"It seems that everyone is not very happy."

Shen Jianping joined hands with Chen Menglian and Qin fan and walked into the banquet hall.

"I've also heard some rumors that make you feel a little scared."

"In this case, then please all the guests outside the Shen family and the Chen family to leave."

Shen Jianping's eyes swept the audience, and his tone was very flat.


A word, everyone was stunned.

Apart from Shen and Chen, most people here have never met Shen Jianping.

Even Riemannian regularity is no exception.

Everyone is still immersed in looking forward to the helmsman of the Chinese business empire. How can we suddenly let him leave?

"Old Dong."

Shen Jianping called low.

"I'm here, sir."

Uncle Dong stepped forward with his predecessor standing beside him.

"See off!"


Uncle Dong turned around and waved. The suit bodyguards who had been waiting in the hall for a long time immediately stood out and went to the foreign guests who were still in a daze one by one, making a gesture of please.

"What's the situation? Well, why do you want to drive us away? " Wu Lijun, chairman of the southern real estate group, looked at the bodyguard in front of him, a little unresponsive.

"That's right. Why should we drive us away? It's clear that the Li family is making trouble for nothing here. If we want to drive them away, we should drive them away. Why should the Li family make trouble with us?" Wang Hao, chairman of the South China shipbuilding group, also angrily accused.

"Yes, it's the Li family. We didn't say anything. Besides, how could there be a female corpse in the Shen family's villa? It's just nonsense. I think it's just that some people have ulterior motives and deliberately want to disturb the Shen family's party. I don't know what's behind them to make such a big family do such a shameful thing, the so-called Nandu Li family, it's really eye opening! "

Almost immediately, Li Zhengzheng found out that his Li family had become the target of public criticism. Before he could react, he met a group chairman who had a great influence in the whole South China region, and said with a cold hum: "the Li family's younger generation is lack of education, they don't ask right or wrong in public, they talk freely, they confuse the public, and the Li family's elder has no way of discipline and connivance I think it is necessary to re evaluate the credit and risk of such families and groups, and make decisions on future strategic cooperation after evaluation! "

After a word, the secretary next to him nodded and quickly dialed the phone to tell the boss what he meant.

And the call, as if lit the fuse.

Almost all the group directors who are related to the Li family now and have the intention to cooperate in the future follow suit one after another. One after another, their mobile phones rang one after another in less than a minute.

"What's the matter! What's going on! "

Li Zhengze's face turned white.

Although the revival of the Li family needs the help of the Jiang family, the most important thing is that all business and substantial development depend on the full support of Nandu and the big men who cover the South and southeast regions. If they completely cut off contact with the Li family, even with the support of the Jiang family, they, as a local family of Nandu, would not want to go to the capital for development

"Master, the southern real estate group said it would cancel the joint development project with us in the next seven years, and the penalty will be paid to our family account tomorrow."

"Master, the southeast shipbuilding industry said it would cancel all the sea transportation business related to our family..."

"We're going to push off all the financial groups entrusted by the South China family."

While listening to the report of the people behind him, Li Zhengzheng looks at Shen Jianping, who is calm and calm in the main hall.

"Li Gui, tell me the truth. What's going on?"

Li Zheng lowered his voice, biting his teeth to question the originator of all this.

"Ha ha, don't worry, old master. I must do it for my purpose and for the good of the Li family. Don't worry. Shen Jianping doesn't dare to do anything with us when I'm here."

In the noise, Li Gui stepped out and stood in front of Li Zhengzheng! Pop! Pop! Applause.

"I have to say that Mr. Shen is doing a good job. Knowing that our Li family is missing in your place, we should play a vicious trick to beat the wolf and drive our Li family away from here, and then deal with the scene Although you must know that the people here will stand on your side and fight against the Li family because of the authority of your Shen family, you can bully us even if it's a small matter, but human life matters! If you don't hand over our people today, our Li family will get justice for our people, even if they have dried blood in your Shen mansion today. Don't you think so? "

In the shock of Li Zhengzheng's face, he saw that most of the Li family behind him stepped out together, all surrounded by Li Gui, just like a look of death."Li Xiang is my brother, and Li Qiang is my nephew! And Li Yan! Our three Li family members are missing in your Shen family today. Shen Jianping, if you don't give us an account today, I don't believe you can just cover the sky and kill our Li family members

Li Gui stealthily opens the buttons of his shirt and looks at his family coldly.

"Go to your mother's fool. Are you Li's people short of eyes or mentally retarded? What does it have to do with us if we lose such a big man? Go to the police. What do you want to do in our Shen's family? I think you're in debt of beating. You come out with me now. I can't do it if you don't have your mouth full of teeth broken today!"

In the crowd, Chen Zhiguang rushes out directly, strides to Li Gui, and grabs his collar to pull it out.

"Well, Zhiguang, let him finish."

Shen Jianping's eyes calmly looked at the field and at the same time looked at Uncle Dong. Uncle Dong stooped and retreated.

"Ha ha, don't be arrogant. I'm in the Shen family today. I dare not move you, but you'll go out sooner or later? "Yes?"

Looking at Chen Zhiguang, Li Gui laughs.

Chen Zhiguang didn't speak. He glared at Li Gui fiercely and turned to stand aside.

Next, silence.

Li Gui looked at the audience, whether it was the Shen family, Chen family, or Shen Jianping and Chen Menglian. After they all kept silent, they became more and more proud.

However, when his eyes fell on Qin fan, who was standing on Shen Jianping's right hand, he was stunned at first, but then shook his head with disdain.

Today, his plan with Jiangliu is perfect. No matter how things develop, what the Shen family finds out, everything is under his and Jiangliu's control. This is a plan that can't have loopholes, a plan that can make Shen Jianping face his own provocations and can't speak!

"Ha ha, how about Mr. Shen quickly carry out the female corpse found in your villa, let us have a good look, so many of us, in order to participate in your Shen family's party, are so painstaking, do not hesitate to put down their dignity to enter this banquet hall, but you Shen family, careless about human life, insult our dignity, and try to cover up the facts, I tell you You, all the media reporters are outside now. As long as you dare to talk, I guarantee that every word you say today will appear on the headlines of the major media tomorrow, so that people all over the world can see you Shen family.... "


There was a loud noise at the gate of the banquet hall, which interrupted what Li Gui was going to say.

When the audience turned around, they saw that the door of the banquet hall was open. Under the guidance of Uncle Dong, three people came into the room.

These three people, dressed in formal clothes and suits, with noble temperament, walked slowly into the banquet hall behind uncle Dong.

"Li Xiang? Li Yan? Li Qiang

Li Gui turns his head and looks at the three people behind him just like seeing a ghost.

"You, why are you here No, no, it should be... "

Li Gui hesitated, and his mind was completely blank.

"Big brother, we just went out to visit the manor. Is there anything else? Let uncle Dong be so anxious to get it back for us? "

Li Xiang looked at his elder brother and said frankly.

"You went to visit the manor?" Li Gui asked reluctantly.

"Yes, the Shen family is really magnificent. We haven't seen enough of building such a large manor. If it's OK, I'll go first, ha?"

Li Xiang said that he would take his son and daughter-in-law away.

But at the same time, Shen Jianping's faint voice rang out in the hall.

"Well, you four stay. The rest of the Li family call me out."

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