Although the call is from Uncle Dong.

But Qin fan can easily recognize that this is what his father Shen Jianping means.

In the war with the Jiang family, the Shen family did not break their bones, but after all, they invested a lot of resources and money in it.

It is impossible to give up because of someone when we are about to win a great victory.

Not even Yan Jiangzi.

Businessmen only look at the pros and cons, never care about right and wrong.

After hanging up, Qin fan took a cigarette in the reception hall.

"I'm not here to be a lobbyist."

Unexpectedly, when Qin Fanzheng was thinking about the wording and how to deal with it, Jiang Yanzi directly expressed her intention.

"The crimes committed by the Jiang family can no longer be forgiven, and many of them are also doomed. I will not do this kind of thing. I just want to ask you to leave a whole corpse for the Jiang family and a way out for those innocent people."

"But if you kill jiangkang and his son, you will never get the secret you want." Qin Fan said.

"It doesn't matter, things will come out one day, just like the dark clouds can never cover the sun, and the dawn will come." Jiang Yan Ziwei said with a smile.

Qin fan is looking at these bright eyes.

Once upon a time, it made his heart beat, blood flow accelerated, and even looked at each other, unable to stabilize his emotions.

But now.

This pair of the world's most beautiful eyes, but covered with a layer of fog.

Keep a layer of estrangement with everything, inadvertently, pull away the distance from her.

"Jiang Kang, I'll leave it for you."

After a long silence, Qin fan took a deep breath and said, "as a participant in the whole thing, he should be able to provide you with a lot of information you want. Moreover, as the murderer of your mother, he should accept the sanctions made by you, not others."

There was a long silence in the room.

"I'll take care of the Jiang'an bridge. The General Commander in charge of tonight's operation is the Bai family. You can arrange him properly before 12 o'clock, and I'll say hello to him." Bai Jianjia looked at her and said.

"Thank you." Jiang Yanzi took a deep breath and said to them sincerely.

At this moment, Qin fan felt that Jiang Yanzi was very sad.

From the moment she was born, it laid the foundation for her life which could not be peaceful.

Assassinate, expel, abandon, use

Until this moment, all the glory that should have belonged to Miss Jiang has gone with the decline and ashes of the Jiang family.

However, she still wants to rely on her own strength to pull the Jiang family, a century old building that will collapse.

If it's just for revenge, Qin fan doesn't believe it anyway.

"Make a list." Qin fan looked at her and said, "those who are kind to you, you should make a list for me as soon as possible. I can't guarantee the existence of the Jiang family after tonight, but at least, these people won't be left without food."

"Good." Jiang Yanzi nodded, "I'll go back first. I'll call you later."

"Well, be safe." Qin fan was concerned.

"I will."

Jiang Yanzi left.

When only Qin fan and Bai Jianjia were left in the room, Bai Jianjia looked at him with burning eyes and asked, "in fact, you don't want her to protect the Jiang family, do you?"

Qin fan did not nod.

Without the bondage of the Jiang family, Jiang Yanzi would not stay in the capital. It is the result that Qin fan most wants to see that Jiang Yanzi returns to Nandu.

Qin fan doesn't deny that he has already had a strong feeling for this woman.

"I'm going to call my family. There are still three hours left. If I'm late, Jiangan bridge will be taken away."

Bai Jianjia said lightly, picked up the phone, left the chair and walked towards the conference room.

Qin fan looked at the time: 9 pm.

He didn't believe that this evening would be so peaceful. Before the Jiang family was about to perish, they would take the strength of the whole family to fight back against the Shen family.

"Silence is just the silence before the storm..."

Qin fan stands in front of the French window, overlooking the capital city with a declining night scene, and his heart is inexplicably depressed.


Late at night.

Jiangfu Tingfeng Pavilion.

In the face of Jiang Yanzi who came all night, Jiang'an bridge's old face, in addition to the uncontrollable excitement, but also some complex vigilance in it.

"Miss Jiang, I wonder if you came late at night to witness the demise of the Jiang family? Or do you still remember that you are a member of the Jiang family and intend to help the family out of danger at this critical moment? "

Jiang'an bridge has completely taken off its camouflage, sitting on the grand chair carved with hundred years of pear blossom wood, holding a teacup in hand, and saying in a flat tone."I'm here for you to keep your promise." Jiang Yanzi said.

"What promise?"

"At the beginning, you promised me that after I helped the Jiang family through the financial crisis, you would let Jiang Kang and his son go to my present grave to confess their guilt. Until now, you don't seem to have the slightest expression on this matter." Jiang Yanzi frowned.

At that time, she used all her life to borrow money from the three world banks on Wall Street to help the Jiang family escape the Shen family's final financial sanctions. The purpose was to make jianganqiao, as the owner of the family, force Jiang Kang to tell the truth of that year.

And kowtow to his mother's grave.

Jiang'an bridge was full of promises at that time.

But up to now, I haven't seen any movement.

"Oh, you said it." Jiang'an bridge nodded knowingly and said, "this matter needs to be considered by me. After all, the incident involved several decades ago, and many people at that time and their right and wrong are no longer there. You suddenly asked me to check it. It's very difficult for me to do..."

At the same time, he sneers in his heart that he planned to kill Zheng Yin and nanny, drive Jiang Hailei mad and let Jiang Yanzi run away from home. It was all planned by his hometown master Jiang Xiu, but he is still the actual executor. Jiang Kang and his son are just clowns they put on the surface to admit their mistakes? It's impossible.

At that time, Yan frowned and asked, "I'm not sure if I'll pass the buck to you."

"Did I ever pass the buck?" Jiang'anqiao shook his head. "It's just that things are difficult. Besides, you can't see what situation the Jiang family is facing now. After tonight, it's not certain whether the Jiang family can still exist. As the current owner of the family, I have no skill in what I have to do. How can I manage your personal affairs?"

The implication is that you can't protect yourself. If you don't lift the Jiang family's hopelessness, it's impossible to help you deal with the mess that happened more than 20 years ago.

In Jiang Yanzi's mind, the river bank bridge has always played an important role.

After the death of their mother and nanny, the family was willing to take part in their funeral, but their father was put under house arrest. It was jiang'anqiao who paid to bury their mother and nanny.

With this alone, Jiang Yanzi felt that she would be grateful to him for the rest of her life.

Otherwise, when she came back, it was not jianganqiao who almost knelt in front of her, and she would not help the Jiang family through this difficulty.

"So, even if the Jiang family is destroyed, I can't know the truth of that year?" Jiang Yanzi took a deep breath and kept her last sense in her mind.

But what she didn't expect was that the expression of displeasure appeared on the face of Jiangan bridge.

He put down the tea bowl in his hand, looked up and said with sullen eyes, "what's the matter with you? Didn't I just say that? It's hard to find out! Twenty years ago, there has been no clear statement about the case. How can I find out for you these two days? "

"Besides, can't you see what's going on in the Jiang family? Jiangjia is at a critical moment of life and death. The future of hundreds of people is worrying! You're still taking my time for your own business

"Well, you can go out and wait. Let's see if the Jiang family can spend the night. If you can, I will use some resources manually to help you find out the truth. If you can't, the Jiang family will disappear. No one can help you any more."

"Well, I'm very busy now. There are some important friends coming here to see me. You can go out and wait."

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