Qin fan was stunned for five seconds.


Then she threw off her hand and ran across the road.

But when Qin fan ran, Li Peizi had disappeared.

Qin fan quickly took out his mobile phone to call her, still unable to connect the state.

"Damn it

Qin fan couldn't help but yelled.

On the other side of the road, Tang Xin was still holding his shoulder and looking at him with a strange smile.

Qin fan is very upset now.

The capital is so big that it's not easy to find Li Peizi who is hiding from him. Today, I finally met her. She was delayed by her and let me run away. The next time I meet her, I don't know when.

But with a sigh, Qin fan took out a cigarette and lit it, silently watching the brand of Jiangnan Institute.

About five minutes.

Qin fan throws away his cigarette butt and plans to take a taxi back to the hotel.

"I'll see you off."

What Qin fan didn't expect was that as soon as he was standing on the side of the road trying to stop the car, he saw a pink Porsche 911 parked in front of him. The window of the cab fell down, revealing Tang Xin's mature and charming face.

"No, I'll take a taxi myself." Qin fan didn't come to the capital to travel and have an affair, especially when she just lost Li Peizi, she didn't like this woman.

"Really?" Tang Xin asked with a smile.

Qin fan didn't speak. At this time, an empty car was coming. Qin fan waved and was about to walk over and get on the bus.

"Li Peizi, from Nandu, came to Beijing a month ago and now works for Jiang Yanzi, President of Jiangshi group. Do you want to know more?"

Just as Qin fan opened the taxi door and was about to get on the bus, the words of a woman's ghost suddenly got into Qin fan's ears.

Qin fan was stunned, turned his head and asked in surprise: "how do you know?"

"Get in the car." Tang Xin patted the door with a smile.

"All right." Qin Fan said sorry to the taxi driver, turned around and took Tang Xin's 911.

"where to?" Qin fan asked after getting on the bus.

"Go where you live." Tang Xin said.

"Well, four seasons hotel."

All the way speechless.

When the car arrived at the four seasons hotel, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

Qin fan leads Tang Xin directly to the top floor suite.

Push the door open.

Qin fan is too lazy to talk too much. He simply sits on the sofa beside the French window and asks, "who are you? Is the Porsche 911 you are driving GT2RS? A bar can't afford to drive more than four million sports cars. "

Qin fan doesn't have much research on cars.

But it happens that Tang Xin's seemingly ordinary mid-range sports car is the same model as Chen Sixuan's 911, landing more than 4 million, which is higher than the price of some Ferrari.

"I don't know whether to say you are stupid or you don't know how. When such a beautiful woman sits in front of you, you don't care about my body shape, but about my car model, which makes people feel very frustrated."

Tang Xin sits across from Qin fan, takes out a box of lady's cigarettes from his bag, lights one, and smokes gracefully.

Looking at her sophisticated smoking, Qin fan seems to be able to understand how she developed her sexy and charming voice in the bar just now.

"Don't you want to introduce yourself again?" Tang Xin's deep eyes, set off by the lights outside the window, are more charming and provocative.

"What do you mean?" Qin fan didn't understand.

"Summer..." Tang Xin deeply breathed out the smoke. Amidst the smoke, she narrowed her eyes and said, "there is no Xia family or enterprise in Jiangshi. There is a shoe factory owner whose surname seems to be Xia, but he has a net profit of several million a year. He can't afford such a good watch in your hand..."

Qin fan smell speech, subconsciously looked down.

He still has the 4 million Patek Philippe in his hand.

Suddenly in the heart some clear, but also don't understand a way: "you are river city person?"

"It used to be." Tang Xin said with a smile, "when I was very young, my parents brought me to the capital. The last time I went back to Jiangshi, I worshipped my ancestors seven years ago. Has Jiangshi changed a lot now? It seems that the Hilton Hotel is newly built, and the environment is pretty good... "

Qin fan stopped talking.

As he looked at the woman, he became alert.

"Who are you?"

"Me? I don't have so much love for you. What I told you is true, but you didn't tell me the truth. " Tang Xin shakes his head and seems dissatisfied with Qin fan.

"Tang Xin..."

Qin fan's mouth, silently chewing the name.

He had the impression that he could not get rid of the relationship between all the people, and that he did not know any people named Tang. Especially if he knew such a big man himself, it would be even more impossible for him not to be impressed.But the other side knows his own details like the back of his hand.

She just said Jiangshi and Hilton Hotel, which clearly refers to what happened in Jiangshi with Li Qingcheng that day.

However, there are very few people who know about it.

Uncle Dong also deliberately blocked the news.

How could a strange woman spit it out hundreds of kilometers away.

"Was it a surprise?" Tang Xin looked at Qin fan with a smile, "there's something more unexpected. Do you want to hear it?"

Qin fan looked at her and did not speak.

However, after smoking a cigarette, Tang Xin looks at the environment in the room, stands up leisurely, goes straight to the wine cabinet, takes out a bottle of red wine and looks at the label below.

Suddenly surprised: "more than 70000, do you mind if I open a bottle?"

"Go ahead." Qin Fan said.


With the crisp opening sound of the cork, Tang Xin, holding a wine bottle in one hand and looking at two goblets in the other, sits back in front of Qin fan.

"Do you usually like red wine?"

Tang Xin takes out the paper towel on the table, cleans the goblet, pours the red wine into it, gives Qin fan a cup, and then gently shakes the wine in his hand. His posture is elegant, but there is something beautiful that can't be done.

Qin fan's heart seems to have a fire burning, and his lips become dry. Bored, he drank the red wine directly in front of him. The red wine without sufficient sobering up was a little bitter and sour, but the residual liquor in his mouth was sweet.

Because the drink is too urgent, Qin fan even feel some upper.

"Beautiful scenery on a beautiful day, what are you doing in such a hurry? I won't eat you. Can't I enjoy the rare tranquility?"

Tang Xinchi looks at Qin fan with a smile. Then he raises his swan like neck, holds up his goblet, and pours the blood like red wine into his cherry mouth. His beautiful posture sets off the night outside the window, which makes Qin fan feel a little dementia.

After his cousin Liu Yingying, Tang Xin is definitely the woman he has seen and charmed to the core.

Put down your glass.

Tang Xin stretched out her delicate tongue and gently licked the wine on her red lips. Then she said, "wine is good wine, but the people in front of me are too stupid, which affects the taste a little."

When Qin fan heard the speech, he woke up from his absence.

Qin fan now thinks that even if Liu Yingying comes, he may not be able to do it.

However, thinking of the purpose of this evening, Qin fan still slowed down and asked, "who are you, now you can always say it?"

"I'm no one."

After drinking, Tang Xin seems to be on purpose, and his voice begins to return to the husky and provocative voice he used to sing before.

Even more so in the eyes.

"What are you doing in the capital this time?" he asked softly

"Find someone." Qin Fan said.

"Li Peizi?"


"You're lying." Tang Xin shook his head. "How can a little character like Li Peizi let you go to the capital in person? What's more, you don't even know what she's doing for the Jiang family? This has to make me doubt that before you came here, you focused on something. Anyway, it must have nothing to do with this little girl, right? "

Facing Tang Xin's enchanting eyes, Qin fan looked out of the window and asked, "how do you know Li Peizi so well? You haven't answered me yet

"Does it matter?" Tang Xin asked: "compared with the woman who is impulsive and feverish, the woman who was in your house last night should be more worthy of your attention?"

"Last night?"

"My house?"

Qin fan looked at Tang Xin in a dazed way. Suddenly, he got up and said, "you are from the black dragon club!"

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