Qin fan is just slightly wrong.

He quickly turned his head and looked into the ward.

The ward light is on.

But before he saw that Jiang Yanzi's blood transfusion bed was empty, the blood transfusion tube was hanging on the ground, and red blood was still flowing. In addition, the two patients and their accompanying family members on the bed were at a loss, looking up, as if they didn't know what was going on inside.

"Switch? The girl who committed suicide

Qin fan's brain suddenly wakes up from chaos.

In a hurry toward the direction of two people disappear, quickly chase out.

Bai Jianjia is running in the direction of the treatment hall.

But Qin fan felt that the two doctors were pushing the stretcher car towards the ward area behind.

Obviously, the man pretending to be Jiang Yanzi in the hospital bed is the backhand left by the other party. He deliberately wants to lead himself and Bai Jianjia away, so that another group can send Jiang Yanzi out safely.

"Don't chase me. I'm looking for the ward area. There seems to be a back door leading to the parking lot. I'll go first and you'll come quickly!"

After inquiring the nurses on duty in the emergency ward, Qin fan found the back door for the first time, but when he was chasing out, he saw a black Mercedes GLC, which was ferociously starting the engine and galloping towards the outside of the hospital.

"What about people?"

At this time, Bai Jianjia also gave up pursuing the murderer and rushed over.

Seeing the Mercedes Benz with only the tail lights left, without saying a word, he took Qin fan by the hand and ran to the front door.

"They are sure to go back to Jiangfu after catching people. We should be able to catch up with them by driving now."

The old Alfa Romeo is now quietly parked in the parking space at the gate of the hospital.

Old style, low-key lights, and matt paint

It's like an old man, an old man, looking at this neon city with the eyes of the vicissitudes of time.

"Get in the car!"

When Bai Jianjia pulls Qin fan to get on the car and close the door, Qin fan once doubts whether the car can take 70 miles. If it does, will it be like an old man with loose bones on the way? If it does, it will be really troublesome.

But Qin fan underestimated the ancestor of the car industry, which was lying in the Automobile Museum for five years and bought by Bai Zhengzheng, the owner of the Jiang family, for 60 million dollars.

After Bai Jianjia pressed three red buttons on the central control, the ejection speed of 2.84 seconds per hundred kilometers instantly made Qin fan doubt his life.

The old and solid engine began to blow up the streets.

The dark red Romeo alpha was like a red lightning. It was less than ten minutes before Qin fan saw the red tail light of a Mercedes Benz flashing on the empty road.

Suddenly excited to shout: "this is the car, quickly catch up with it, Jiang Yanzi in the car!"

Bai Jianjia didn't speak, and his eyes were awe inspiring. He used to drive the accelerator and forklift, but he kept pace with Mercedes Benz, kept the same speed, and didn't overtake.

"What's the matter? Why don't you overtake it? " Qin fan was puzzled.

"Nonsense! If I use this car to stop this Mercedes Benz, my father will have to peel me alive when I go back! Don't worry. Go to the suburbs first. I can stop it when I get to the suburbs! "

I'm kidding. It's more than 60 million US dollars and more than 500 million RMB. The price of a luxury private plane is just the same.

This is Bai Zhengze's favorite car. In the whole Bai family, only Bai Jianjia, his favorite daughter, can touch it. Even if Bai Tao, the second sister, dares to touch it, she will be scolded.

Seeing that Bai Jianjia said so, Qin fan couldn't say anything more.

Just some anxiously looking at the side of the black Mercedes Benz, while taking out the mobile phone, hesitated for a moment, or a number dial out.

Fifteen minutes later.

Four o'clock in the morning.

It's time for ghosts to show their teeth.

Especially at the end of summer, the air temperature began to become a little chilly.

Two cars appeared at the same time in the eastern suburbs of the capital.

Moreover, before Bai Jianjia accelerated, the Mercedes Benz braked and skidded more than ten meters away, then stopped.

"Don't get down in the car. Just give these people to me."

After stopping the car, Bai Jianjia said and directly pushed the door to get off.

She is very tall.

But it's mainly in the legs.

Simple T-shirts, denim shorts, and pink sneakers

Bai Jianjia strides over with long and slender legs. As she walks, she pulls out the necklace on her chest and kisses the silver plate printed with white characters. The brand letters of the T-shirt on her chest are distorted.

At this time, Mercedes Benz door opened, several men in black directly out of the door, the momentum of fierce cold head-on came up!

Start, kill!A man in black took out a bright short knife from his waist and rushed directly to the white Jianjia. He aimed at the front door. He wanted to kill him with one blow!


At the moment when the man in black was about to stab out, there was a sharp pain in his neck! Eyes suddenly down a sink, pungent liquid from the nostrils and mouth splashing out, the whole person on the super inverted fly out!

And the white Jianjia side body, slowly folded up the long legs.

Just now that foot, directly kicked off the black man's bone, a move to defeat the enemy, so that the opponent did not have any chance to fight back!

Qin fan was stunned.

The speed of this kick is too fast!

He didn't even see how Bai Jianjia acted.

Be quick!

90 degree leg, directly kicked in the black man's neck.

Rao is uncle Dong. Is that all?

The men in black standing next to Mercedes Benz were stunned, but they reacted quickly. They rushed up in a rage, with a bright knife coming straight at Bai Jianjia!

Qin fan's heart was tight, and he was about to get out of the car to help.

But see white Jianjia mouth, outlines a scornful irony.

Fast forward, suddenly a leg, directly will rush in front of the black man kick fly a few meters!

An accomplice took the opportunity to sneak attack on Bai Jianjia behind him, but he didn't get close. Bai Jianjia kicked him in the chest with a clean swing kick. The sharp pain made him feel that the picture in front of him suddenly revolved around, knelt down on the ground, and all his ribs were broken!

The rest of the man in black, shocked to see this out of thin air female devil, just less than a photo, instantly knocked down three people!

What a terrifying fighting power!

And they could have driven straight away.

Less than a kilometer further forward, you can meet your partner and crush the woman at will.

But a few people are greedy and eager for success. They thought that after taking Jiang Yanzi away, they would be rewarded by the president if they brought Jiang Yanzi's accomplices back together.

But I didn't expect that their self righteous killing bureau made wedding clothes for this woman. Six people were chosen by one person, and she was a terrible woman who had the upper hand!

But Bai Jianjia didn't intend to give them any chance at all. He was like a female god of war. He killed the group of men in black with bare hands and collapsed instantly

"Be careful!"

When Qin fan saw that there was a black muzzle sticking out of the driver's seat of the Mercedes Benz, he was shocked and cried out.

But always a step late.

At the moment of the gunshot, Bai Jianjia, standing proudly, suddenly shook and fell to the ground.

Qin fan was so surprised that he quickly opened the door and got off. However, the man in the driver's seat of the Mercedes Benz came down slowly, pointed a gun at him, spat on the ground and scolded: "do you dare to move? I'll shoot you now!"

The man in black scolded as he walked.

When he came to Bai Jianjia's side, he said with red eyes: "Damn, the skill of a bitch is so good. She hurt six of my brothers. It's too cheap to shoot you like this How could it be

Sudden change!

In Qin fan's unbelievable eyes, because he was shot, the white Jianjia lying on the ground motionless, unexpectedly a carp straightened, the body instantly soared at the same time, two slender thighs in the air clamped the neck of the man in black, the tiger turned over! Qianying spins 360 degrees in the air and falls heavily on the ground with the man in black!


Almost at the moment of landing, the white Jianjia grabbed the legs of the man in black's neck and pulled them hard. A brittle sound of bone fracture reverberated in the silent countryside.

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