"I'm sorry?" Qin fan's face puzzled, looking at this strange state of beauty president.

"What, I'm sorry? What's up? Don't you want my plan? Or do you have someone else I can go? " Qin fan is confused.


Su's fable opens its mouth in a hurry.

"I'm sorry, Qin Shao. I really didn't know it was you. I thought you were the candidate in the last interview, and I thought the confidentiality plan was very good. That's why..."

Su's fable hardly knows how to explain it.

There is no doubt that she is a standard workaholic.

No matter where, what environment, what time, what mood

As long as it's about work, she can still have Qin fan in the document.

Su fable only felt that his brain was short circuited at that time.

The guy who sat in the office and thought he was proud of himself, tested him, and then rewarded him for his position in the group, turned out to be the young master of the Shen family?

Or is Bailey the incoming president of Bailey group?

Su's fable turned red at that time.

What have you done?

I actually made those moves to the young master of the Shen family and said those words

Su fable wanted to quit at that time.

I have no face to go back to the office and face Qin fan.

However, considering that the cooperation with Donglin Finance Co., Ltd. will be arranged by ourselves tomorrow, in order to avoid the loss of the group, even if you resign or get fired, you will have to wait until after the event.

"What's the matter with you?"

Qin fan looked at Su fable's expression of shame and indignation. For a moment, he was puzzled and asked.

He knows that he can't hide the fact that he has come to work.

After all, the personnel department has issued the documents.

But I didn't expect to be discovered by Su's fable so soon, so I immediately said with a smile, "if you have something to do, go ahead. My plan is still short of the end. I can show it to you after writing."

Write a business plan?

Su fable feels like he's going to faint.

Let the young master of the Shen family write a business plan for himself. It's better to kill her directly. It's faster.

He shook his head in a hurry. "I'm really sorry, Qin Shao. You didn't come to the group before me. I don't know how to deal with the business plan. Don't blame me. It's all my negligence in my work..."

"Forget it, you'd better be busy. Anyway, I'm almost finished. If I want to use it tomorrow, I'd better make preparations in advance to avoid any mistakes."

Facing Qin fan's refusal, Su fable nodded and said, "well, I'll pour you a cup of coffee. Don't be too tired."

Qin fan did not refuse, buried his head and continued to sort out the plan.

Two hours.

It's the first time Su fable finds time so hard.

She was sitting behind a wide desk, covering half of her face with a computer, but her eyes were not floating on Qin fan's face, biting her lips, her chest towering violently, her slender fingers tangled together.

Qin fan and her completely unexpected state.

As the president of Bailey group, she met a lot of rich second generation and children, like Qin fan Looks normal? But it's the first time that she has been so focused on things, or such trifles.

However, at the moment, Qin fan is busy and focused, but she can't appreciate it at all. Instead, she is on pins and needles. She wants to finish the business plan as soon as possible, admit her mistakes face to face, and then let him be her present position.

"President Su?"

At this time, there was a knock outside the door.

Su fable a Leng, the first reaction is to consult Qin fan's attitude.

It can be seen that he is now buried in writing the plan and turns a deaf ear to the outside world, so he has to take a deep breath and say, "in."

Qin Ru pushes the door in, holding several documents that need Su's fable to sign.

"Mr. Su, the delegation of Donglin Co., Ltd. will arrive in Nandu at noon tomorrow. I have arranged the accommodation. Would you like to see them before the meeting?" Qin Ru asked.

"Ah? Oh, oh, no, let's meet and wait for the evening dinner. You go ahead and don't worry about me. "

Su's fable now has no mind to talk about business, the whole person is flustered, and he doesn't read the documents. After signing, he asks Qin Ru to leave quickly.

On the contrary, it made Qin Ru a little uncomfortable. She knew the boss's style too well. No matter what happened, she had never seen her like this before. She took the document and looked around with some doubts.

"Why are you still here?"

When he saw Qin tuofan, he almost blurted out.

But Yu Guangli, seeing Su's fable's cold face, hesitated a little. He opened his mouth and said to Su's fable, "Mr. Su, please remember to call me the first time when you have something. I'm in the office next door."Qin fan has no relationship between Su's fables and Qin fan.

But I firmly believe that this abnormal situation in Su's fable must have something to do with this boy!

However, it seems that Mr. Su has something to hide, which is inconvenient for him to intervene now.

But I can't take it lightly. After all, this kind of man with unknown origin, who is in the same office with a beautiful president like President Su, must always be vigilant to avoid any accident.

Su fable of course did not know what Qin Ru thought at the moment, just waved her to leave, do not disturb Qin Da Shao to write documents.

"Mr. Su, I'll go first."

Qin Ru's eyes scan Qin fan's body, then walk away with high heels, and then close the door.


Su's fable breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and then sat back on the chair.

It was not until lunch that Qin fan finished his plan.

He had not enjoyed the feeling of fullness for a long time.

It seems that my father is right. I really need to exercise below now. Otherwise, as soon as I started my career, I would stand at his height and position and never see what's going on below. I'm afraid no matter how big the foundation of the Shen family is, I won't be able to support it for long.

After handing the plan to Su fable, Qin fan stretches and drinks coffee on the sofa.

After all, she can see that the new president of the group still has the style of being an executive. This is just what she wants. She just sits next to Qin fan and carefully browses the documents.

"Mr. Su, you are not from Nandu, are you?" After a cup of coffee, Qin fan asked curiously.

"Well, I work in Nandu, my hometown is in Suzhou and Hangzhou." Su's fable answered subconsciously.

Qin fan nodded. The reason why he asked was that he could see that although Su's Fables seemed to be vigorous and resolute, they still showed the grace of a Jiangnan woman. Especially when she stood in front of her just now, she was nervous and scared. Heaven could see her pity.

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