Jiangliu is no longer willing to say anything to him, because the purpose of his coming today has been achieved.

He pushed the door open and got off the car. Chen Tianyang said angrily behind him, "don't go too far. Chen Sixuan is my daughter. If you dare to touch her today, even if you do all my Chen family's belongings, you will die with me!"

The river suddenly turns around and stares at Chen Tianyang's face.

"The reaction was intense?" Jiang Liu laughs, "to fight your family's wealth, you are only qualified to fight with me, but don't forget that behind me, there is the whole Jiang family."

Chen Tianyang looked at the river and said nothing.

Instead, he waved to the bodyguards around him. Several bodyguards immediately signaled and strode toward sister Chen Sixuan in the crowd.

Li and Chen have no idea what happened here.

Until he saw the bodyguard appear and protect himself, he turned his head and looked at Chen Tianyang and his wife by the side of the road.

"Jiangliu, today I Chen Tianyang put my words here. If you dare to touch my daughter's finger, I will take your life!"

Chen Tianyang almost shivered and roared out this sentence.

It's not very loud, but it's very intimidating.

And he knew that the river was deliberately exciting himself.

Want to take advantage of their concern for their daughter, step by step pressure, so that their own in this occasion gaffe, disgrace.

Even though he knew it all.

But Chen Sixuan's sister is a chord in his heart.

Chen Tianyang is not allowed to put his two daughters at a disadvantage at any time or on any occasion.

If it was someone else, he would not hesitate to ask the bodyguard to break each other's legs and blow out of Nandu.

But the other side is a river after all.

The eldest son of the Jiang family in Beijing.

He needs to ensure the safety of his two daughters before considering what to do next.

In the face of Chen Tianyang's threat, Jiangliu did not respond immediately.

Instead, he leaned against the door, took out a copper cigarette case from his pocket, took out a cigarette and lit it in his mouth.

Amid the smoke, he squinted at the arched gate of fairy hill.

"In fact, our two families could have been very good. Although I don't like your family, compared with Li Gui, who is a black sheep, your family is still like that."

"Ha ha, thank you for your praise." Chen Tianyang sneered.

"However, you should know that investment needs chips. Since you can't bring out any assets and advantages that I like, you can only give my daughter to me. I can't guarantee that I will only devote myself to your daughter in my life, but after all, it's a very glorious thing for her and the whole Chen family. You can earn money by this alone A lot, right? " Jiang Liu laughs.


Chen Tianyang looked at the river and said in a low voice, "Mr. Jiang still really looks up to my family. Although I don't make much money, it's enough to support my wife, daughter and children. Therefore, my family can't enjoy the glory of Mr. Jiang. You'd better find someone else?"

Jiang Liu said with a smile, "there are unexpected events in the sky, and people are in danger all the time. Who dares to guarantee that he will have a smooth life and will not encounter any trouble?"

"Ha ha, that's my Chen family's business. Don't you worry about Mr. Jiang?" Chen Tianyang frowned and faintly felt that it was not without any preparation that the river could come today.

Jiang Liu thought about it and said, "yes, on July 3, five years ago, Chen's group was listed on the NASDAQ. It opened up 7% to 81.9 per share. On the same day, its market value surpassed many old Chinese traditional enterprises. It is a blockbuster. Even the most popular Internet industry groups are out of reach. There is no doubt that Mr. Chen is qualified to say this."

"So?" Looking at the river thinking eyes, Chen Tianyang's inexplicable heart sank.

"So..." The river turned his head and looked at the middle-aged man in front of him with great interest, "so you know, why do you have such good grades?"

Chen Tianyang was stunned.

Chen's group was listed on the same day, and it really had a lot of achievements. In recent years, all the companies listed on the main board were in the spotlight, which attracted a lot of attention from the capital market.

But he understood that the rise of the stock on that day was entirely due to a large number of investors' optimistic attitude towards Chen's group and their massive purchase of shares.

What does it have to do with the current?

"Baili, Yuanda, Hengtong and Murphy are not new to Chen, are they?"

While Chen Tianyang was thinking, Jiang Liu gave these names faintly.

"Of course I do." Chen Tianyang said, "these are the top four financial investment companies in the world. They control more than 15% of the world's financial market. Any company, as long as it is favored by any of them, can be listed on the main board for at most one month, and its market value will not be less than 10 billion.""Yes, when Chen's group was listed on Nasdaq, I personally found the financial directors of these four companies. They bought the shares of Chen's group from 73 countries in 5320 batches and time periods, which cost me nearly 5 billion. But last night, I took a look at the latest rise of the shares. I have to say that you Chen Tianyang really have a good way, don't you In just four years, I've turned my 5 billion into 72 billion. I'm so happy that I didn't fall asleep all night.... "

Chen Tianyang can't hear the words behind.

He just felt the top of his head suddenly whirled, the sole of his foot was unstable, and his head almost fell to the ground.

Five billion!

Five billion!

The initial market value of Chen's group was just 10.2 billion!

But Jiangliu has 5 billion in his hand!

What does that mean?

It means that he can bring the $5 billion now scattered among 5320 people and companies into his own hands at any time.

Shake one's body, become the biggest shareholder in the company and oneself equity equal!

He can intervene in any decision he makes in the company.

You can even propose the dissolution of the board of directors!

Sell the company to others!

Of course, if he can take out 72 billion yuan of cash and buy all the shares in his hands, Chen's group will still be his own world.

72 billion

Chen Tianyang is on the verge of collapse. Seeing this, Li Yuzhen hurriedly steps forward to hold her husband. She looks at the river with her face full of fury and asks, "what have you done to my husband! If anything happens to him today, I will not let you go as a ghost! "

Jiang Liu smiles, pops up a perfect arc of cigarette butt in the air, splits his mouth and says with a smile: "nothing. Maybe Chen always knows that I'm going to live in Chen's group soon. I'm too excited. After all, everyone is a family. What's the difference between yours and mine?"

"Wait a minute!"

Chen Tianyang, a little more relaxed, with his wife's support, looked up at the river and asked in a low voice, "there's no reason to talk. How can you make me believe you?"

"Don't believe it. I've handed it over to Murphy. Tomorrow morning at the latest, the board of directors of Chen's group will receive the notice of restructuring of CBRC. At that time, I will personally wait for you at the gate of the group and bring you your favorite breakfast. Ha ha ha ha!"

Speaking of this, the river held the door with his hand and laughed.

Laughter, irony, disdain, contempt

Mixed emotions.

As if in front of him is not the richest man in Nandu, just a clown, a garbage that can be trampled at any time by him!

Chen Tianyang fell into darkness several times in front of him. It was with the help of Li Yuzhen that he almost didn't sit on the ground.

In the financial market, large-scale equity acquisition of new companies such as Jiangliu is not allowed.

This will be concerned and sanctioned by Nasdaq and CBRC.

At the same time, Chen Tianyang will find out and then refuse to sell, completing the channel blocking ahead of time.

However, he skillfully used the rules of the capital market. First, he purchased shares in large batches through the world's four major financial companies. After the group and equity value-added, he quickly recaptured his capital and changed into a big shareholder of Chen's group and Chen Tianyang!

As soon as he thought that he had worked hard for the river for so many years, Chen Tianyang felt that he was dark and had no strength to stand up on both legs.

"Ha ha, you chat slowly. After a long time, I have to take my wife home."

The river laughs and walks directly to the gate of xiannupo park.

All the time, he was warmly welcomed by all the people along the way. His eyes were flat. When he came to the gate, he could not help frowning and a touch of anger flashed in his eyes.

Chen Sixuan and her two sisters are gone.

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