"Well." Jiang Yanzi nodded and acquiesced to Qin fan's practice.

It's cruel to do extraordinary things at extraordinary times, but compared with the crisis faced by the Chen family, the two hurt each other less. She believes that the Chen Sixuan sisters can understand this truth.

Qin fan took a look at her and turned away.

In the guest room at the end of the corridor, Qin fan meets Chen Sixuan and Li Peizi, who have been groomed.

After cleaning up the wound, the two sisters simply washed, threw away their torn evening dress and wore pure cotton white pajamas.

Seeing Qin fan enter the room, Li Peizi's first reaction is anger.

In her mind, if Qin fan had said his identity earlier, or at the birthday party of Baihua revolving restaurant that day, he could stand up, whether as a friend of Shen family or as Shen Jianping's only son, to help his elder sister and father get rid of the control of Li family, they would not be cheated by Dao Shen Er, and Li Yuzhen would not have died because of them.

"What else are you doing here? Want to see our jokes? "

Li Peizi stood up, turned her head and glared.

"I'll see you." Qin Fan said.

"Look at us? How did we get insulted by that bastard? Or the winner's attitude, to examine the clown you once played with in the applause room? If you come here with this mentality, I'll tell you that you have won. Now the Chen family is finished. People die and wealth is lost. Are you satisfied now? Can we go now? "

Facing Li Peizi's hoarse roar, Qin fan frowned and said, "why do you think of me like this?"

"Isn't it?" Li Peizi's eyes were red. "You can stop these things from the beginning, but you don't do anything. My sister is so devoted to you. She cooks Soup for you and brings it to you personally. She thinks about you everywhere. But do you have a sense of achievement playing with our sisters? Now that my mother is dead and my father is cornered, what do you want to do when you show up as a young master of the Shen family? To be the Savior? Let our sisters kneel in front of you, please save our Chen family? I tell you, even if I fight with the river, I can never ask you a word! "

Li Peizi's reaction completely surprised Qin fan.

What's more, she didn't expect to attribute all her faults to herself.

"Well, if that's the case, I'll take it as if I haven't been here, and you'll fight with the river."

Qin fan took a light look at her and turned to leave.

"Qin fan, wait a minute!"

Chen Sixuan stood up from the bed in a panic, holding Li Peizi in her hand and shouting anxiously.

"Sister, what else do you want him to do? Do you want to see him show off? If it wasn't for him, how could we two be cheated into the cellar by Shen ER and almost insulted, and our mother couldn't be raped for looking for us... "


Chen Sixuan slapped Li Peizi in the face.

The slap came suddenly and inexplicably.

Li Peizi was completely confused.

She covers her hot cheek and turns to look at Chen Sixuan. Her eyes are full of disbelief.

"Sister, you hit me? You hit me for him? "

Li Peizi pointed to Qin fan and asked, "since childhood, my father and mother have never touched one of my fingers. Now my mother has just died. How can you beat me for a man?"


Chen Sixuan slapped Li Peizi on the right cheek again.

"It's slapping. I'm just trying to educate you for my father and let you know what's right and wrong!"


It's a slap in the face.

"I slapped my mother. She died in this villa. It was the Shen family who helped us deal with the aftermath, made her die well, and rescued us from the cellar From Jiang Yanzi just now to Qin fan's appearance, have you said a word of thanks? Don't you know who was responsible for this? But why do you talk like that? Do you think it's still in our own house? Everyone has to let you and spoil you? "

Chen Sixuan's hand trembled slightly. This was the first time she scolded her sister and hit her.

There is no reason, because she knows that in the current situation of the Chen family, if her sister is allowed to be so indulgent, the consequences of waiting for her will be unpredictable.

"Qin fan."

Chen Sixuan finally put down her hand and turned to look at Qin fan.

"You'll help us, won't you?"

In her hopeful eyes, Qin fan turned his head to look at her and said, "what's my advantage?"

"I will do anything for you." Chen Sixuan looked at Qin fan with burning eyes. "As long as you like, I can do anything for you. I don't need fame, I don't need to show up, you don't have to give me anything, and I I'll be at your service at any time

After a sentence, Li Peizi couldn't take care of the pain on her face. She looked at Chen Sixuan strangely and asked, "sister, what do you mean by that? You want to be his lover? It can't be... ""You don't have to say, I've made up my mind."

Chen Sixuan shakes her head and never looks away from Qin fan.


Qin fan turned his head and looked carefully at the iceberg beauty in front of him.

"Anything." Chen said firmly.

"Well, now I want you to serve me in front of your sister. Can you do it?" Qin fan asked.


Almost without any hesitation, Chen Sixuan raised her hand in front of her neck and tried to untie the buttons on her pajamas.




Li Peizi stares at her sister, who is famous for her coldness. When she wants to do this kind of thing in front of her face, she immediately wants to step forward and stop the action on her hand.

But as soon as he arrived, he was stunned by Chen Sixuan's cold eyes.

This is how cold eyes.

She had never seen such a look in her sister's eyes.

Clear and bright eyes, as if dead, can not see any vitality.

But seeing that the button was about to be untied to the key part, Li Peizi suddenly turned her head and yelled to Qin fan, "enough of you! Is it not enough for Shen Er to humiliate us before? Now you still let your sister do this to you. Are you trying to force us to death? "

"To death?" Qin fan shook his head, "I didn't force her, everything is her voluntary, she can stop at any time, I don't care, it is just your disrespect to me, the punishment."


Li Peizi stared at Qin fan.

Is this the same loser who is in the car shop and looks red at himself?

At that time, in the car shop, he saw that he was wearing such sexy clothes that his eyes were almost falling out, but how could he now, how could he look at his sister so calmly

Although Li Peizi and her elder sister are absolutely attracted by her figure, she knows that it's her elder sister who conquers her beauty

"Since it's punishment, how can you punish my sister?"

Li Peizi suddenly rushes forward, grabs Chen Sixuan's arm, holds her tightly in her arms, looks at Qin fan coldly and says, "what do you want? Come to me if you have anything. Don't force my sister

"To you?" Qin Fan said with a smile, "that's OK. How did your sister just do it? Just go on and finish it."


Li Peizi looks at Qin fan coldly, releases her hand to hold Chen Sixuan, and directly raises her hand to hold the button in front of her chest. With a strong force, accompanied by the sound of the button crashing, the loose pajamas also unfold to both sides.

"All right."

Qin fan is stunned for a moment, and then Chen Sixuan quickly hugs her, grabs her sister's waist, closes her newly opened pajamas, and looks at Qin fan gratefully.

"Please leave a room. Chen Sixuan will come out with me."

Looking at the two sisters, Qin fan sighed and turned to leave.

Close the door and stand at the door.

Qin fan takes out a cigarette from his pocket.

After waiting in silence for a while, Chen Sixuan, who had changed her clothes, pushed the door and came out.

"Thank you, Qin fan."

When Qin fan wanted to find a place to put out the cigarette end, Chen Sixuan took it and twisted it in his hand.

"Thank me for what?" Qin fan didn't understand.

"I know you want to teach my sister a lesson. After all, the Chen family is so down now. With her indulgent character, I'm afraid it will be difficult to survive in the future..."

"Well, that's it. Go to your father and make it clear. Jiang Yanzi will be responsible. I'm sleepy. See you tomorrow."

Qin fan waved his hand and turned away from the corridor.

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