Liu Meng went back to her bedroom to go to bed.

After receiving Qin fan's call, he immediately changed his clothes and made up, took a taxi from the Conservatory of music to the barbecue street in the southern city.

Her height is about 1.7 meters. She is in full bloom. Her beautiful long hair is high and her thin lips on her face are crystal clear with pink lip gloss.

Proud of the capital, in that tight clothes, almost at any time may burst out, slender willow waist but also Yingying can't hold, washed white jeans wrapped slender legs symmetrical and powerful.

In fact, the most attractive thing is her temperament.

That is the unique elegant temperament of dance girls, graceful and sexy.

Although Huang Qianqian is already a hot school flower in the eyes of the boys in NTU, she is still slightly inferior to the present school flower of the Conservatory of music.

In front of Qin, it is inexplicable to think of a sexy sentence.

Two people agreed to meet at the intersection of barbecue street, and then found a big stall with few family members, ordered some barbecue and a few bottles of beer, and drank freely.

Liu Mengmeng is a good drinker. After two bottles of beer, he is in good condition except for a slight blush on his cheek.

This may be related to Qin fan's initiative to ask her out. Liu Mengmeng drank all the beer in her glass, looked at Qin fan with a smile, and said, "you are not the same as on the phone now."

Qin fan blushed.

He knows what Liu Mengmeng is alluding to.

Qin fan is a typical online king and a realistic bronze.

In the phone and video chat, he didn't know how much he took advantage of Liu Mengmeng, the goddess of dance department.

But as soon as we met, apart from drinking, up to now, we didn't even say two words.

"What do you want me to say?" Qin Fan said awkwardly.

"You can say what you used to talk about." Liu Mengmeng smiles and looks at Qin fan, "you said that as soon as we meet, you will hold me. Why don't you dare?"

Qin fan's face is more red, "it's all fun, so many people..."

In the middle of the story, Qin fan felt that his mouth was blocked by a piece of moisture.

The last time I had contact with a girl, I was still in Dior coffee. Xia Meng was just scratching her cheek.

At that time, the scene was tense and the speed was very fast. He didn't have time to feel what it was like.

This time, he really felt the softness from the girl's lips, and the strong stimulation from the rise of hormones in the body when the opposite sex contacts.

Five seconds.

Liu Mengmeng straightened up and sat back in his position.

Qin fan licked his lips, and then subconsciously raised his pants. His posture changed from sitting upright to two legged, so that he didn't look so embarrassed.

"You haven't talked about girlfriends yet, have you?" Liu Mengmeng looked at Qin fan with deep meaning in his eyes, "kiss, is the reaction so big?"

Because during this period of time, the two people talked about everything in the mobile video, and the topic was open. Liu Mengmeng did not shy away from this kind of problem.

She even took it for granted to kiss Qin fan.

"I've talked about one, but I've broken up." Qin fan tells the truth.

"The one who was at fortune mall last time?"


"Not so much."

Liu Mengmeng compares himself.

As a goddess in the Conservatory of music, Lin Xue is far from her.

What's more, it seems that this rich second generation is not as obscene and uninhibited as before when chatting online.

Now it seems, even think he is a little cute?

When Liu Meng found it, he thought it was him.

"Oh, this is Qin fan."

Qin fan plucked up his courage and was about to ask Liu Mengmeng the most crucial question when he was suddenly interrupted by a voice coming from behind.

Qin fan looked back and said that the girl was Chen Yao, who was also Huang Qianqian's best friend.

In the case of Gele KTV before, to a large extent, it was caused by her fanning the flames.

At this time, Chen Yao looks at Qin fan, and her disdain can't be hidden.

But when she saw Liu Mengmeng, who was sitting opposite Qin fan, her eyes suddenly turned sinister.

As a girl in the school of economics and management of NTU, she has been enjoying the treatment of Goddess level since she entered the school, and has been sought after by countless boys.

In her opinion, a loser like Qin fan, who can meet with himself and say a word, is a blessing he has cultivated in his life.

But last time at Gele KTV, she and Chen Yao failed to make the loser kneel down and plead for their forgiveness. This is a great shame for her. Now she is not easy to meet again. Chen Yao is planning to humiliate Qin fan, but in front of him sits a top goddess who kills herself hundreds of streets in terms of body, temperament and appearance Psychological, naturally unacceptable."Oh, beauty, what's your name? How did you two know each other?" Chen Yao holds her shoulders and looks down at Liu Mengmeng and asks.

Liu Mengmeng was eating a kebab in her mouth. She said indistinctly, "my friend."

"Tut Tut, Qin fan can do it. No wonder you didn't dare to say a word when you were green. It turned out that you had already found a spare tire, but beauty, you should be careful. This guy is not a rich second generation, or a loser with no money. He can't even afford to buy a mobile phone for his girlfriend. Don't be cheated and say that I didn't remind you in advance."

In Chen Yao's opinion, a goddess of Liu Mengmeng's level can't have any contact with Qin fan in her life. If there is one, it must be Qin fan's use of abusive means to deceive Liu Mengmeng.


Liu Mengmeng almost spurted out the meat kebab in her mouth.

More than 200000 mobile phones don't even blink when you buy them. They're all real gold and silver. They still use a global limited number of top black cards. If this kind of person is a loser, it's a compliment.

And Qin fan doesn't matter.

Although she was interrupted by Chen Yao as soon as she entered the state, she was slightly upset, but with Liu Mengmeng sitting in front of her, who would be idle to talk to Chen Yao.

Chen Yao's face drooped as soon as they saw that they regarded themselves as the air.

She looked at Qin fan coldly and said with a scornful smile: "Qin fan, brother long has been looking for you these days, but I heard that you haven't been back to school. Are you hiding somewhere to be a turtle, and even dare not show your face?"

Brother long?

Qin fan subconsciously said, "this guy has not been captured."

"Grab it? Who do you think you are? The detention house is owned by your family. If you want to capture it, you can capture it. I tell you, brother long is in there, but there are some people. Besides, they have told you that if you meet you again, you must have two hands and two legs, so that you will be disabled all your life! Believe it or not, I'll call brother long now and let him deal with you! "

Said, Chen Yao proud of the hands of the phone.

Qin fan frowned at the words.

He is not afraid of dragon brother.

All he has to do is make a call to the third uncle.

Whatever dragon brother or snake brother he dares to appear in front of himself, he has to go back to the detention center and continue to drink porridge.

But he didn't plan to do it for the time being, because although it was cool for him, for Chen Yao in front of him, it didn't hurt half a hair.

Maybe even Qin fan himself didn't notice that his mentality had changed imperceptibly during this period of time.

Qin fan laughed, finished the beer in the glass at one go, hit a full partition, then pointed to his cheek with his finger, said: "here, kiss again."

Chen Yao was stunned for a moment, then yelled: "Qin fan, how dare you let me kiss you? What are you? You're not as good as a beggar at the roadside. Let me kiss you. There's no such possibility in my next life! "

Qin fan's words hit Chen Yao's heart.

This smelly loser is really interested in himself, and he's always lusting about his body.

The more she talks, the more she works hard. When she wants to create an insurmountable gap between the goddess and the loser, Liu Mengmeng calmly stands up from her chair.

Even Chen Yao, who is also a woman, can't help looking at the perfect figure of a girl in dance department.

Then, in Chen Yaomu's daze, Liu Mengmeng bent down, held Qin fan's cheek with both hands, and put her lips together.

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