Late the next night.

The private plane landed slowly at Nandu airport.

Qin fan didn't have time to stay in the Caymans, but after finishing his business, he wandered on the sea for an afternoon, which was a great luxury.

Land, get on the bus and go straight to xiannupo National Geopark.

"As soon as Jiang Zhun just lost contact, we cleaned up the Jiang family's contact point in Nandu. Will the Jiang family suspect us about this?"

After entering the room, Qin fan sat opposite to Uncle Dong, drank hot soup and asked.

"I asked the master about this. The master was very dissatisfied with the Jiang family's recent actions and agreed to beat them. Moreover, the Jiang family would not say anything about the fact that the Jiang family had crossed the border without permission and planted so many nails in Nandu. The charming family just did what they should do." Uncle Dong explained.

"So this is what my father meant..."

Qin fan nodded thoughtfully.

The night before yesterday, he raided the major clubs of the Jiang family in Nandu. He only knew about it. The clue was from Zhao Kun, who was arrested that night. Qin fan thought it was due to Uncle Dong's Revenge in the future, but he didn't expect to get Shen Jianping's instructions.

"It's a pity..."

Qin Fan said with some regret: "originally, he planned to have a good time with the deacons sent by the Jiang family. In this way, the Jiang family won't make any moves in Nandu for a while, and they can stop for a while."

Uncle Dong nodded with a smile. "The master must have his own ideas when he does this. Moreover, the young master has been haunted by the affairs of the Jiang family recently. He can just spare his hand and pay attention to the project of garden new town and the development of Bailey group."

"Yes..." Qin fan sighs a little. Developing her career is the most important thing at present. At least when she comes back, she will not feel that she is nothing without her. Even this little thing can not be done well.

Thinking about this, Qin fancai said with a smile: "I'll go to Bailey tomorrow and get familiar with it first. The day after tomorrow, the foundation laying ceremony will be held in Beihuan garden new town. I won't show up. I'll just leave everything to the project department."

Uncle Dong nodded, "I'll tell you to go down. It's not suitable for the young master to appear in public recently. Just let the servants do these little things."

"However, as for the fact that you don't need bodyguards all the time, I suggest the young master to think about it again. After all, it's a special period recently. The master has asked about it several times. At least, it's safe to arrange a few people around before the young master has the ability to protect himself."

"Then I'll start tomorrow and follow uncle Dong to learn some self-defense measures. It's nothing wrong. I came to live here after I got off work and watched Xia Meng. It ensures safety and doesn't delay my study, does it?" Qin fan opened his mouth and said with a smile.

Dong shuleng laughed for a while and then said, "well, practicing martial arts is a small matter. If you let the master and his wife know that you will live here every day, you may be happy. Then the young master will go upstairs to have a rest. Tomorrow morning, the young master will tell the master and his wife about this happy event?"

"No, I have to go back to live tonight. I'll be back after work tomorrow."

After drinking a bowl of porridge, Qin fan stood up and took a bus back to Shengde hospital.

One in the morning.

After getting off the car, Qin fan arranges his clothes and hairstyle, and then goes upstairs. He asks for the nurse's care at the door. After confirming that Xia Meng hasn't slept, he quietly pushes the door and walks in.

There are no headlights on in the ward.

Only the bedside lamp dimly lit up the line of sight, also set off the summer dream some pale face, looks slightly healthy.

"In fact, you don't have to come to see me so late. It's hard enough recently. Go home early and have a rest."

See Qin fan, summer dream gently mouth blame strange way.

"Then why don't you sleep?" Qin fan sat by the bed and asked with a smile.

"I, I sleep a lot during the day, just wake up, want to go to the toilet." Summer dream pondered for a while, whispered.

"Let me help you." Qin fan grabs her hand and is about to lift the quilt.

"You, you don't move." Xia Meng's white cheek turned red in an instant. She struggled to pull her little hand out of Qin fan's palm. "I find that you are becoming more and more rogue. Now I'm sick. You treat me like this. If you wait for me to get better, you'll have to die."

"How do you like to toss?"

"I like I don't like anything

Looking at Qin fan's smiling eyes, Xia Meng took a bad pat on the back of his hand, then said with a small mouth: "you've been out a lot of trouble these days, haven't you?"

"What do you mean?" Qin fan felt inexplicably tight.

"Zhou Lulu, Huang Qianqian, Chen, Chen Sixuan? And manager Jiang, you're together every day. I don't believe that you're a lecheron. You didn't do anything with them. Tell me how to toss about. Teach me how to avoid being abandoned by you when I can't serve you well. "

Looking at Xia Meng's pouted mouth, Qin Fan said with a smile: "are you sure you want to learn?"


"In fact, you don't have to wait until you get well, you can...""Ah?"

Summer dream Leng for a while, when she found that Qin fan's eyes, is intentionally or unintentionally Piao in their own stretch out of the quilt of a white leg, immediately thought of, two people first meet, this guy's attention.

Suddenly a burst of tension, the calf to back.

"You, can't you be a little serious? This kind of place will be comfortable?" Summer dream brain mended for a while, face suddenly red into a, some don't have good spirit to say.

"In fact, you can do anything. Who can make you look so good without any shortcomings?"

Qin fan didn't lie.

He doesn't particularly control his own legs, but he controls everything a little bit. Xia Meng is just like this. She dislikes being fat more and thin less. She looks very comfortable, especially when she looks at you with a sweet smile and blinks her eyes.

"Angry?" Seeing that Xia Meng didn't speak, Qin fan was very nervous.

"No Xia Meng shook his head and said in a somewhat disappointed tone: "during the period of coma, I have been thinking about what would be the biggest regret in my life if I died like this."

"What is it?"

Summer dream white he one eye, hum a way: "regret we China can only one husband and one wife, otherwise you raise three wives and four concubines, isn't with happy?"

Qin fan seemed to see a big vinegar jar lying on the bed. He quickly straightened out: "how can that work? For a simple and plain person like me, I'm loyal to my wife and my emotional profession, and I'll just marry you. "

"Keep a few more in private." Summer dream says with a smile.


"Jiang Yanzi, Chen Sixuan, Zhou Lulu, Huang Qianqian, Yan shouhuan and Fei are different. They satisfy your hobbies, right?"

Xia Meng, almost as a family treasure, reported the names of the women who had the closest relationship with Qin fan, which surprised Qin fan.

Although the relationship between herself and them is not as good as Xia's dream, except that Jiang Yanzi and Zhou Lulu are Shen's family, where did she hear the names of Chen Sixuan and Huang Qianqian?

In Qin fan's confused eyes, Xia Meng's mouth turned up and deliberately asked, "I heard you only have a few seconds. Is that true?"


Qin fan's face turned green.

In my mind, I came up with a beautiful, cool, but extremely disgusted face.

"If the time of a normal man is less than three minutes, he can be judged to have related diseases, but I don't know whether you go to the hospital physically or psychologically? In fact, the reproductive Department of Shengde hospital is quite good. The attending doctor is still a beautiful woman. Do you want to have a look? Maybe she can help you solve this problem. "


Qin fan's face turned black, and his impression of Jiang Yanzi plummeted in an instant. He even had the impulse to catch her in front of him and question her!

"Well, in fact, things are not what you think. People always have good and bad States, which has a lot to do with mood. For example, Einstein's theory of relativity, the so-called long and short are relative. Forget it, you don't understand it. It's a very profound knowledge, not as simple as you think."

Qin fan had not finished his words when he felt that his hand was held by the slippery palm.

Muran lowered his head and saw that Xia Meng looked at him affectionately and said seriously: "don't worry, I will take you to the best andrology hospital."

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