Qin fan eyebrows jump, "really?"

Bai Jianjia nodded with a smile, "yes, your family's affairs, or two days ago my sister ran to ask, he is the main person in charge of this diplomatic incident, listen to his tone, it seems not easy to deal with, mainly because the party's identity is special, has considerable international influence, this person does not appear, things can not be solved."

"It seems that Hebrew is determined to abandon the car and protect the commander this time. They are fighting for the status of their son-in-law. They also want to help the Jiang family deal with us."

Qin fan sighed secretly. He couldn't understand why Hebrew was the consul of F country. He was helping the Jiang family. If they didn't have any interests, Qin fan didn't believe it.

But there was no evidence.

It's a very troublesome thing that we can't even find the evidence of the connection between the two families.

"So you really have the person in your hands now, the one the consulate said?" The white reeds are wonderful.

"Can you do me a favor?" Qin fan asked.


"Help me find out the connection between the consulate and the Jiang family." Qin Fan said frankly.

The beautiful eyes of Bai Jianjia swept Qin fan.

"You haven't heard a word, have you? How could the Jiang family be so clever to fight against the Shen family at this juncture? Don't you want to die?" Qin Fan said.

"But I have no clue."

Bai Jianjia shook his head.

The consulate suddenly raised its voice and exerted unprecedented pressure on the Shen family from a diplomatic height. At the same time, the Jiang family secretly played tricks and took the opportunity to sneak attack.

Obviously, the forces of both sides must be collusive.

Otherwise, the Jiang family would like to take this opportunity to use the power of Japan to deal a fatal blow to the Shen family. Otherwise, with the strength of the Jiang family, the Shen family would not be vulnerable under normal circumstances. Jiangan bridge could not be so stupid to do such useless things.

However, the Jiang family is too careful this time. During the time when

returned home, although he had been secretly investigating, he could not find any clues, nor could he help Qin fan.

"However, it is said that Jiang Yanzi will make a big move at the family banquet of Jiang family tomorrow evening. Maybe he will reveal some information. If he can catch it as soon as possible, it may be of all help to you."

Family dinner?

Qin fan was stunned for a moment, "isn't it cancelled? How did it start again? "

"It was cancelled because of some accidents before, but it was launched again. It will be tomorrow evening at Jiang's mansion. Are you interested in participating?" Bai Jianjia said with a smile.

Qin fan subconsciously wanted to nod his head, but he hesitated and asked, "isn't the Jiang family banquet limited to their family members? Do you have a way to get in?"

"Mixed up?" Bai Jianjia said, "all the four families in Beijing have received the invitation. The people of the Dragon Gang should also attend Do you want to go? My sister can take you in

Qin fan gave her a blank look, "go!"


Leave Baifu.

Qin fan returned to the four seasons hotel for a night's rest.

This dinner is Qin fan's best chance to get in touch with Jiang Yanzi.

And it's not hard to speculate that the family dinner, which had been cancelled because of the almost bankruptcy, could be reopened thanks to Jiang Yanzi.

At present, she is the backbone of the Jiang family.

Before shaking all Jiang family members, it is bound to make a hostess gesture.

After all, mobilizing the funds of the three major banks on Wall Street to keep Jiang's family on the brink of bankruptcy is well known in the whole Chinese upper class circle.

This woman, who has been away from home for more than ten years, has just returned and created a Chinese financial myth. No one or force dares to underestimate her.

Therefore, this was originally a gathering within the scope of the Jiang family, which spread to the four families in Beijing. It can be said that the representatives of the four families came to congratulate and witness the important moment of the birth of the new owner of the Jiang family.

How can such a grand occasion be without Qin fan?

The next day at four o'clock in the afternoon.

Bai Jianjia's car arrived on time.

Stop at the door of the hotel, turn off the navigation and call Qin fan.

"I'm downstairs. You can come down when you're ready."

Get through.

"Well, I'll get dressed and go downstairs."

Qin fan put on his sportswear and sunglasses and hurried downstairs.

In front of the hotel, Qin fan saw the cool old red Alfa Romeo at a glance.

It's from the 1960s and 1970s.

Typical old car.

Classic style, matte red paint, ancient wheel hub and front styling

A strong sense of history came to our face.

Bai Jianjia rolled down the window and waved to Qin fan.When Qin fan got on the bus and found that she was really rolling the window, he was not calm.

"This car is OK. Where did you get it..."

Qin fan sat in the car, gently stroking the ancient and classic interior with his hand, and could not help but marvel.

"My father's, I usually go out to ride a bike, do not like to drive."

Bai Jianjia curls her lips. She seems to be upset that Qin fan's attention is completely focused on the car and ignores her beauty.

Qin fan nodded when he heard the words, and then he looked at the white reeds sitting beside him.

Black T-shirt, denim shorts, a pair of black sneakers under the feet

The figure of Bai Jianjia is absolutely the most perfect and healthy Qin fan has ever seen.

From top to bottom, there is no trace of fat at all.

The whole person is full of youthful vitality.

Even if it's so simple, it's eye-catching.

But it's also an occasion

"If you go like this, you won't be afraid that Jiang's bodyguards will drive you out?" Qin Fan said speechless.

"I have an invitation." Bai Jianjia said solemnly, "the invitation says that you are welcome to come in with the letter, and there is no rule to wear formal clothes, so it's very suitable."

"Originally, I was going to be your bodyguard, but I became a couple." Qin fan looked at his sportswear and grinned.

"But the fish and eyes are mixed at the banquet tonight. Are you sure you won't be found by other people who know you before you find Jiang Yanzi?"

After all, there are four families at the banquet tonight.

The Jiang family and the Shen family have enemies again.

Bai Jianjia felt that even with his own skills, he could not guarantee Qin fan's safety in his hometown.

"There are two people in the Jiang family who have met me. On the occasions we attend, Jiang Liu certainly disdains to appear. As for Jiang Yanzi, it's best to meet her." Qin Fan said with a smile.

"I can't see. You're quite bold." In the eyes of Bai Jianjia, a touch of unexpected color flashed.

Four seasons hotel was originally located in the suburbs, at the junction of Jiangjia mansion.

Two people chatting, the car has been opened to tonight's banquet venue - Jiangfu.

Get out of the car.

At this time, night came quietly, and the whole capital was dazzlingly beautiful.

Hidden in the garden, Jiangfu is even more magnificent. Its exterior wall is made of pure marble, which is extremely grand. Its gate is more like an ancient palace!

"The Jiang family is also too high-profile. At the foot of the emperor, they dare to open such an open door. They are not afraid that once an incident happens, there will be no corpse." Qin fan looked up at the gate, his eyes were shocked.

"Few people know that there are people in it. They usually exist in the name of garden research site. If they don't open to the outside world, no one will know what it looks like." Bai Jianjia said.

"It seems that the Jiang family's relationship is not simple. It's not easy for ordinary people to manage such a large park that is not open to the outside world." Qin fan sighed a little. After all, in this conflict, he felt the pressure from the upper class.

Otherwise, I don't have to risk my life to go to Jiangshi and dig out Zhang Lan's identity.

Because tonight's party is on a small scale.

So at the gate, except for some already parked luxury cars, I didn't see anyone.

Qin fan followed Bai Jianjia. After showing the invitation letter, he entered the gate of the Jiang family.

Inside and outside the gate, beautiful girls in cheongsam and bodyguards in black suits occupy all the key positions.

There is a special person in front of the guide, around the rich flavor of the south of the rockery garden, straight into the banquet hall.

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