Since he learned from Uncle Dong that Jiang Yanzi was missing in a car accident in the morning, Qin fan focused on the river that disappeared in Nandu with the car accident.

No flight or train number can find the information of river leaving.

It is obvious that he is deliberately hiding people's eyes and ears, quietly sending Jiang Yanzi out of Nandu and back to the capital overnight.

The purpose is not to leave anything to the Shen family.

Although Jiang Yanzi is a member of the Jiang family, she is still the public relations manager of the Shen group. She steals people under the Shen family's nose. Once the Shen family comes up with the contract and evidence to investigate, it will bring a lot of trouble to the Jiang family. ***

But it's the same.

It's because Jiang Yanzi is Jiang's family, and the Shen family can't find the evidence that Jiang's family robbed people. No matter how powerful the Shen family is, it's impossible for them to send people directly into Jiang's family to search for people.

Even if we know that Jiang Yanzi is really at Jiang's house now.

But it's also the family business of the Jiang family. In the end, it's nothing more than tearing their faces. The Jiang family pays the Shen family liquidated damages in accordance with the performance contract. It's just a few million dollars. For the Jiang family, it's still a drizzle.

So when Jiang Yanzi was in Nandu, everything was still under the control of the Shen family.

But once she returned to the capital, everything became difficult.

Unless it can be found that the accident was caused by Jiang Liu, and Jiang Yanzi is evidence of being hijacked back to the capital.

The Shen family can use their strength to put pressure on the Jiang family.

After returning to the villa, Qin fan waited in front of the computer for a while, and then received the relevant information from Uncle Dong.

Wang Xin, male, 48 years old, slightly fat, bald, with gold rimmed glasses, looks very gentle, a bit like a Confucian businessman.

When Dong Fan collected the information from his family, he was surprised to see that he had done something from the bottom of his heart.

"This man is a loyal follower of the Jiang family. According to Ye Liu's account, Wang Xin was present at the last few meetings between him and Jiang Liu in the vineyard. Jiang Liu can't do these dirty work by himself. He should have planned and implemented the serial traffic accidents in Nandu a few days ago."

Uncle Dong called in time to report the situation outside the materials to Qin fan.

"Can't the on-site video surveillance be adjusted?" Qin fan asked.

"They started selectively. At that time, the video surveillance of the road section was just in the process of maintenance, and the truck drivers took all the responsibilities, so they couldn't catch them at all."

"Well, I see."

Qin fan was about to hang up when Uncle Dong suddenly said, "I think we should wait for the master to come back from Hong Kong to make a decision on this matter. After all, the master also attaches great importance to manager Jiang. He will not sit back and ignore it."

"Well, I've got it."

Qin fan hung up, took a bath in the bathroom and changed into the clothes he just bought today. Grey sportswear suit, a pair of brown mountaineering shoes at the foot.

After cleaning, Qin fan takes a look in front of the mirror, then goes out of the villa and drives out the crystal blue Bentley sky in the garage.

He bought this car for Jiang Yanzi.

In less than a month, it will be Jiang Yanzi's birthday.

Qin fan had planned to give the car to her as a birthday present on her birthday.

But now, it's not necessary.

"Nandu Financial Street..."

Qin fan turns on the navigation and starts the car silently.

Financial Street is a famous financial business district in Nandu. Numerous multinational groups and famous private enterprises have their offices here. Most of the large domestic business groups have their headquarters or branches here. Wang Xin's Jinxin real estate group not only has its headquarters here, but also has an independent office building named after the company as Lin's group. Its company strength can be seen One spot.

Qin fan stopped his car at the intersection of Financial Street, opened the window and glanced at the door of Jinxin building. He didn't plan to go in directly.

After all, there are security guards at the gate of the building, and he doesn't know much about Wang Xin's office. He doesn't want to scare people so quickly because he doesn't know how many floors Wang Xin's office is on and what the security forces around him are.

There is a cafe opposite Jinxin group. Qin fan thinks about it and drives his car into the parking lot of the cafe. He goes in and finds a window seat to sit down and order a cup of coffee. Then he looks at the opposite situation as if nothing had happened. If Wang Xin's car comes out, he can see it at a glance.

Qin fan has checked.

Although Jinxin group is registered in Nandu, its boss, Wang Xin, and some of the capital injection and financing in the group are basically from Beijing.

Wang Xin is a pawn planted by the Jiang family in Nandu for a long time. Its resources and finance are completely independent. Even the Shen family, it is very difficult to complete economic sanctions or commercial control on him in a short time.

After sitting for two hours and drinking three cups of American concentrate, I didn't expect to see Wang Xin's face, but I saw an acquaintance.Lin Yihan's father, Lin Tian, and a young woman, who was well dressed and had excellent temperament and appearance, walked past the window. The woman was protruding forward and backward, with a hot figure. Seeing that she was holding Lin Tian's happy face, we knew that the relationship between the two people was not very general.

Qin fan hesitated to say hello.

Although Lin Tian has never met himself, after all, he and Lin Yihan still belong to the relationship of strategic cooperation.

I'll meet Lin's group face to face.

But Qin fan seems to have heard that Lin Tian has a wife.

How can there be a woman who is close to Lin Yihan and is about the same age?

This kind of thought is just a flash, Qin fan did not study.

After all, Lin Tian is a man and a very rich man. Not all men can do Chen Tianyang or Shen Jianping when they are rich.

Moreover, considering Lin Hao's private life style, it's not strange for him to have a lover in private to vent his need.

In this case, Qin fan didn't have to come forward to say hello. At this time, Lin Tian had already taken his female companion to pass by, and didn't find Qin fan separated by a window.

More importantly, a Mercedes Benz is driving out of the warehouse of the opposite building, followed by a range rover. The license plate of Range Rover South a12999 makes Qin fan happy, and the goal finally appears.

Get up to check out, Qin fan leaves the coffee shop and goes directly to drive.

To see, two women in short skirts, with heavy makeup on their faces, are leaning in front of their cars, crazy selfie.

The body and appearance are good, but the smell of rouge is too strong.

This makes Qin fan, who is used to meeting such top beauties as Jiang Yanzi, Xia Meng and Zhou Lulu, totally uninterested.

"Beauty, can you add a wechat?"

Qin fan stepped forward and said to a girl with a mouth and a leg in the front of the car.

"Wechat?" Women are attracted.

To be accosted in the Financial Street is the dream of many girls who dress up every day and come here with high heels.

After all, in Nandu, more than half of the wealth is concentrated here.

It's also the most likely place to meet rich people.

Looking back, the woman's expectation and surprise in her eyes, after looking at Qin fan's clothes, suddenly became extremely disgusted.

"Where's the stinky loser? He pretends to be forced to use wechat without pissing. Take good care of his virtue. Get away from here and don't let us take photos here."

The woman scolded with disdain. At the same time, the girl who was taking a selfie next to her spat at Qin fan with disdain. She said with disgust: "really, I thought it was a rich second generation. A loser dared to chat up someone in the Financial Street, which made me happy."

The woman was about to turn back, but she was surprised to see Qin fan take out the car key from his pocket, look at them both speechlessly and say, "if you don't give it to wechat, don't go away. This is my car!"


With Qin fan pressing the key, crystal blue Bentley becomes more and more gorgeous to unlock, just like the light of an angel's halo. Even in the daytime, it looks very beautiful.

And in the two women's shocked and chagrined eyes, Qin fan strode into the car, started the car, and then left.

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