Hearing the sound, Qin fan's first reaction was to turn around and run.

But before I could turn around, I heard the sound of footsteps, and then the door was pushed open.


Qin fan turned his head and found that the man was Xia Meng.

Because the family has been harassed by developers recently, Xia Meng wakes up in a hurry with a broom in her hand. At a glance, she sees Qin fan with an embarrassed face.

"Yes, you?"

Summer dream's face, some embarrassed.

Qin fan also wry smile, a time don't know how to explain.

But at this time, I heard the middle-aged woman's question in the room, "Mengmeng, who's outside? Is the developer looking for someone again? "

"Oh, no, it's a friend of mine. Come and see me." Summer dream nervous return way.


There was a hesitation in the room, and then came the urgent sound of footsteps.

"Is Lin Hao here? Oh, you silly girl, if you don't send someone to sit down quickly, Lin Hao, you are welcome to the humble family... "

The middle-aged woman walked out with a smile on her face. When she saw that Lin Hao was not standing at the door, but a young man in ordinary clothes, her face suddenly drooped.

"Are you Xia Meng's friend?"

The woman looked at Qin fan with a kind of scanning eyes, and the indifference in her eyes became more and more intense.

"Hello, aunt. My name is Qin fan. I'm a patient of Xia Meng." Qin Fan said truthfully.

"Patient ~" the woman's tone was even more disdainful, "what time is it? If you don't stay in the hospital well, what are you doing in front of my house? You don't like our dreams and come to peep, do you?"

Qin fan a Leng, feel this sentence some familiar.

It seems that just now in Dior coffee, LV Xinyu also said that he peeped at her.

Suddenly in the heart a burst of speechless.

If you don't dress well, it's peeping to see a woman. If you dress well, it's appreciation?

"No, it's just that Xia Meng is too kind to me. I'm not used to changing other nurses, so if I want to ask Xia Meng to go back, I have to change the dressing for my wound."

After all, he is Xia Meng's biological mother, and Qin fan still respects her in tone.

Summer dream immediately careful lead God meeting, said to her mother: "yes, mom, I'm leaving today, time is coming, don't go back to the dean to deduct my salary, I'll come back to see you in two days, you tell my father, I won't see him."

Xia Meng took Qin fan's hand and wanted to leave.

"Wait a minute!"

Xia's mother suddenly came up with a cold face and opened Xia Meng. She looked at Qin fan with disdain and said, "Meng Meng, what kind of private hospital do you say you are in and care for this kind of patient?"

"Yes, Qin fan is my first patient. Mom, why do you care about this?" Summer dream doesn't understand to ask a way.

"Hehe, what are you doing?" Xia's mother looked at Qin fan coldly. "From today on, you don't want to go to this class. Tomorrow I'll call Lin Tian. You can meet Lin Hao. You are not allowed to go to any hospital or see any patients. Do you hear me?"

Say, summer mother pulls the hand of summer dream to enter into the door.

"What are you doing?"

This, even temper gentle summer dream all anxious.

She broke away from her mother's hand and said urgently, "why do you make the decision for me? I like my present job very much and I don't think about quitting for the time being. Besides, this is my patient. You can do anything to me at home, but please don't affect my work, OK?"

"Work? When will you be able to afford to buy us a house in Nandu, and the debt collector will come again next month? Is your job enough? When is the best time to mix up with such patients in that broken hospital all day? Lin Tian said that he is not satisfied with your current work, and he plans to let you work in his son's new company. Your father and I agree, so don't mention the mess in any hospital, or I will break the relationship with you! "

The last sentence, summer mother is almost roaring out to summer dream.

It seems that she would like to marry Lin Hao immediately and become Lin Tian's daughter-in-law. She can also begin to enjoy her wealth.

Summer dream directly froze.

Silly stand there, tearful looking at their own mother.

She really didn't expect that she would be able to turn her mother into what she is now, even by breaking off the relationship between mother and son to force her to marry Lin Hao.

For a moment, she even wanted to jump off the balcony.

Xia Meng suddenly imagined that when she was studying in the UK, when she was working day and night for the tuition of the next semester, her roommate asked her which pair of 9000 yuan shoes was more beautiful.

Tears, can not stop flowing down from the orbit.

Summer mother coldly looking at her, the tone is cold to say: "cry what cry?"? Your father and I managed to raise you so much. This is the time for you to repay us. Otherwise, what are you doing? You go back now! If you dare to step out of this door without my permission, I'll break your leg! "With that, Xia's mother grabs Xia Meng's arm again and drags her to the door.

And this time, summer dream just like walking dead, motionless, by summer mother drag to the door.

"Isn't it good that Aunt won't let Xia Meng go to the hospital now?" Qin Fan said with a frown.

Summer mother satirically looked at him, did not speak, continue to drag summer dream into the house.

"It seems that Xia Meng has been working in vain for a month, and he can't even get his salary." Qin fan sighed and said.

"Wages?" Xia's mother stopped and looked at Xia Meng, "how much is the salary?"

"More than ten thousand." Summer dream face has no expression of say.

"So much?" Summer dream frowned, and then said, "it's the same to take it tomorrow, go home first."

"It's too late for tomorrow." Qin Fan said lightly.

"How can it be too late? My daughter earned it, and he still dares to default?" Summer mother curls her mouth.

"Ha ha, if Xia Meng doesn't go to the hospital today to deliver the resignation report in advance, then she will not get the salary of this month, even the deposit she paid at work, even if it is a contract fraud."

Qin fan is now looking for a job after graduation. He is very familiar with this kind of thing.

"And the deposit?" Looking at Xia Meng, Xia's mother asked, "how much did you press?"

"One, ten thousand."

In fact, you don't need a deposit to enter Shengde hospital.

But summer dream again silly, now also understand the meaning of Qin fan words.

Think of a reasonable number and say it.

"You have to pay so much deposit for work?" Xia's mother was also startled, and then became more energetic. "You see what class you are in. People work to earn money, and you have to pay for it. It's good. When you go to work for such a long time, if you earn a share of money, you have to pay 10000 yuan."

"Why don't I go back to the hospital and get it?" Summer dream carefully asks a way.

"No, no, it's only 20000 yuan. You're going to be the second daughter-in-law of the Lin family. Who cares about the money? Go home with me."

It's as if Xia angzhi's daughter-in-law has taken her dream home.

"But what about the twenty thousand dollars she owes me?" Qin fan frowned and said coldly.

Summer mother suddenly stunned, "she owes you money?"

Qin fan nodded: "twenty thousand yuan only. Xia Meng borrowed it from me when he was employed a month ago. He said that he would pay it back when he was paid tomorrow. But it seems that you can't pay it back. Then tomorrow I will go to the public security bureau with the IOU. You can wait for the police to come to you for money."

Qin Fan said coldly, turned and left.

Poor people fear lawsuits, rich people fear hospitals.

When he had no money before, what he was most afraid of was what happened at home, whether it was a lawsuit or a dispute between his parents over land occupation.

No money, no power, that's really every day should not be called, call the ground does not work.

Moreover, he could see that the more vain a woman like Xia Mu was, the more afraid she was of getting involved.

Qin fan dropped his words and went downstairs directly. Before he could light a cigarette, he heard the sound of pedaling downstairs and Xia Meng in his sight.

Summer dream eyes tears have not been wiped, pear with rain, standing in front of Qin fan.

"Thank you."

Summer dream sincerely looking at Qin Fan said.

Qin fan laughs. Without stubble, he takes out a cigarette and puts it in his mouth.

There was a strong wind at the entrance of the stairs. He lit the cigarette several times without lighting it.

Qin fan frowned. Just as he wanted to change the place, he felt that his sight suddenly darkened. The white sling appeared on the side of the lighter, blocking the wind for him.

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