, but don't provoke the two sisters of the Chen family. Otherwise, once the Shen family is involved in this war, you, including us, won't have an easy life in the future. Do you understand?"

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