Qin fan bared his teeth and got up from the woman. He was not angry and said, "can you pay attention to the traffic lights when crossing the road? I was almost scared to death just now."

When he lowered his head, he suddenly felt his nose was hot, as if something had flowed out.

This woman is extremely hot!

She half sat on the ground, wearing a tight one line shoulder bag hip miniskirt. Because of bending down, the fullness in front of her eyes dropped down. With her action of eating pain, she is tottering, like a deep-water bomb that will fall down at any time.

Long black hair spread over the shoulder, covering half of the face, but the other half of the face, but enough to make people intoxicated.

Part of the plump, tall, enchanting physique, it is a human beauty.

What's more, it looks like she's in her twenties.

No matter it's appearance or body, it's ripe peach.

Qin's nose, a drop of blood, is standing in front of her chest.

When a few drops of embarrassed scarlet appeared on the snow-white skin, Qin fan suddenly realized and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, are you ok?"

Then he reached out and pulled the woman up from the ground.

The woman stood up, stroked her disordered bun with her hand, then looked anxiously, looking for something on the ground everywhere.

"You're looking for this."

Qin fan was carrying a pair of high-heeled shoes in his hand and handed them to the woman. "You can see if they are broken. If they are broken, I'll compensate you."

Voice has not yet landed, you can see the bottom of high-heeled shoes, slender thin heel, "pa Ta" sound, fell from the heel, fell to the ground.

"Well, I'll get you a pair." Qin Fan said with an embarrassed face.

Until this time, the woman took a few breaths and stood barefoot on the concrete floor. She said to Qin fan with a smile, "I'm sorry, Qin Shao. I'm too worried. Are you ok?"

Qin fan moved down, just because of saving her, and hit the ground's arm, replied: "I'm ok, rural children, not so without falling."

Then he looked at the woman in surprise and asked, "how do you know who I am?"

The woman smiles. She straightens her waist and makes her perfect figure appear S-shaped. She bows respectfully to Qin fan and says, "Hello, Qin Shao. My name is Jiang Yanzi, manager of Public Relations Department of Shen group. But from today on, I will be your personal secretary. Please take care of me."

When Jiang Yanzi stooped, Qin fan couldn't stand it any more.

The nosebleed, which has not been stopped, is flooding again.

"Paper, do you have a tissue?" Qin fan covered his nose and said awkwardly.

Jiang Yanzi quickly takes out a wet towel from Kun's bag and wants to help Qin fan wipe the nosebleed.

"No, I'll do it myself. I've been a little angry these two days. I said I'd buy some gunpowder, but I haven't seen a single point after a long walk."

Qin fan grabbed the wet towel and wiped it on his nose, explaining awkwardly.

Jiang Yanzi, however, did not fight. She looked at Qin fan with twinkling eyes, covered her mouth and secretly laughed.

When Qin fan saw Jiang Yanzi, he laughed and his face turned red.

For such a mature woman, it is impossible for her not to know why she has nosebleed.

Immediately, he threw the wipes into the garbage can, but he looked at the blood in her chest and said in a low voice: "you have it, or you can wipe it too..."

"I'll take these two wipes, but there are still some in the car. If Qin Shao has anything to ask, just say it in the car."

Originally, as a man.

See a beauty barefoot walking on the road, should be no next to stretch out his strong arm, let a woman rely on.

But Qin fan didn't dare.

Look at it. It's like this.

He really can't imagine how much his ugly bottom line will be reduced when he walks on the street with such a wonderful creature.

He had no choice but to reach out to Jiang Yanzi with his high-heeled shoes, and let Jiang Yanzi grasp the high-heeled shoes with his hands. They walked forward with each other.

Fortunately, Jiang Yanzi's car is not far away.

It's two minutes away. I've seen it.

It's a pink Bentley.

Sweet color, coupled with its luxurious logo and modeling, naturally attracted the attention of many passers-by.

Among them, including Sophie and Chen Tao, who have just come out of the sales department and completed villa orders.

Two people had been standing at the door, talking about the owner of the car, which would be the rich second generation or Miss Qian Jin.

But when he saw Jiang Yanzi coming, he raised his hand and turned on the light.

"Cousin's car?" Sun Feifei couldn't believe her mouth, but when she saw Qin fan coming together, her eyes suddenly showed a look of shock, "they are together?"Sun Feifei's impression of Qin fan.

It's still in the scene that half an hour ago, he didn't blink. He spent 30 million at a time to buy two villas in full.

Naturally, she fancied that if she could hook up with the real rich second generation like Qin fan, she would not hesitate to get rid of the man around her and live with Qin fan in a mansion on the hillside.

But just think about it.

She knew that because of her previous actions, Qin fan could not avoid her. How could she accept her seduction.

But when he saw that the second rich generation was his cousin, his eyes became venomous.

But a moment later, she raised the corner of her mouth, threw off Chen Tao's hand, and walked over quickly.

"Cousin, it turns out that you've made a boyfriend. How come you haven't talked to the second aunt all the time? She's very anxious. She asks my mother to introduce her to you every day."

Sun Feifei stood in front of the two people and looked at Qin fan unwillingly.

"Feifei, don't talk nonsense. This is not my boyfriend."

Jiang Yanzi said with a frown.

As the manager of the public relations department of Shen's group, she naturally knows what kind of propriety she should keep with Shen's family, especially in front of outsiders.

"Tut Tut, I'm afraid to admit it." Sun Feifei said in a sour tone, "but I think you just wanted to drive this car, right? Is this your car? "

"It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, and it's my working time now. Let's talk about it later."

Jiang Yanzi opened the car door and let Qin fan get on the car. Then she turned her head and said to sun Feifei, "I'll go first. If there's anything wrong, I'll call later."

Watching Jiang Yanzi turn around and get on the bus, sun Feifei is in a hurry.

"Jiang Yanzi, what are you doing here with me? You've been taken care of by the rich second generation. I'll tell you, believe it or not, I'll tell my mother and second aunt about it when I go back tonight, and see if your family can hold up its head in front of relatives in the future!"

Jiang Yanzi gently plucked her hair with her hand and said with a smile, "yes, but I remind you to be careful of your fiance. Just now he looked at me more attentively than you."

With that, Jiang Yanzi sits in the cab, launches Bentley's mozanne and goes away.

"Your relatives don't seem to know that you work in Shen's group?" Qin fan turned his head and saw that her chest was tightly tied by the safety belt. The black safety belt was inserted obliquely, and it was perfectly integrated with the black skirt. It could not be seen that it was caused by external forces, just as if they were what they were.

"Qin Shao, you are angry again."

Jiang Yanzi focused on driving, glanced at Qin fan, took out a tissue from the central control and handed it to Qin fan with a smile.

Qin fan quickly wiped his nose, then changed the topic and said, "you haven't answered my question yet."

Jiang Yanzi laughed and said, "this is a confidentiality agreement that must be signed when entering the company. As for the name of the company, including everything in the company, except the Shen family and members of the company, outsiders, even relatives and friends, they are not allowed to disclose a word."

"So strict?"

Qin fan frowned, and an ominous premonition appeared in his heart.

However, Jiang Yanzi cleverly explained: "please rest assured, Qin Shao. The business of Shen family is reasonable and legal, but for some other reasons, it is not allowed to disclose the property to the public. Even many people do not know the existence of Shen group. If Qin Shao is interested, I will explain it to you in detail later until you are satisfied."

Qin fan nodded knowingly, then looked at Jiang Yanzi and said in a low voice, "well, if the blood doesn't rub, it's going to dry."

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