Here's a look.

It's on the wound!


Jiang Yanzi almost cried out in pain.

Holding the cup of ten fingers, because of excessive force, and become extremely pale!

"What's the matter, Miss Jiang? You don't feel well?" Jiang Kang lowered his head and asked with concern.

"Can you get your hands off me?" Jiang Yanzi frowned.

"Well Is there a problem? " Jiang Kang's hand was still on Jiang Yanzi's shoulder, but he didn't continue to slap the wound. Instead, he was confused and asked, "I'm your uncle. I just care about your body. What's wrong?"

Before Jiang Yanzi spoke.

Suddenly, he patted down gently and said with a smile, "or do you feel sick and need to see a doctor?"

The wound just stopped bleeding.

It's still in the wound. It's not bandaged.

This seemingly casual touch of Jiang Kang made Jiang Yanzi feel that her whole shoulder was being torn alive with two hands.

She clenched her teeth. Ten fingers tightly grasped the back of her hand. With the overload force, her joints were almost stretched out of the meat. She took a deep breath, bit her teeth and said, "believe it or not, I'll cut off your hand!"

Jiang Kang was stunned.

He lowered his head and saw Jiang Yanzi's face covered with frost. He immediately patted her on the shoulder awkwardly, then relaxed his hand and said with a smile, "look at you, my niece, what's the matter with my uncle? OK, since I see you're OK, I'll rest assured that I can explain to the old man."

Just when Jiang Yanzi wanted to relax.

Suddenly feel, Jiang Kang's hand, once again put on his shoulder.

"By the way, before I leave, I have to tell you that before the murderer is caught, the whole Jiang mansion is on full alert tonight. No one is allowed to go in or out, including me, the master and you, so If it's OK, have a rest early. I'll go to other places for inspection. See you tomorrow. "

This time, Kang Jiang suddenly used his strength.

In the wound a hard pat, eyes and with the bodyguard look at each other, after confirming that there is no handle, turned away.


The gate was tightly closed.

Hear the footsteps go away.

Jiang Yanzi's face suddenly changed. She closed her eyes and frowned tightly. When she reached for her hand to cover the wound, she was in severe pain, which led to her lack of strength. As soon as she softened, she fell from the sofa and fell to the ground.

Qin fan heard the sound and rushed over from the wardrobe.

At a glance, he saw Jiang Yanzi who had fallen to the ground. He stepped forward, bent down and helped her to lie down on the sofa. Then without saying a word, he reached out and tore up the material on her shoulder.

Blood stained through the thick gauze!

Qin fan turned his head and looked at Yan Zi.

I found that her face was even more pale than before, her lips were bloodless, her forehead was covered with sweat, and her body was trembling.


Qin fan's heart sank and patted Jiang Yanzi on the cheek. When he found that she had no response, he quickly took out the medicine box from under the sofa and cut the bandage with scissors. A stream of blood came directly from the wound and wet half of his shoulder.


the blood flow is not enough.

"Damn it, Jiang Kang knew that Jiang Yanzi was the one who had been shot, and he couldn't tear his clothes to expose them face to face, so he patted the wound on purpose to let Jiang Yanzi's injury recur, and then sealed off the whole Jiang mansion, so as not to give Jiang Yanzi a chance to treat his injury."

Qin fan scolded.

But in the face of the recurrence of gunshot wounds, Jiang Yanzi was completely helpless.

He is not a doctor and has not received any systematic and professional first aid training.

Looking at the blood coming out of the wound, my eyes were red.

"Qin fan..."

At this time, he suddenly heard a low murmur. Qin fan turned his head and saw Jiang Yan open his eyes weakly. He raised his hand difficultly and seemed to want to catch something in the air.

"I'm here. How are you?"

Qin fan grabbed Jiang Yanzi's hand and said, "don't worry. I'll try to take you out now. You're just bleeding a little. It's not a big problem. I can call Bai Jianjia. She's so good that she can take you out."

"Yes, to Bai Jianjia..."

Qin fan then remembered that he took out his mobile phone in a panic with one hand. When he was about to call, he saw Jiang Yanzi shaking his head in vain and said, "it's useless. Now I must be seen dead by Jiang Kang's people. No matter how powerful Bai Jianjia is, he can't be the opponent of so many bodyguards with guns. Jiang Kang can't resist me tonight. He won't miss this opportunity "Yes."

"As for the river bank bridge, didn't he promise you that he would pass on the title of the head of the family to you? Now Jiang Kang is doing trouble secretly. Doesn't he know? " Qin Fan said in a hurry.

"Hehe, jianganqiao never wanted me to be the owner of this family. He promised me that it was because the Jiang family was almost forced to go bankrupt by your family. He needed help from the Wall Street bank urgently. Now the Jiang family is out of danger. Jianganqiao is so dependent on jiangkang. It's just his intention to take this opportunity to get rid of me..."Jiang Yanzi said, Qin fan can feel that the delicate palm in his hand is also trying to grasp his hand.

"Well, don't say anything. Anyway, I'll try to take you out. By the way, do you have any trusted people in the Jiang family? I can help you contact him and see if she can find a chance to take you out." Qin Fan said anxiously.

"It's no use..." Jiang Yanzi shook her head bitterly, "the whole Jiang family regards me as an outsider and regards me as an enemy. I wish everyone would swallow me alive. The reason why I have come to this stage is that you Shen family have driven the Jiang family into a desperate situation. They have to beg me to make me have today..."

At this point, Jiang Yanzi took a deep breath, looked at Qin fan and said, "Qin fan, do you know why I didn't want to see you after I left Nandu?"

Qin fan doesn't have the heart to listen to her now. She is desperately turning on her mobile phone to call Bai Jianjia. However, her mobile phone has been held by her sudden hand.

Qin fan turned his head and looked at Jiang Yanzi in surprise.

"It's no use. Even if you want to call her, listen to me first, OK?"

Jiang Yanzi looked at Qin fan and said softly.


"Because I don't want to have a deep relationship with you any more."

Qin fan a Leng, inconceivable ground looks at her, some don't quite understand what is meant in her words.

"When I was in Hainan, I did those things for you, which was completely ordered by President Shen. On the day before I left, although President Shen deliberately found me to take good care of you, and promised me some benefits that I had never thought of before, I could still hear that your father wanted us to be together. Although I was a few years older, my personality was quite different Strong, but your father thinks that when you are entering the society and are not sure about your family and group, it is really the most reassuring and safe choice to have me at your side to guide you all the time. "

Qin fan nodded. Her parents had already expressed their attitude to this point. Especially her mother, she even felt that it was safer for her to choose Jiang Yanzi than to listen to others' mu Xue, but they didn't make it clear in front of Jiang Yanzi.

"But I'm a few years older than you, and my life experience is totally different. How can we be together?"

Jiang Yanzi then said, let Qin fanru to the ice cave.

"I graduated from the top financial college in the world. From my graduation, I worked as a financial executive on Wall Street until I joined your Shen family. The men around me, even the people of the river, are just like the crucian carp. There are so many men around me..."

"I've never thought of being with a man like you, who was born in a rural area, graduated from a second rate school in China, and majored in general. Even the Shen family is not poor, but their three outlooks and world outlooks are totally different."

"How old are you?"

"But in the face of general manager Shen's advice, I have to do it again."

"What's more, what he did in Hainan at that time was entirely because Mr. Shen was worried that you would be confused by the two sisters of the Chen family, so he had to make such a bad decision..."

"It's the same thing that makes me decide that once I leave Nandu and the Shen family, I won't see you again."

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