"Oh, I never spend a man's money."

Chen Moqiu took out a bank card from Kun's bag, put it on his fingertip and said to the waiter, "wrap it up. The card has no password."


Lin Xue also wants to stop the waiter from selling the bag, but it's obvious that Chen zikun can't get the remaining two thousand yuan, and there's no need to waste time on two people.

"Forget it, I'll do it."

Qin fan stood up, took the ticket from the waiter and walked directly to the cashier.

Scan code, pay.

That's 40000 yuan.

Compared with the money that Chen Menglian and Chen Qiumo spend on him today, it's really a little bit of a wizard.

When Qin fan came back with the receipt, Lin Xue stared at him incredulously, biting her lips and asked, "didn't you say that your family's money was used to build a house? How can you return so much money?"

"It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you."

Qin fan took the three packaged bags from the waiter, then held out his hand to Chen Qiumo, "let's go, my mother will be waiting for a while."

Chen Qiumo nodded with a smile, took Qin fan's hand, and then turned his head to Lin Xue, who was still in shock, and said, "little sister, I advise you that if you want to be sent to Hermes, you have to buy LV first. If you can't even reach this economic base, I'm afraid it's hard for you to marry into a rich family in your life."

Two people left the store, walking on the road, Chen Qiumo said to Qin fan with a smile: "how, the old love is not over, still heartache?"

Qin fan shook his head, "just don't understand why she wants to be like this."

"Which one?" Chen Qiumo blinked.

"I don't know how to say it. Anyway, it's hard for me to see her like this." Qin fan sighed and said.

Chen Qiumo smiles, "it's nothing to feel bad about. You have to understand that this society is like this now. Girls with a monthly income of 3000 look down on boys with a monthly income of 10000. They even think that only men with a monthly income of 30000 can be worthy of themselves."

"At the end of the day, will they not marry such boys?" Qin fan asked in surprise.

"That's not true. Time is the best way to temper one's temperament. It also makes one more and more able to see herself clearly. Especially for this kind of woman, when she realizes that she is not worthy of the boy in her mind, she will naturally understand what she is suitable for. At this time, some women will choose to accept their fate and find a partner A decent man gets married and has children, and lives in peace of mind, while a small number of women will choose to act as resentful wives, freely express their grievances in their relatives, friends and the Internet, and then die alone. "

Chen Qiumo's words made Qin fan raise his head.

He did not expect that his sister, who is a big star, not only has countless auras, but also has her own unique views on women, or human nature.

Maybe that's why she can be different from other actresses and become a superstar.

Chen Qiumo also patted Qin fan on the shoulder and said with a smile, "don't think so much. In fact, you should thank Lin Xue well. For men, the earlier you experience something, the better. And I've heard about your little nurse. She should be a good girl, but..."

Chen Qiumo stopped for a moment, then said: "I hope she can survive it."

When they found Chen Menglian, she was in a watch counter to choose a watch for Qin fan.

Qin fan had planned to continue to accept all the orders.

But when you look at the price of the watch, the whole person is not calm.

"The cheapest one and a half million?"

He tut tut tongue, turned his head to Chen Menglian said: "Mom, or even watch, I now every day in school, can't use such a good watch."

But who knows, Chen Menglian said without raising her head: "silly child, you are poor to play with cars and rich to play with watches. Besides, although you can't use them now, you may not be able to use them all the time. Besides, your father said that you haven't bought anything up to now, so you bought a broken Mercedes Benz. Our children are not allowed to drive this kind of car, otherwise they will be killed by other relatives when they get together for a while It's a joke. "

This is the second time that Chen Menglian has mentioned family gathering. Qin fan can't help but ask, "Mom, what kind of family gathering is it like when all relatives get together for dinner every new year?"

Qin fan's concept of family gatherings still exists in the boring scene of coming home for the Spring Festival every year, where seven aunts and eight aunts get together, eat and chat.

Chen Menglian thought about it and said with a smile, "that's about it. The main reason is that your uncles want to see you. We'll have a happy dinner together. Just show your face."

With that, she took a piece of Patek Philippe platinum inlaid diamond to Qin fan's hand, and then nodded: "good looking, waiter, wrap it up for me, I'll take this."

"Three million..."Rao is Qin fan now. Facing a three million dollar watch, he can't help but feel distressed.

"Mom, why don't you take a look at another one? I think there are more..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Menglian glared at him and said, "that's it. You can't see it in your mother's eyes, but if you like something else, you can buy it together, to save the old tangle."

"No, no, just one piece, not so many."

Qin Fan said seriously.

But Chen Menglian undoubtedly wants to give Qin fan all the best things she can see in her eyes.

He bought a watch worth three million yuan without blinking an eye. Then he took Qin fan to other famous watch counters to have a look.

For her, a man's watch is as essential as his clothes, and it can't be just one.

Different occasions, different clothes, need to match different watches.

This afternoon, the cost of watches alone is as high as ten million yuan!

But what moved Qin fan most was that after buying his things, Chen Menglian offered to buy some gifts for his parents who were about to arrive in Nandu.

And continue to uphold her usual shopping style, every gift is just right, and the price is not cheap.

All the way, Chen Qiumo just nodded with a smile and did not speak.

But Qin fan can feel that even through the thick sunglasses, his sister's eyes are constantly scanning himself.

Several times, he couldn't help asking why, but he was afraid that it was an illusion, so he held it until the end of shopping, and then went back to the hospital directly.

The gate of Shengde hospital.

Chen Menglian held Qin fan's hand tightly and said reluctantly, "if we have enough room here, we will go home. Your father and I have cleaned up a room for you, and we all hope you can go back early. Besides, you don't have to worry about the operation of the little nurse. Dr. Martin's surgical operation level is also superb in the world. As long as he is there, even if he is named by the Lord of hell, he has the ability We can also arrange a plane to take her to a medical center in Germany, where the facilities are better than here, so all you have to do is take good care of yourself and never have another accident, OK? "

Qin fan nodded gratefully. He didn't expect that Chen Menglian would care so much for Xia Meng. Although he knew that he did it for his own sake, it also proved that his own mother's love for him was really beyond words.

Chen Qiumo also laughed and said to Qin fan, "I held a concert in Nandu five days later. Would you like to come to see it?"

Five days later?

Qin Fan said excitedly, "of course I will. I've never seen a concert before."

But Qin fan didn't say that Huang Qianqian and Xia Meng are her sister's most loyal fans. If Xia Meng can recover at that time, he will take them to the scene to witness her superstar's demeanor. But if Xia Meng has an accident

Qin fan couldn't accept the result.

Chen Qiumo contentedly took out five tickets for the concert from Kun Bao, handed them to Qin fan and said, "this is what I specially keep for you. It's the middle position in the first row. You can come alone. Of course, you can also invite your classmates and friends to come."

Qin fan gratefully accepted the ticket. After a few people exchanged greetings, Chen Menglian and Chen Qiumo drove away.

And in Qin fan just turned back to the hospital not long ago, in the next corner of the road green belt, suddenly out of a person.

"I didn't expect you to hide so deeply, but from today on, I swear to let you continue to be my obedient dog, so that you can't live without me all your life!"

Lin Xue stares at Qin fan's disappearing figure with venomous eyes and makes a poisonous oath silently.

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