"Jiang Yanzi?" Chen Zhiguang smiles, "she certainly can't be."


"Because I heard that your mother left everything tomorrow night to her. She won't show up until the party is over. You should die." Chen Zhiguang said with a smile.

Jiang Yanzi?

Qin fan nodded, "well, I know."

"But to tell you the truth, I really envy you..." Chen Zhiguang is slightly drunk at the moment. He puts his hand on Qin fan's shoulder and says with emotion.

"What do you admire me for?"

"Jiang Yanzi, do you know how many people in Shen's group are chasing her? Even your single uncles are no exception. They have been chasing Jiang Yanzi fiercely for so many years. Although Jiang Yanzi hasn't expressed her attitude once, people with clear eyes can see that it's your father who has been blocking them. At the beginning, we still don't understand. You say your father's age, plus your mother, he shouldn't think too much about Jiang Yanzi. At most, he loves money and doesn't want her to be killed Some old men have ruined it. But now, your father is cultivating a daughter-in-law for you in advance. As soon as you come back, you will become your personal assistant immediately. I really envy you. "

Looking at Yan Zhiguang, he asked, "can't help pursuing the wine?"

Chen Zhiguang was stunned. Then he saw Qin fan waving his hand. He didn't seem to want to talk about this topic.

I had another chat.

Qin fan excuse to get up early tomorrow back to fairy slope, first step away.

Zhou Jieya was going to go with her.

She still refuses to believe it. With her figure, beauty and the identity of a star artist, this young master Qin can't be indifferent to her at all.

It may be due to the identity and occasion, not good performance.

But in private, as long as give her full play to the space, she has confidence, even a man who does not lift, can also revive in her pomegranate skirt.

Looking at behind stepping on high-heeled shoes, Zhou Jieya came out in a hurry.

Qin fan frowned and asked, "is there anything else?"

"I'm worried that it's too late for you to go back alone. I just drove the car. Would you like me to take you back?"

Zhou Jieya took out a key to a Porsche from Hermes's bag and smoothed her hair down her cheek to make her look sexy and charming.

"No, there are a lot of cars. You'd better go back to rest early and get ready for work tomorrow."

Qin fan glanced at her and turned to take a taxi waiting by the side of the road.


Looking at the tail light of the taxi, Zhou Jieya pursed her red lips, looked down at it reluctantly, and then walked away on her high heels.

In Midsummer in Nandu, the night is as cool as water.

Qin fan, sitting in a taxi, takes out his mobile phone and sends a wechat to Wu Xiongfei asking about Xia Meng's current situation.

Soon, I got a reply from Wu Xiongfei.

"Everything is fine. Cell transplantation will be carried out seven days later. We are waiting for good news."

Has it been so long?

Qin fan looked at the night scene outside the window and sighed silently.

Summer dream to Tokyo Research Institute treatment has been nearly a month.

If he had not known that cell transplantation was imminent, he would not have realized that time had passed so quickly.

"If only earlier..."

Qin fan flipped through the photos in Xia Meng's circle of friends.

It's nearly three months since the last update.

If the time is earlier, he will be able to take Xia Meng to the family party tomorrow night.

No matter who the people present are or who they are.

He believes that summer dream will become the brightest star in the audience, dazzling and accompanying you.

That night, the villa was dark.

Qin fan estimated that she was preparing for the party tomorrow night in xiannvpo, so she went home and went to bed early.

Zhou Lulu didn't return that night.

She will lead the team to xiannvpo tomorrow to be responsible for the medical preparation of the dinner.

Send a good night voice message to Qin fan and he is busy.

However, Hu Mei actually sent many messages to Qin fan, and then even three places.

It's just asking him if he's asleep, what's good to eat at night, if he's free to have dinner tomorrow, and buying a new skirt for Qin fan's reference.

Qin fan didn't reply. Instead, he turned off his cell phone and went to bed.

Early the next morning, the car sent by Shen Jianping stopped at the door of the villa.

Because Qin fan had to tell him something in advance, Qin fan didn't even have breakfast after he got up, so he followed the car to xiannvpo.

At the same time.

Superstar media building.

A small white Polo drives into the parking lot.

The driver's cab and co driver's doors open at the same time.

A beautiful white leg with knee socks and a silver high-heeled shoe stepped out at the same time and stepped on the ground.

High heels above, is an attractive long leg.Then, a large and a small, two different styles of beauty stepped out of the car.

"Elder sister, you can rest assured that if Zhou Jieya dares to make trouble again this time, I will definitely call Qin fan. I don't believe it. No one can cure her for such a big media company!"

As soon as she got out of the car, Huang Qianqian crossed her waist and looked at the building in front of her.

Yesterday, Zhou Jieya threw them out of the studio even with their clothes. Huang Qianqian was frightened by Zhou Jieya's momentum at that time. When was she so close to see a big star angry.

And it's still you who get angry.

At that time, she was a little confused. Later, she received the notice from the group staff and went home with Huang Huanxi.

But when I got home, the more I thought about it, the more angry I was.

It was Qin fan who found it for his sister.

Why give her a shameless person for nothing.

But helpless, Huang Huanxi temperament weak, has been pulling her not to let her go to Qin fan theory.

Fortunately, there is still a chance to make up today.

Therefore, she specially asked for leave for the construction site. In any case, she had to protect her cousin and let her shoot the advertisement again, so that she would not be bullied by Zhou Jieya.

Huang Huanxi looked down at his sister, shook his head and said: "in fact, this kind of thing is very common in the entertainment industry. It is a very primitive state of existence. Before you have no upper position and get a lot of resources, everyone can bully you, step on you, or humiliate you by all means. Over the years, I have been used to it And do you know how precious the opportunity Qin fan gave me? If I can't overcome this difficulty, I won't have to continue to work in this industry, and I have no face to face him again. "


Huang Qianqian's good-looking eyebrows wrinkled. Before she could react, her little hand had been held by her sister. She moved her sexy long legs and walked towards the media building.

Register, swipe card.

Two people take the elevator directly to the 35th floor and walk to the gate of No. 3 studio.

At this time, the prompt light outside the studio shows the idle state.

Huang Qianqian pinched her sister's hand, hesitated and said, "I'd like to help you go in first. In case Zhou Jieya is inside, I'll call Secretary su. She said yesterday that she will take care of everything for you."

When they left yesterday, it was su Xue who arranged the car in person. She also told Huang Huanxi to make up for the unfinished silk stocking advertisement today.

And promised that today's shooting will go smoothly without any interference from anyone.

She also left her own phone number for two people. In case of any situation, she would arrive at the first time to avoid yesterday's incident happening again.

"No, just go in. I'm sure Secretary Su won't cheat us."

With that, Huang Qianqian pushed open the door of the studio and stepped in.

In the studio.

The lights are on.

All the props, equipment and staff were in place early.

Director, makeup artist, lighting, photographer

Qi Qi stood in his own post, straightened his waist at the moment when the door was pushed open, and looked at the door.


Huang Huanxi sisters stood at the door, looking at the front of the formation, a little stunned.

But at the moment, I saw a beautiful shadow coming out from behind the light board, and then trotted all the way to stand in front of two people.

"Hello, sister Huang. I'm your future personal assistant, Zhou Jieya. Please take care of me."

Zhou Jieya, dressed in a white uniform, short skirt and high-heeled shoes, stood in front of them and bowed respectfully.


Zhou Jieya?

Huang Huanxi and his sister looked at each other, and they both saw their doubts from each other's eyes.

"Sister Huang, do you need make-up and change clothes now? I've already selected the silk stockings for you, as well as the essential oil and smoothing agent. Now if it's convenient for you, I can serve you at any time. "

See two people don't speak, Zhou Jieya will body buried lower, tone is more respectful.

"You mean you are my sister's personal assistant now, and you will be in charge of her daily work in the future?"

Huang Qianqian, who reacts, looks at Zhou Jieya in a daze and asks.



Huang Qianqian took a breath of cold air.

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