"What's the matter? You don't even have Tang Xin's contact information. I'm afraid you can't leave here tonight without the help of the internal people of Longbang. "

Bai Jianjia can tell that Qin fan can't get in touch with Tang Xin now. He's a little worried, but there's really no good way.

"Moreover, I think the Jiang family must have made some kind of deal with the Dragon gang for the rest of their life to protect their family from being coveted by outsiders. In the future, the Jiang family will be closely related to the Dragon Gang, so you can run tonight or not, don't wait until tomorrow, there will be any change."

After listening to this, Qin fan bangs his teeth.

A good family dinner of the Jiang family involved the Dragon Gang, which he didn't expect.

Not only she, but even Jiang Yanzi didn't expect that the old fox, Jiang'an bridge, had such a skill.

Otherwise, Jiang Kang did not dare to force the palace without fear.

As he said, this is Huaxia, not Wall Street.

A country where everything can't be done according to the rules.

No matter how powerful you are, even if you save the Jiang family, before your own strength or the forces behind you grow up enough to fight against your opponent, the opponent can still play you to death in a hundred ways.


Qin fan heaved a deep breath, turned to look at Jiang Yanzi who was still in a coma, and asked: "can you find a way to contact the Su Han who talked to you before? As the second member of the four families in Beijing, if she is willing to help, maybe she will have a chance tonight?"

"No way." Bai Jianjia refused without thinking about it. "The Su family only makes friends with the Jin family, and I just have some personal relations with Su Han. I can't let the Su family help you as a family. Besides, how can I help you? Tell Jiang's family that a friend is locked up in Jiang's house, and then you want to take him out? How can you guarantee that you won't be seen by the Jiang family? What's the difference when your identity is exposed and you don't have to die? "

"Besides, what's the matter with you? If you are alone, I can find a way to take you out. It's OK for me to turn over three bodyguards, but if you have any burden, it's not easy to do with three bodyguards. "

In fact, from Qin fan's early morning call, Bai Jianjia knew that he must be in trouble now.

If it wasn't for her burden, she would have run away with Qin fan. The reason why Qin fan didn't go was that she had some scruples. When she thought of the gunshot she heard when she left Jiangfu, she naturally knew what was going on inside.

"Well, wait for me now. Maybe I need your help." Qin Fan said.

"OK, call any time."

After the phone hung up.

Qin fan was at a loss.

Here, the Jiang family's territory is called "every day should not be" and "the land should not work". Once their identity is exposed, it is estimated that they will die more tragically than anyone else.

And what angered him most was.

Up to now, Jiang Yanzi's mobile phone has never rang.

It means that after Jiang Yanzi changed her identity and helped Li Peizi escape, and was shot, Li Peizi still hasn't called!

This makes Qin fan angry.

Before, he always thought that Li Peizi was just spoiled and used to it.

It's just unruly, willful and impulsive.

But did not expect, she has reached now this kind of for one's own strength, regardless of other people's lives.

Qin fan has made up his mind that even after he goes back, he can't face Chen Sixuan and Li Peizi. He won't say a word more about her life and death in the capital.

One in the morning.

There is only one hour left from the dangerous period mentioned by director Chen.

In the middle, Jiang Yan zisu woke up twice, but he didn't even have the chance to open his mouth. He soon passed out in a coma.

Qin fan tries to cooperate with Bai Jianjia and rushes out with Jiang Yanzi.

But when he opened the window and looked out of the attic, he gave up the idea.

The whole liulige is surrounded by bodyguards in suits.

Every bodyguard's eyes are full of alert.

It's obvious that there are earphones on the drums and on the ears.

"It seems that the Jiang family is not going to give Jiang Yanzi a chance to turn over this time. Once Jiang Yanzi dies here tonight, everything she did before will be in vain..."

Qin Jiang sighed that the blood loss was caused by touching his hands for more than an hour, and Chen Zi said that it was necessary to touch his hands as soon as possible.

Moreover, if something happened to Jiang Yanzi, he would not be able to withdraw from Jiang Fu.

It is estimated that Jiang Kang will bring people to visit for the second time at dawn.

At that time, Jiang Kang will never be as polite as before. Even if Jiang Yanzi didn't die at that time, he can't hide his state.At the moment of hesitation, Bai Jianjia called again.

"What's new?" Qin fan connected the phone, some powerless said.

"Is Jiangfu fun?" Said the other.

"Are you interested? I think you're going to die here tonight. You're still in the mood to joke."

Qin fan sighed weakly, but suddenly surprised.

"Ha ha, it seems that I didn't come at the right time. Since you don't welcome me, I'll leave."

At the moment when the other party was about to hang up, Qin fan suddenly yelled, "no! Tang Xin, is it you? "

This woman's voice, low and hoarse, is not white Jianjia at all.

Among the people Qin fan contacted, only one had such a unique voice, Tang Xin!

"When did you come? Why did you take Bai Jianjia's phone? Are you two together? At the gate of Jiangfu? "

Qin fan responds and asks excitedly.

"Ha ha, I was with Bai Jianjia, but I heard that you met some small troubles in it. Do you need my help?" Tang Xin chuckles.

"Yes." Qin fan almost blurted out.

"Then you just stand where you are and protect those who need to be brought out. I'll pick you up right away. Goodbye!"


The phone was hung up.

Is it over?

Qin fan stood in the same place, looking at the phone in his hand.

The identity of Tang Xin has always been a mystery in Qin fan's mind.

She's so mysterious, she seems to be omnipotent.

So that at this point in time, I can appear at the gate of Jiangfu, find Bai Jianjia, call myself on her phone, and understatement that I want to take myself out

"Don't Tang Xin really belong to the Dragon gang..."

Qin fan was stunned, but when he woke up, he still remembered the instructions on the phone. He quickly turned to the sofa, picked up Jiang Yanzi, who was unconscious, and took her to the door, waiting quietly.

One minute

Three minutes

Five minutes

Fifteen minutes

When Jiang Yanzi's skin began to turn cold from scalding, Qin fan was about to take out his mobile phone and call Bai Jianjia. Suddenly, he heard the sound of "daddada" footsteps. From far to near, then the door was knocked.

Qin fan did not dare to open the door at the first time, but remained silent.

Until the man outside said, "open the door, I'll take you out."

Tang Xin!

When he opened the door and looked at Tang Xin standing in front of him, Qin fan still couldn't believe his eyes.

So the river house, which was tightly sealed by the Dragon Gang, came in so swaggeringly? And take yourself out?

The tight dark red Sequin buttock skirt outlines a hot figure. Under the long slender and white legs, there is a pair of red high heels. Standing gracefully at the door with a lady's cigarette between her fingertips, she looks at Qin fan curiously and asks, "don't you plan to go? If you don't go, I'll go. "

Qin fan did not speak, holding Jiang Yanzi behind her.

However, when he went down the stairs and got out of liulige, he was shocked to find that the heavily guarded bodyguards he had seen upstairs could not see the slightest figure, and when he went down, not only was liulige nearby, but the whole Jiangfu was empty, just the sound of Tang Xinqing's high-heeled shoes, ringing back and forth in the night.

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