Listen to Qin fan and finish slowly.

Shen Jianping's face changed from indifference to solemnity.

"Although the Jiang family has cultivated Hebrews, they have also set up many enemies within the Ministry of foreign affairs of state F. we can start from within and take the Hebrew consul's status directly!"

"As long as the consul of Maldives is in charge of everything, it's time for us to go to the consulate of Maldives."

After hearing the news Qin fan brought back, Shen Jianping pondered and said.

"Well, that's it." Qin fan nodded.

However, Shen Jianping thought about it and asked, "is this what Jiang Yanzi told you?"

"Yes." Qin fan did not deny it, but admitted it directly.

"Ah, this Jiang Yanzi has the ability to turn the river and the sea, but she is blinded by hatred. If she wants to finish her revenge on the Jiang family, it will be a long-term and no big chance of winning the war..."

Qin fan was not surprised that Shen Jianping knew Jiang Yanzi's background.

After all, Chen Jiang was in the deputy department, and he was responsible for the case in those years. Jiang Yanzi left the Jiang family to work in such an important department as the Shen family, so she couldn't know nothing about her life experience.

"I intend to use the power of the Bai family to help Jiang Yanzi complete her revenge on the Jiang family."

Without too much hesitation, Qin fan directly told Shen Jianping the purpose of rushing back to Nandu this time.

"White house? White regular Shen Jianping suddenly laughed, "among the four families in the capital, the relationship between the Bai family and the Jiang family has always been the same. If you can move Bai Zhengzheng, it is also a win-win situation to let him push the Jiang family one last time."

Win win?

Qin fan was just a little slow, and he understood the meaning of his father's words.

The Bai family helped Jiang Yanzi wipe out the Jiang family and let Jiang Yanzi become the leader of the family. It was just like supporting one of his own people in the Jiang family to control the family. This was a great advantage for the Bai family, who had been oppressed by the Jiang family for hundreds of years. They were promoted from the old end of the four families in the capital to the third. Not to mention, the Jiang family has been occupying some of their resources, and they can also be worshipped Also, it's a win.

As for Jiang Jiang, it is self-evident that Yan Yi won the second place in the Shen family.

"But when you go to the capital by yourself, can you see Bai Zhengzheng? Do you need me to help you lead the way, arrange an opportunity for you two to meet, and try to find out if it's possible... "

"I've met Bai Zhengze."

After confirming that his father didn't know what happened in the capital, Qin fan suddenly said with a sigh of relief.

"Have you met Bai Zhengze?" Shen Jianping eyebrows pick pick, this is this morning, less than half an hour, Qin fan brought him the fourth surprise.


Qin fan nodded and told him about Bai family, Jiang Yanzi, Li Peizi, Chen Jiang and Jiang family.

Of course, the main content is still focused on Bai Zhengze, who wants to complete the real marriage of the Bai family and the Shen family in the name of having spent the night in the hotel with Bai Jianjia.

This is the main purpose of his rush back to Nandu this time. If this matter is not solved as soon as possible, he will be dazzled by future troubles.

In Qin fan's sad face, Shen Jianping was stunned and burst into laughter.

"I knew that this white regular called me yesterday, but he didn't have a good heart. He also said that he wanted me to take your mother to the capital to visit a new Czech wolfhound he bought. He said that if I like it, I'll give it to me. I also said how he knew that I like this kind of wolfhound. The result is because of you. Ha ha ha ha, the owner of the white family, Bai regular, is really interesting Think about it

Bai Zhengze has already called home?

Qin fan looked at Shen Jianping with confused eyes. He saw Shen Jianping waving his hand with a smile and said: "he didn't tell me about you and Bai Jianjia on the phone, just about visiting the wolf dog. But I've heard that Bai Jianjia is very famous in the capital circle. She's beautiful, and she's also a miss of the Bai family. She's good at Kung Fu. I told your mother before If Jiang Yanzi and Wen renmuxue are not good enough, Bai Jianjia can be our daughter-in-law

Qin fan's face is black.

With Dad, is that a promise?

I came back all the way from the capital overnight to explain something. As a result, my parents still wanted to explain it. They had long recognized Bai Jianjia as their future daughter-in-law?

Qin fan was confused.

This is totally different from what I imagined before I came back.

Seeing Qin fan's eyes straight, Shen Jianping said with a smile: "well, I'm just kidding. Bai Jianjia is really good, but it all depends on whether you like it or not. Anyway, once the diplomatic incident is solved, even if it's a bit troublesome, it's just a trouble. It's no threat to our family any more. It's not enough to be afraid.""But Jiang Yanzi..."

"Jiang Yanzi's business depends on how you communicate with the Bai family. Anyway, I still say that, I will never participate in your personal love life, let alone interfere, including Jiang Yanzi. Do you understand?"

Facing the torture of Shen Jianping's soul, Qin fan opened his mouth several times, but he didn't know what to say.

It's a clear choice.

Ignoring the marriage request of the Bai family, we can't help Jiang Yanzi.

What's the significance of helping Jiang Yanzi by promising the marriage of Bai family?

Do you want to be a good man?

Qin fan claimed that he was not a saint, but it was hard for him to accept the fact that he married Bai family and then completely separated himself from Jiang Yanzi.

"Come back to the capital tomorrow. I'll have dinner with your mother in the evening, and we'll have a good drink."

While Qin fan was meditating, Shen Jianping patted him on the shoulder with a smile.

That night, Qin fan lived in xiannvpo.

Last night, Huang Qianqian's every move he saw in the eyes, he knew this little Laurie's mind now, just ask yourself, now he is not the same as before.

He couldn't even see his heart clearly, and he didn't have the courage to make such a simple girl sad.

He took the bus to the airport the next day, so he went directly to Beijing.

During the flight, some forces of the Shen family lurking around the world are also acting secretly.

Paris, country F.

Throughout the country, in the wave of driving the pharmaceutical companies under Shen's group out of the country, the Supreme Judicial Council of country f received a report letter from the Minister of justice. In the letter, a series of bribery cases of Hebrew, who is currently the consul of the Foreign Ministry of country f, were listed in detail, and a U disk was attached. The U disk is impeccable behind these charges Evidence.

After verifying the evidence, Xinjian and USB flash drive were sent to the Supreme Court of F country.

At that time, under the instruction of the Minister of justice, sherom started the accountability and investigation procedure for the Hebrew consul, suspended the consular post of the Hebrew f consulate in China, and ordered him to return home quickly to accept the investigation of the Ministry of justice!

At the same time.

A fire broke out in the sailing Hotel, one of the only two seven star hotels in the world, on the luxury island of Maldives, which is known as the world's largest pearl.

Three people were injured and one was missing in the fire.

The three injured are all the world's top models in the presidential suite.

And the missing person is the owner of this suite, a mysterious rich man of F country, Sigrid and William!

The Ministry of national police of Maldives said that it is necessary to ensure the safety of every international friend who enters the country for tourism, and will investigate the matter to the end. The missing person must be recovered to prove the freedom and security of Maldives!

Therefore, after Qin fan's mobile phone was turned on, all kinds of SMS and wechat were just like bombs. For five minutes, he could not operate in his mobile phone.

"Very fast..."

Qin fan sighed to himself that money is good for business, especially in the West where politics is over controlled by consortia. Sometimes, the role of money often has unexpected effects.

However, looking at the sign in front of you, Qin fan can't wait to see the reaction of the Jiang family.


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