Qin fan followed the bed and was stopped at the door of the operating room.

Looking at the metal gate being closed and the operation light suddenly on, Qin fan touched his pocket and took out a cigarette in his mouth.

"Sir, this is a hospital. Please don't smoke."

A little nurse came up, reached out and motioned Qin fan to hand in the cigarette.

Qin fan took a cigarette in his mouth and looked at her, "if I don't light it, you don't care about me."

"I'm sorry, sir. Please hand in the cigarettes. This is a hospital. Please don't affect our work." The little nurse insisted.

"How did I affect your work?" Qin Fan said without expression.

"Don't think I don't know. As soon as I walk here, you'll be smoking. Which room are you from? Why haven't I seen you before? You're not related to any doctor or nurse, are you? I tell you, this is Shengde hospital. If you... "

"You can go."

Qin fan quietly looked out of the window and interrupted the little nurse.

"What's the matter with you? Don't you understand? I'll ask you to hand in your cigarettes, or I'll ask the security guard to blow you out! "

As the nurse was saying this, she heard heavy footsteps coming from behind her body. Then she turned back and quickly met her with a smile on her face.

"President Wu, you've come here. I don't know where a patient came from and insisted on smoking here. I said he didn't listen to me. Please see if someone in our hospital has put his family members into the hospital without permission. If other patients see this, they will be in great trouble!"

President Wu was a middle-aged man in his fifties. He wore a white coat and frowned at the nurse's words. But when he saw Qin fan with a cigarette in his mouth by the window, his face drooped.

"You go back first. I'll exchange it here."

With that, President Wu waved his hand and walked quickly behind Qin fan.

"Young master, why don't you have a rest so late? The air is cold at night. Don't catch cold again."

President Wu lowered his voice for fear of disturbing Qin fan, who was deep in thought.

Qin fan did not speak, eyes straight staring out of the window at the loss of the night.

In the head, is the summer dream to lie in the blood pool scene.

She knew that as long as she spoke, she would help her.

But why would you rather end your young life than mention a word?

Qin fan sighed gently, but he found that there was a fire in front of him.

"Dean Wu?"

His eyes slightly surprised, only to see a respectful face of Wu Xiongfei.

"The young master seems to have something on his mind."

Wu Xiongfei passes the flame to the cigarette end. Qin fan hesitates and takes the cigarette out of his mouth.

"President Wu, this is a hospital. You didn't stop the patient from smoking and set him on fire. Have you considered the feelings of other patients and medical staff?"

Two people together look back, see the little nurse angrily came forward, stretch out a hand to take the lighter in Wu Xiongfei's hand.

Wu Xiongfei was stunned.

He's the president of St. Edward's hospital.

Qin fan is the young owner of this hospital.

There are hundreds of people in the whole hospital, all of whom are paid by the Shen family.

He gave Qin fan a cigarette.

If he hadn't just met this opportunity, he would not have been able to point it.

"Do you know who he is? Huh? What's a cigarette? Even if he lights the hospital with a torch, you and I can only watch and give him a fire. Do you understand? "

Wu Xiongfei didn't stare at the little nurse and said.


The little nurse wanted to explain, but he was interrupted by Wu Xiongfei angrily: "don't worry about it here. Go to the head nurse and apply for shift transfer. You will be on night shift in the next six months. Take care of the equipment warehouse. Don't let me see you again!"

The little nurse did not expect that it was her duty to fall into this situation.

Bean tears, began to spin in the eyes.

"Forget it." Qin fan handed the cigarette in his hand to the little nurse, "take the cigarette away. I won't smoke in the future."

The little nurse took the cigarette in her hand, but before she could react, Wu Xiongfei was impatient and drove her away.

Immediately, Wu Xiongfei appeared in front of Qin fan and asked respectfully, "young master, it's cold at night. Would you like to go back to the ward and have a rest?"

"What about the rescue inside?" Qin fan asked himself.

"Rescue?" Wu Xiongfei was stunned, and then he thought of his purpose.

"Not so good."

Wu Xiongfei sighed deeply, "summer dream is jumping down from the third floor, is falling on the back garden cement floor, even if it is able to miraculously survive, I'm afraid this life will be spent in the hospital bed."

"High paraplegia?" Qin fan's heart jumped.

"This is the best result."With that, Wu Xiongfei looked at Qin fan doubtfully and asked tentatively, "young master, you're not here for summer dream, are you?"

He knows that Xia Meng is Qin fan's personal care, but for Qin fan, who has a great life experience, he shouldn't care so much for a little girl.

After all, they have never seen any women, and there are countless women playing with them.

"I ask you, is there no other hope?" Qin fan asked with a light breath.

"It's very difficult. Although our hospital has the world's top medical team and equipment, these doctors only care and treat Shen family patients. The cost is expensive. It's hard to get together for a while..."

"Where are they?" Qin fan interrupted him.

"Well At present, there seems to be only one surgical expert in Nandu. The others are all in the capital. Magic capital... "

"Let the doctor in Nandu rush to the hospital immediately to operate on Xia Meng. Other than where he is and what he is doing, you should inform them to go back to the hospital immediately. If someone is saved, I will give one million extra for each person in addition to medical expenses. If someone can't be saved, or if he has become the paraplegia you just mentioned, he will pack up and leave. You are no exception."

Qin Fan said, deeply looked at the operating room, turned to leave.

Wu Xiongfei stood in the same place for a long time, as if he had figured out something. As soon as he patted his forehead, he quickly took out the phone and dialed the phone numbers of all the top doctors in Shengde hospital one by one.

Back in the ward, Qin fan had a look at the time, it was already 11:30 in the evening.

He rubbed his finger against the screen of his mobile phone, hesitated for a moment, and still called out the number.

"Uncle Dong."

The phone is through.

"Young master! How can you have my phone! Madam, although she has said that I would contact you for a long time, considering that you have not recovered yet, I dare not disturb you all the time. I didn't expect to hear your voice today. It's so good! " It's an old man's voice on the other end of the phone, but it sounds very energetic.

"Uncle Dong, stop gossiping. I have something to trouble you with. I don't know if it's convenient." Qin fan thought about it and said.

"Oh, young master, if you have anything to do, it's my honor to serve you." Uncle Dong's tone seemed very excited.

"Help me check the land that Lin's group is going to demolish on Jinshui avenue to see if we can take it down. If you need money, just tell me." Qin Fan said.

"Lin group?"

Mr. Dong thinks that the real estate industry is expanding rapidly in recent years, and Mr. Lin has an impression that the real estate industry is expanding rapidly.

How can young master pay attention to this kind of company?

Although Lin's group has made some achievements in Nandu in recent years, compared with the Shen family, it is not enough.

Although he was puzzled, uncle Dong respectfully said, "OK, I see."

"What's the quickest time?" Qin fan asked.

"Don't worry, young master, before dawn at the latest."

"Well, thank you, uncle Dong."

Qin fan hang up the phone, the whole person collapsed in bed, the heart has a kind of unspeakable taste.

At this moment, a force somewhere in Nandu is quietly active.

First of all, the personal mobile phone of the director of the Bureau of land and resources of Nancheng immediately rang.

Seeing the calling number, Chen Dongsheng, director of the Bureau of land and resources, who was just about to go to bed, immediately wiped his hands and connected the phone: "Hello, I'm Chen Dongsheng."

"I'm Shen Liangxin."

"Hello, Mr. Shen."

"Director Chen, a piece of land to be demolished in Jinshui Avenue, we intend to take it and build it into the most luxurious business center in this area..."

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