"Therefore, the most urgent task at the moment is to catch Zhang Lan as soon as possible. She knows too many things. If the information she knows is in our hands, the situation will be greatly different."

Qin fan breathed deeply. At least the biggest ban of the family has been solved. After all, there is enough evidence to doubt William's identity. Even if the consulate abandons the car to protect the commander, just going through the procedure, it will not force the Shen family to break the boat as it did a few days ago.

"Moreover, we need to find out the direct evidence of the collusion between the Hebrew consul and the Jiang family as soon as possible."

Qin Fan said with a dignified face: "according to the family intelligence, Hebrew can take the position of consul only by the support of Jiang family. It can be seen that Jiang family is not coveting the market of F country for a day or two, but this is only intelligence, which can't be used as direct evidence. It's the best excuse for us to kill Jiang family directly. After all, we don't kill Jiang family this time I'm afraid there will still be a lot of trouble in the future

"That's about it." Chen Zhiguang suddenly said, "your father has used the most elite financial personnel of his family to encircle and intercept the Jiang family in the stock market. According to the news three hours ago, the Jiang family's assets of nearly 400 billion have shrunk to about 120 billion, which is equivalent to Zhang Yuan in Suzhou and Hangzhou. It's not worth mentioning at all."

Speaking of this, Chen added: "according to the plan, the Jiang family will be declared bankrupt in less than two hours at most, and there will be no threat to us in the future!"

"Bankrupt?" If Qin Fanjiang shakes his head, Yan Zijiang will not die now

"Jiang Yanzi? How can I forget her... " Chen Zhiguang nodded his head. "However, the Jiang family has only a little money left. Even Jiang Yanzi can't make a comeback. After all, in the face of absolute force, all the skills are just sensationalism."

Although Chen Zhiguang has been secretly in love with Jiang Yanzi for many years, now he knows that Jiang Yanzi is likely to stand on the side of the Jiang family and fight against the Shen family at this critical juncture, and most of his good feelings disappear in a short time.

"I hope so, but the most urgent task now is to find the concrete evidence of the connection between the Jiang family and the Hebrew consul. I don't want to give the Jiang family any more opportunities, even if Jiang Yanzi is here."

Qin fan looks at the wound on his wrist when he runs through the door and says coldly.


The capital.

Jiang family.

Yanyu Pavilion.

Looking at the total assets of only 110 billion yuan left, jianganqiao has suffered from heart disease and has been carried out for rescue.

Jiang Yanzi is still here.

She silently watched the total amount of shares of several listed companies under the Jiang family, gently pointed her finger on the table and said nothing.

Following the end of the previous siege of 22 million units per second, the current interception stage is rapidly shrinking the Jiang family at the rate of 40 million units per second.

Every ten seconds of hesitation, 400 million disappeared into the account.

But Jiang Yanzi didn't seem to be in a hurry at all. On the contrary, she drank tea with some satisfaction.

"Yan Zi, our family's accounts won't last long. If you don't do it again, I'll have to go to the owner of my family, declare that the Jiang family is bankrupt, and go to the bank to apply for bankruptcy protection."

Jiang Anfeng, the deputy head of the family, looks at the number falling off the screen. She is almost dead at her age, but she doesn't dare to urge Jiang Yanzi. After all, the life and death of Jiang's family depend on her.

Jiang Yanzi is the life-saving straw of the Jiang family. At this critical moment, anyone can offend her, but not her.

Jiang Yanzi was sitting on the chair, gently spelling tea, as if she didn't hear it.

Her attitude made many senior members of the Jiang family unhappy.

"Jiang Yanzi, even if we ask you now, you are not like this, are you? Anyway, we are also your elders. This is your attitude when you don't go home for more than ten years? What do you think of yourself as? The Savior? You have to make it clear that you are from the Jiang family. Without the Jiang family, there would be no you! The Jiang family raised you so much. Now it's time for you to give back. You're still pretending. Who are you pretending to? What have we not seen? If you can do it, get out of here. If you can't do it, you'll have to hold the manger and delay our Jiang family's important affairs. Can you afford this responsibility? "

It was an old man of the Jiang family who was shouting.

Jiang Yanzi took a sip of tea and said with a smile, "well, I can't sit in this position. I'll leave it to you."

With that, Jiang Yanzi put the teacup on the table, stood up gracefully, and was about to leave!

"Wait!" Jiang'an Feng felt the cold sweat all over her body came out. She quickly stopped Jiang Yanzi and said with a smile, "don't be angry, Yan Zi. Your third grandfather is just joking with you, and it's true that our book can't support it immediately, and you don't want to see your family declare that it's broken, right? So think of a way to save the Jiang family this time."With that, the river bank wind turned his head and glared at the old man and said, "what time is it now! Still talking shamelessly! Don't think you're old and going to the earth, so you can ignore everything. I can see the expenses of your two sons and three grandchildren. If there's an accident in the Jiang family today, what do you think they can do in the future besides begging? "

The old man is silent.

He knows in his heart that his three grandchildren, just going out to drink and spend money every month, will cost millions. They are all dandies. Without Jiang's family, they can't even move bricks, they can only starve to death.

"But we have no money to invest in the stock market to fight against the Shen family."

Jiang Yanzi said truthfully.

"If the Shen family wants to swallow more than 300 billion yuan of our Jiang family's stock market, at least they have to prepare 400 billion yuan to fight against us. The Shen family can take out 400 billion yuan of cash. If they want to fight against them, at least you have to give me 180 billion yuan now. It's definitely too late to pay for the assets. Are they not willing to provide assistance from Japan?"

On hearing this, Jiang Anfeng immediately cried and said, "it's not so easy. Originally, according to the plan, the assets of the Shen family should have been frozen. But far from doing anything, they can mobilize such a large amount of funds. It's totally beyond our plan. Even if Japan is willing to help, how can they take it out in less than three hours So much money for us. "

"That's not willing to help?"

Jiang Yanzi shook her head. "You actually think that just a few restrictions can freeze all the assets of the Shen family. Even if they don't use all the funds from New Zealand, the Shen family's working capital in the Cayman Islands and several other big countries, even if it is pooled, they can also temporarily raise another 200 billion yuan. Moreover, it's just running water, not their fixed assets And other industries... "

"It's too late for us to know this. Before, we only knew that the Shen family was rich, but we Jiang Jiasheng had a lot of power. With the help of Japan, we could take this opportunity to kill the Shen family. But who knows, the gap is too big. Japan can't put all its strength into helping us. Now that we are stuck here, we can only rely on me We help ourselves. Yan Zi, when you were on Wall Street, you knew so many world-class family members. Can't you think of a way to help the Jiang family through this life and death... "

At this critical juncture, Jiang Anfeng could not care about his status. He almost begged Jiang Yanzi in a low voice, and he also believed that even if the owner of the river bank bridge was here, he would do so.

Jiang Yanzi nodded, "that's right, but I need you to bring someone to see me first."


"The river."

"The river?" Jiang'an Feng was stunned, and then he couldn't understand: "it's all at this critical moment. Why do you ask him to come here? It's 40 million yuan a second. I can't afford to delay it!"

"Forty million?" Jiang Yanzi chuckled, "let him come, I will let him take out more money to help the Jiang family through this difficulty."

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