Today's college students are old drivers. Qin fan is slow for half a second, and then he comes to know what's going on.

"I've broken up with Lin Xue, so we can get together and break up. We won't talk about her in the future."

Qin fan is indifferent to his feelings now.

In his opinion, it's sad to break up because no better one has been found. Which man can stand the temptation of breaking up with his girlfriend, and then Lin Zhiling takes the initiative to throw herself away.

Let alone Lin Zhiling. Even Xia Meng killed Lin Xue for hundreds of streets.

When he is strong, let him be strong, the wind blows the hills; when he is horizontal, let him be horizontal, and the moon shines on the river.

Now is Qin fan's wisdom.

The other three in the bedroom looked at each other.

The dynasty couldn't believe it. He rowed in front of Qin fan with his hand and said, "old four, don't scare us. At the beginning, you were so devoted to Lin Xue. Now you're going to split up? Not at all? "

"That is, half a month ago, if we hadn't tried our best to stop you, you would have tattooed Lin Xue's name on your chest. Why is it so free and easy now?" Huang haozeng takes out a cigarette to light it again.

"Chen zikun, the son of a turtle, with his money, is the 27th girl friend in the school. Qin fan, are you not angry?" Chen Yu fiddled with the branches of green pineapple.

If the roommate didn't take the initiative to mention it, Qin fan would not have taken the initiative.

Although now he can show off his wealth.

Moreover, you can do whatever you want and be crazy.

But he's not going to do it.

"Let's not talk about this unhappy thing. I'm going to graduate soon. I've prepared a gift for you all. I'd like to thank you for taking care of me in the past four years."

Qin fan smiles and throws his cloth bag on the table.

"Choose for yourself."

Huang haozeng came over with a cigarette in his mouth. He looked at Qin fan suspiciously and said, "why, did you bring the peanuts from your hometown?"

The dynasty kicked him in the butt: "what's the matter with peanuts? I love to eat peanuts from the fourth family. I can't drink enough without drinking peanuts from his family. Fourth, the old rule is, how many peanuts do you bring this time? I don't want to take advantage of them. I'll pack them for you for 50 people."

Chen Yu also came back from the balcony and echoed, "I don't have any cash on me. I'll eat it first and transfer it to you by wechat later."

Looking at the two fifty yuan bills thrown on the table by his roommate, Qin fan felt warm in his heart.

In fact, among the three of them, the family environment of the dynasty is better. Huang haozeng and Chen Yu's families are also working class, and their monthly living expenses are not much. However, since they know that Qin fan's hometown is in the countryside, there are no more or less. They always help him when he is in trouble.

Especially after Qin fan talked about his girlfriend, the living expenses were all taken away by Lin Xue. Although they didn't like Lin Xue's practice, they never made Qin fan hungry, which Qin fan always remembered.

He once vowed that once he developed, he would take his brothers to the sea to make a tender model, change two in a day, and never take a heavy one.

Even if Qin fan is such a sentimental person, he doesn't care about other people's eyes, but he always keeps in mind the kindness of his good brother.

"Lying trough!"

Huang haozeng was the first to make a sound with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Fruit x? New style? Or 256g? "

Dynasty and Chen Yu were also a little stunned.

"Old four, you can't take the wrong bag, can you? What about peanuts? How did it become a mobile phone? " The dynasty turns its head and stares at Qin fan in confusion.

"It's a fruit cell phone, three, one for each brother." Qin Fan said with a smile.

Qin fan's family background, the three of them are very clear.

Don't mention buying three of the latest fruit x's.

In order to buy Lin Xue a mobile phone, Qin fan works day and night at McDonald's for two months. They know it.

How could he have the money to buy three mobile phones and give them away?

Dynasty glared at Huang haozeng, asked him to put back his mobile phone, then tied the bag tightly again, carried it to Qin fan, with a dignified face, and said: "old four, where you get it, send it back quickly, don't be afraid of making mistakes, for fear that you will not change your mistakes. Don't worry, my brothers will accompany you and help you with life or death."

"Yes, old four, don't ruin your future because of a woman. There are many women. When I accompany you to pay off your mobile phone, my brothers will help you to go to Baihua spa for a free ride. But at this juncture, don't do anything stupid." Chen Yu echoed.

Baihua spa is a very famous spa in Nandu. It's said that every technician is goddess level. Of course, the consumption is not affordable.

Qin fan's nose is slightly sour.

He raised his hand and patted the Dynasty on the shoulder, seriously said: "my brother's house has been demolished and 20 mu of land has been expropriated. These three mobile phones are my pocket money this month."

For a full minute, three people in the dormitory stood still, staring at Qin fan."Hurry up. I've chosen one of the three colors for you. I'm going to be robbed if I slow down."

As soon as Qin fan's voice fell, the other two people, like runaway wild dogs, rushed towards the cloth bag in the hands of the dynasty.

As a result, Huang haozeng grabs the deep space dust of his heart, Chen Yu grabs the silver, while the dynasty grabs the black.

They are all 256g, the best models on the market.

Three people are sitting on the chair, happily fiddling with the new mobile phone.

"Does Lin Xue know about the expropriation of land in your hometown?" The dynasty raised its head and asked.

Qin fan shook his head with a smile: "I just received her call to break up, there is news at home."

"Retribution..." Huang haozeng took his cell phone and sighed. "If she treats us old four well, is it necessary for her to flatter Chen zikun?"

"Chen zikun is a rich second generation. He has tens of millions of assets in his family. We can't compete with him..." Chen Yu said, somewhat frustrated.

"What's the matter with money? Can he be as attentive as Qin fan to her? He's just a temporary plaything of the rich second generation. He really takes himself seriously."

Seeing the two people's old stories mentioned again, Wang Chao cleared his throat and said, "forget it, today is a good day for Lao Si. Don't mention these dejected things. Since it's a good day, Lao Si has also given us such a big gift. I suggest that our brothers go to the Backstreet stalls first, and then go to the KTV, and don't get drunk or go back!"

The Backstreet stall actually refers to the barbecue street, which is in the South back door.

With good quality and low price, it is a favorite gathering place for school students to have dinner together.

Four people went to the dean's office to get the graduation employment agreement, then came to the back street, several people ordered their favorite food.

The last grilled fish is served together. It is roughly estimated that this table will cost at least 500 or 600.

Wang Chao picked up his wine cup and said, "I'll take care of dinner and drink tonight, but I won't say thank you. Let's wish Lao Si more and more powerful in the future. Find a beautiful daughter-in-law and shake his mother Lin Xue's face!"

All the people drank bravely.

According to Xia Meng's doctor's advice, Qin fan should not drink at all.

But I'm so happy today.

After all, what's more direct than getting rich overnight?

He wiped his mouth, and suddenly felt that even if he had money, once he finished college, he would not be able to buy back his present comfortable life.

"I'll mention it, too." Huang haozeng wiped his mouth and said, "although old four is rich, what should our elder brothers do in the future? Old four, if you dare to act like Chen zikun's son in front of us, my elder brother should cut you like you. I promise you will fight harder than before."

When Chen zikun was mentioned, his face suddenly changed.

They all belong to the same department. They know Chen zikun and have been bullied by him, but they dare not speak up. Who makes people rich.

"Don't you just open a broken Aurora? It's special to take off Chery's logo. What's the pressure?" Chen Yu took a sip of wine alone to vent his unhappiness.

"How much did that car cost?" Qin fan asked curiously.

"If it's medium, it's less than 400000."

Chen Yu looks at Qin fan in surprise.

"Damn it, you don't want to build one, old four. I tell you, although your family lost some money, we don't need to be angry with people about this kind of thing. He bought a car with his father behind him. You can't do this stupid thing with your parents' compensation."

Wang Chao also nodded, persuading: "soon to graduate, looking for a job, falling in love, getting married, buying a house, buying a car, which do not spend money, and now the house price is so high, old four you that 20 acres of farmland can not lose much money, we still save money, don't be angry."

Qin fan smiles.

If there is only a little compensation, it will be OK.

But if at this moment, he has a hundred million?

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