"Good sister."

Seeing Chen Qiumo, Qin fan is naturally very happy.

And Chen Qiumo seems to have just come back from an award ceremony.

Qin fan also saw the push message a few days ago.

Best actress of the year.

New director of the year.

He won many awards.

Qin fan has always said that he wants to go to the cinema. As a result, something is always delayed. Until now, when he sees Chen Qiumo in front of him, he thinks about it again.

"I haven't seen you for a while. I feel that you are a little more handsome than before. If you go on like this, I'm afraid it's not easy to find a girlfriend in the future."

Chen Menglian sat down and said.

After chatting for a while, Chen Qiumo stood up and took Qin fan upstairs to choose the clothes.

"I heard that Zhou Jieya of superstar media was snowed. Did you do it?"

Chen qiufan said with a smile as he went up the stairs.

"Er..." Qin fan looked at her in surprise, and then saw Chen Qiumo and said with a smile, "OK, what a big thing. It's just a flow artist. If you don't like to block her, I'll ask. Don't be so nervous."

"However, superstar media focuses on artists. If your friend wants to have a long-term development, ask her to call me, I can help her."

Qin fan did not expect that he was just an unintentional move, even Chen Qiumo, a top star, could be shocked.

He has no doubt about the authenticity of Chen Qiumo's words.

However, Qin fan thought about it and said with a smile, "let's talk about it later. I'm not in a hurry. I'll pick out the clothes first."

They went upstairs.

Chen Qiumo first helped Qin fan to choose a black Stevie nietzee tie, which was paired with a blue Hermes shirt and black berluti shoes. Finally, he put a Patek Philippe star watch on his wrist

Qin fan made a rough estimate.

The price of this dress alone is about 4 million yuan.

Looking in the mirror, I can't help feeling with emotion.

People rely on clothes, horses rely on saddles, dogs run happily with bells

After they went downstairs, Chen Menglian took Chen Qiumo by the hand and asked her to match her clothes.

Shen Jianping is still in the study dealing with group business.

Qin fan raised his hand and looked at the time. He thought it was almost time, so he went out to call a sightseeing bus and took himself to the gate of xiannvpo.

At this time, the entrance of xiannupo Geopark is full of all kinds of top luxury cars.

Although the Shen family has always kept a low profile and its existence is rarely known to ordinary people, it doesn't mean that the top families in Nandu, such as Lin, Li and Chen zhiliu, don't know the existence of this giant.

Medical treatment, real estate, education, film and television, sports, culture and Tourism

This business empire covers almost all the profitable industries. In terms of assets, dominating China, and contacts, many of the Chen family's immediate relatives are in charge of the major ministries and commissions in the capital. In terms of prospects, the Shen family's pillar industries alone can make it stand like a towering tree for hundreds of years in the future.

No one doubts what kind of opportunities it will bring to itself, the group, including the whole family, once it is favored by any member of the Shen family.

Moreover, if the birthday party held by Chen Tianyang for his wife in Baihua revolving restaurant some time ago has already attracted the attention of various family groups, today, in this little-known National Geopark, Chen Tianyang and all his people are just waiting here to be called by the Shen family.

Every group and family has sent out the most important people.

Even the old man of the Li family, who is over eighty years old, is waiting respectfully with the help of his younger generation, and does not dare to neglect him.

Qin fan looked at the door of a crowd with headphones, security to maintain order, and one by one standing next to the luxury car, suits straight, bearing extraordinary all the big men, can not help but stop, took out the phone, played a number.

"Qin Shao, I'm already at the gate."

When the phone was answered, Su Xue's voice came out of the receiver.

At this moment, it's hard for Su Xue to describe her inner feelings.

Looking around, everyone is a big man, the leader of the group, the controller of the family

As a little secretary of the president beside Li Qingcheng, she was honored to be present. On such an occasion, she felt that her heart was almost jumping out of her chest, her nose was sweating slightly, and her voice was trembling.

"Well, where are you? I'll have someone pick you up."

Qin fan saw several familiar faces in the crowd outside.

After thinking about it, I still didn't go out in person to avoid causing any unnecessary trouble.

After all, after going through some things, he knows exactly what these people are here for today.One more thing is better than one less. He is too lazy to take the initiative to cause trouble.

"Well, I'm wearing a black uniform skirt, next to a Mercedes Benz Maybach S500 by the side of the road, with silver high heels. You can see me when you go out." Su Xue said excitedly.

Qin fan hangs up the phone and reaches for a security guard. According to Su Xue, let him go out to find someone.

Soon, in the eyes of a group of big men, two security guards pushed the door open and came out. They went straight to a woman who looked very strange by the side of the road. They respectfully extended their hand and led her into the door.


Only one minute, the door was still quiet, and the noise broke out in an instant.

"Damn it, isn't it? Can this kind of goods go straight to the park? Is that bullshit? " A handsome young man in a Hermes brand-name suit was unwilling to scold him.

"That's right. It's still Maybach. It can't be the Shen family's staff. How can such civilians be the guests invited to the banquet tonight?" Around him is a coquettish evening dress woman.

Kemebach S500 or civilian?

If ordinary people hear this, they will certainly scold this woman for her ignorance. The S500, however, takes more than two million to land. Many people may not be able to afford four wheels in their lifetime, but this woman's mouth is still a civilian. If the words are spread to the Internet, they will inevitably cause an uproar and be denounced by all Internet users.

However, after seeing the extended version of Rolls Royce phantom behind her, everything can be explained.

When he heard this, he suddenly realized and nodded, "yes, after all, he works for the Shen family. It's normal for him to drive the S500. Damn, I already knew that I would arrange someone to enter the Shen family's company in advance, and then I would let her take us in directly. What's more, it would take me so much time to wait?"

"Nonsense, can the Shen family get together just as an ordinary employee goes in and out? This woman's temperament and standing posture are from the Secretary's family. She should be from the Shen family's Secretariat. It's estimated that she has something to do. Don't talk nonsense and wait. Maybe we can wait until the opportunity. We Li family's development depends on tonight. "

On one side, an elder of the Li family heard the comments of the younger generation and began to scold.

"But uncle, we haven't received any news that the Shen family will invite outsiders to the garden this evening. If they don't open the door all the time, don't we just wait for nothing? It's a waste of time." Childe brother looked at the time, some impatient said.

"You know what! The old members of our family and group in Nandu are waiting here. I believe that Shen Jianping will not really leave us on the bench. Besides, even the old master is still standing here. If you dare to complain with me again, I will kick you back, confiscate all your bank cards and let you go out to work! "

In the face of the elder's anger, he could only shrink his neck and stand on one side respectfully.

At this time, Su Xue stepped on high-heeled shoes to Qin fan, slightly bowed, respectfully said: "Qin SHAOHAO."

Qin fan nodded, took out a soybean sized headset from his pocket and handed it to Su Xue. He said, "you can use this to contact me in a moment. I'll turn on the device when necessary. Just listen carefully and explain it to me."

Su Xue put the earphone into her ear to adjust the audition.

Qin fan also retreated to one side, along with listening to the voice.

But also at this time, when Qin fan inadvertently glanced at the gate, a beautiful figure appeared in the crowd.

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