Hilton Hotel.

Bai Jianjia hung up the phone, went to Qin fan and said, "Jiang Kang and his son are missing. Jiang An bridge died of illness, and only some unimportant minions were caught."

"If you can make it." Qin Fan said casually.

"Did you know that long ago?" Bai Jianjia took a look at Qin fan, because Qin fan's performance was too calm.

"Who do you want them in?" Qin fan raised his head to meet her eyes.

"Of course..." Bai Jianjia pursed her lips and nodded, "I know."

Qin fan looked at the time.

It's a quarter past three in the morning.

It is estimated that the operation of the security department has come to an end.

"It seems that my task in Beijing has been completed and I can go back to Nandu as soon as possible."

Qin fan stood by the bed, stretching lazily.

This time I came to the capital, the biggest harvest was to let Jiang Yanzi reveal himself about the private business between the Jiang family and the Hebrew consul, as well as the real hiding place of Abel William.

By the way, we'll get rid of the Jiang family and let Japan Chemical Co., Ltd. lose this powerful chess piece.

Delay their intention to enter the Chinese market.

It's just a delay, of course.

The invading nature of these people will not disappear with the collapse of a Jiang family.

It's just a matter of time.

But it also gives the Shen family more time to prepare, so as to avoid the situation of being in a hurry again.

"Are you going so fast?" Bai Jianjia asked.

"Yes, I don't think it's necessary to stay in the capital for the time being after dealing with things. I still have a lot of things to deal with in Nandu. If I stay like this, I'm afraid many things will be abandoned." Qin Fan said a little tired.

"Can't you stay two more days?"

"Still not." Qin fan refused.

"Don't you have any people or things in the capital that you should cherish?" Bai Jianjia only felt sour in her eyes, which was the first time she felt this state since she was so old.

"Then I'll keep it for one day." Qin fan turned his head, looked at her and said with a smile.

White Jianjia's heart is just like the sweet scented osmanthus in September. The small stamens are lifted high, and the wind shakes violently, sending out charming fragrance.

"Bang! Bang! Bang

There was a knock at the door.

Bai Jianjia was surprised, her eyes quickly turned from blurred to alert, but when she heard the voice coming from outside the door, she immediately relaxed.

"Sister, open the door. I'll take you home."

It's white peach.

Bai Tao sent a text message at night saying that she would take someone to pick her up after the Jiang family's affair.

Although in this era, men and women unmarried, overnight cohabitation has been used to.

But the Bai family and the Su family are two rare families that follow the tradition. Otherwise, Bai Zheng would not come to the door to confirm the matter and arrange marriage after he heard that Bai Jianjia had spent the night with Qin fan.

"My sister Baitao, I'll open the door."

Bai Jianjia explained, turned and ran to open the door.

At the door was a girl in a pink dress.

It looks similar to Bai Jianjia in age, but it is sweeter in temperament and appearance.

After all, Zhao gangrou doesn't want to be able to beat you just like Tu Gangji.

"You are..." The girl looks over her head and stares at Qin fan and asks, "should I call you brother-in-law or brother-in-law?"

Chen Zhiguang's fiancee should be Bai Zhiguang's.

But she has heard about what happened between the elder brother and the elder sister.

Call a brother-in-law, there should be no problem?

"You are white peach." Qin fan asked the girl with a smile.

I have to admit that the gene of Bai family is very good.

Sisters can be civil and martial.

They can't hide their natural beauty.

And Baitao is a wonderful girl.

After all, with her family, appearance and her own conditions, as well as the living environment from childhood.

Such a proud woman, can tolerate Chen Zhiguang kind of Playboy, after the engagement is still outside nonsense, is not the average man can compare the mind.

"Yes, I've heard Chen Zhiguang mention you more than once. As a result, the capital, where you've been here for such a long time, didn't take care of you. If you're OK tomorrow, my sister and I will invite you to dinner." White peach generous smile way.

This makes Qin fan feel that Chen Zhiguang is not worthy of her.

"No, I have an appointment with Qin fan tomorrow. When he comes to Beijing next time, let's invite him to dinner together." Bai Jianjia said in a hurry."What's the matter?" Bai Tao turns her head and asks her sister.

"Something's up."

"What's the matter?"

"That is Oh, anyway, there's something wrong. He doesn't have time to eat with you. Let's talk about it next time! "

Bai Jianjia took Bai Tao's hand and ran very fast. He went in directly by the elevator.

Qin fan reluctantly looked at the open door, walked forward and closed the door, then went to take a hot bath and went to bed.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night for the Jiang family.

Jiangfu, which used to be hidden in the suburban manor, finally tore its veil under the intervention of a group of mysterious departments.

Hundreds of live police sealed off the whole estate.

Hundreds of police cars, explosion-proof vehicles and three armed police squadrons were deployed to block the water in jiangfuwei.

Two more snipers occupied the highest building nearby.

Two M99 sniper guns, block the two exits of Jiangfu.

Its high precision and striking power are enough for anyone who dares to show his head during the blockade to be directly hit in the head by 12.7mm diameter sniper bullets. Its powerful penetrating power is enough to make the target's head burst into a cup size blood hole, which can be called a battlefield killer.

Jiangfu in the bamboo sea.

Like the day.

In the face of armed police and armed police with supreme orders.

The once invincible Jiang family deeply felt the terror of the state machine at this moment.

Those who have been brothers with them, the so-called powerful side of the upper friends.

It's like a mouse with a cat tonight.

All phones are tacitly shut down.

It's hard to get through one, and hang up the phone in a panic, not daring to say a word.

The whole Jiangfu is a piece of iron bucket!

Bai Chaohui, the commander-in-chief of this operation, is standing solemnly in the attic of Tingfeng at the moment.

The order he received this time was to arrest the Jiang family and all the people involved in the spy incident.

Including the current owner of the Jiang family, Jiang Yanzi.

Waiting, listening to the wind Pavilion door open.

Jiang Yanzi, a dark cheongsam, came out accompanied by the two vice owners, Jiang Anfeng and Jiang Anan.

Elegant temperament, exquisite makeup, perfect curve, black high heels, and tailored black gilded cheongsam

People feel that this woman is born for the cheongsam.

In other words, the dress of cheongsam, at the moment of its birth, has been waiting for a woman like Jiang Yanzi to wear it to show her broad feelings and the women's details.

"Jiang Yanzi." Bai Chaohui said lightly.

"Minister Bai." Jiang Yanzi nodded.

"According to the normal procedure, you need to come back with me and accept our investigation." Bai Chaohui said.

"Well, when?"


Jiang Yanzi's eyes glanced at some people of the Jiang family who were already in custody. Meimou flickered and asked, "after the interrogation, will all the people who have nothing to do with this incident come back?"

"Yes, it's only a case, not an individual or a family." Bai Chaohui said truthfully.

"However, you may have to stay here for a long time. Although we know that you took over the position of the head of the Jiang family only a few hours ago, according to the procedures and regulations, you can leave the ministry only two weeks after the end of the case, and it is confirmed that there is no evidence of you. You may have to suffer some grievances in the middle, but it is a routine, and we will continue to do it It's a matter of proportion. "

"Does Qin fan know?" Jiang Yanzi asked.

"Qin Fan said hello to the young lady, but I haven't told him what happened tonight." Said truthfully, another kind of picture, if it is not a white blood home investigation.

"Thank you."

Jiang Yanzi pursed her lips, looked at Bai Chaohui and said, "please don't tell him about me, Minister Bai, please."

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