"What is it?"

"Lying trough, should it be..."

At this time, everyone's attention inside and outside the house is attracted by the sound coming from the air.

They all went out one after another, raised their heads and watched the three black spots from far to near until they became clearer in their sight

"What the hell, helicopter?"

"Shit, this is a helicopter group. Three helicopters, what are you doing in our village?"

"You see, the helicopter is also printed with symbols. It looks like a hospital..."

Everyone, at the moment, is concentrated in the yard full of pig dung.

Qi Qi raised his head and talked.

Until the helicopter approached, the surging weather waves rolled up by the propellers of the three helicopters in the air, coupled with the huge fuselage, made everyone subconsciously step back behind, covering their eyes and ears with their hands, and their heads hummed, but they could not help showing a crack in their fingers. For the first time in their lives, they observed the helicopter from such a close distance.

The momentum of the three helicopters landing together is what Qin fan had seen before when he was rescued by the special forces in Luoxia mountain.

This kind of posture, even after a short time, is still slightly shocked when we see it again.

It was Chen Sixuan who looked at her head blandly, as if she had been used to it for a long time.

In the process of landing the helicopter, the villagers ran out frantically, regardless of Qin Hui's family's efforts to stop them, hoping to have a zero distance contact with the helicopter.

But when they went out, everyone was stupid.

Three helicopters bearing the Red Cross rescue logo have just landed. When the propeller is still rotating, the cabin door is opened at the same time.

Several medical staff in white coats, nurses' clothes and medical boxes rushed from the plane to the ground, and then ran to the courtyard door.

The propeller and the medical stretcher

The shocking pictures that can only be seen in TV series or movies are happening right now.

Everyone's face was filled with excitement and shock.

At the same time, I was also wondering what happened in the village, which would make the hospital so popular that even helicopters were sent to the hospital. At least, it had to start with emergency bleeding?

"Who is Qin Hui?"

Chen Zheng, a surgical expert from the 301 army in Beijing, led a team of dozens of experts. He quickly walked up to the crowd and asked seriously.

"Qin, Qin Hui?" The villagers are stunned. Are they looking for Qin Hui with such a powerful rescue posture?

Hearing this, they all turned back and focused on the three members of Qin Hui's family who were standing in the crowd now.

"Are you Qin Hui?" Chen Zheng pushed aside the crowd, came in and asked.

Qin Hui was stunned. Looking at such a big situation, she came to find herself. Facing the eyes of the whole village, she straightened her back, nodded and said, "I am. Who are you?"

"Hello, I'm Chen Zheng, deputy director of surgery of Beijing 301 army general hospital. I heard that you had sequelae after gallstone surgery. I came here to have a look and have a field examination on your condition." Chen Zheng said.

"Beijing 301 Hospital? Damn it, isn't it? Qin Hui, a doctor from the capital, is too strong. "

"The beginning and the end are Niubi. Beijing 301 Hospital is known as the best hospital in China. All the chief executives are there to see a doctor. If they want to catch a cold, the scalpers have to sell hundreds of thousands. The rich may not be able to get in!"

"It seems that Qin Hui's family are really bullied. Even the doctors in the capital hospital come to check her up by helicopter. Anyway, the head of our county certainly doesn't have such treatment."

In the onlookers' shock and discussion.

Qin Hui turned her head in confusion, looked at Wu Jun and Wu Chenchen beside her and asked, "are you really from Beijing 301?"

Chen Zheng nodded and pointed to the work card in front of his chest. "My colleagues are all behind me. Our team was invited to sit in Nandu. I heard that you had two consecutive attacks in just one day because of postoperative discomfort. After receiving the notice, we arrived at the first time."

"Notice? Whose notice? " Qin Hui was puzzled.

"Central Hospital." Chen Zheng said, "is it convenient for you to accept our diagnosis now? It won't take long. "


Qin Hui hesitated.

She's not sick at all.

The operation was very successful, and it has to be said that the operation level of Shengde hospital is really amazing. She heard from her colleagues that after the operation, she would have to recover for a few days. However, she was almost fine on that day. What's more, it has been a month, and nothing happened at all.

The purpose of this play is to fulfill the promise to the river and force the Qin Zhigang and his wife to the capital.

Originally, she wanted to cheat them into going to the capital to make a lot of money, but the effect was not good. At the suggestion of Wu Jun, she pretended that the sequelae of the operation had occurred, and then privately bribed the village head and some people. Today, she had to force Qin Zhigang and Liu Guifeng to go to the capital.Otherwise, the millions of cash and the big villa will be ruined.

But she never thought that in such a remote place, she could actually come to the doctor by helicopter. Once she really asked them to do the examination for herself, wouldn't she show up every minute?

"Is there anything inconvenient for you now?" Seeing Qin Hui's hesitation, Chen Zheng continued to ask.

Qin Hui was stunned and said in a hurry: "I do have the sequelae of the operation. Before you came here, you still had an attack on the mountain, and almost didn't hurt me to death. I don't believe you and them. They carried it down for me, right?"

Many villagers didn't go up the mountain and didn't know what happened.

But the villagers who went up the mountain and were bribed by Qin Hui in advance quickly agreed: "that's what happened. We can all testify!"

"But I don't want to have a test." Without waiting for Chen Zheng to speak, Qin Hui said first.

"Why?" Chen Zheng asked.

"Because I'm better now, I don't need to have a test, and the conditions here are so poor. How can I do it? If the wound is infected, can you afford the responsibility?" Qin Hui said with disdain.

"You don't have to worry about this. It's just a preliminary examination, not an operation. Moreover, we have a professional medical team and equipment. This kind of examination has not been done once or twice. Please rest assured." Chen Zheng said.

"Don't do it if you don't do it. You don't understand people, do you? Go back to where you come from. Who is going to give someone an examination for no reason? Maybe someone steals his kidney. Get out of here before I call the police

How could Qin Hui let them do the examination by themselves? She waved her hand and motioned them to leave quickly.

"What are you going to do? Didn't you say last night that you were going to the capital today, so you went to the 301 Hospital to have a good examination of the wound? Other doctors have come. Why don't you do it? Why don't you go to the capital again?"

At this time, Liu Guifeng could not care so much.

See the other side is the capital 301 Hospital big experts, quickly turned out to say.

"Yes, Qin Hui, when you were on the mountain just now, you said that you wanted to take their family to the capital to see a doctor. It happened that the doctor was here to give you a good examination and let us see if your injury was so serious. If we really need it, let Qin Zhigang and his family accompany you. We are convinced."

Fortunately, there are more rational villagers who have not been incited by Qin Hui. They stand up and say a fair word.

But who knows, as soon as this sentence came out, Qin Hui immediately blew up her hair and yelled at the man angrily: "what do you mean? I'm not sick. Pretend to be sick? What's the advantage of accepting the Qin family? It's shameless to talk about it. Why don't you try to stab yourself to see if you can pretend to be the same as me? It's really boring. It's none of your business. Just talk about it. "

The man didn't expect that Qin Hui was so unreasonable. He opened his mouth, but Chen Zheng suddenly said, "if you go to the capital, the doctor in my department will diagnose and treat you. As the deputy director of the Department, you can't hang up my number in general. Anyway, you also plan to go to my department. It's better to go to the plane now, and I'll check you, of course If you don't think your body is any different, it's OK not to do this test. "

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