"I don't know!" Li Yan shook her head immediately.

"I don't know?" Qin fan frowned together.

But unexpectedly, this habitual action, let Li Yan with the ghost, just a little relaxed mood, suddenly burst out again.

He turned to climb under Qin fan's feet and kowtowed desperately, denying that he knew the source of Li Gui's Fund.

Qin fan took a look at Bai Jianjia, and then said, "do you want to tell me that you don't know anything about the source of Li Gui's capital?"

"If Li Gangui doesn't know anything about the money, I don't even want to tell you if I don't want to give him any more money."

Qin fan looked down at her and did not speak.

He didn't doubt Li Yan's words, but he was slightly surprised by Li Gui's methods. Hundreds of people in the Li family had to let them work for themselves and let them know nothing. It was really not the means that ordinary people could use.

"So, you don't know anything about anything but money?" Qin fan frowned, with a trace of displeasure in his tone.

"No! I know one thing Li Yan suddenly raised her head and stared at Qin fan.


"It's Li Gui who plans to spend a hundred million yuan to buy Dong Ming, but it's said that he was rejected by Dong Ming!" Li Yan said.

Inexplicably, Qin fan's heart jumped.

Uncle Dong was bribed by Li Gui?

"Is that true?" Qin fan looked at her and asked.

"It's true! At yesterday's family meeting! Li Xiang was scolded by Li Gui for not being able to buy Dong Ming. At that time, all the family members saw it with their own eyes. I absolutely didn't lie! "

Looking at Li Yanyan's chiseling, Qin fan nodded and asked, "what else?"

"More?" Li Yan was stunned.

"Don't you know anything about yesterday's noon and afternoon?" Qin fan asked in a low voice.

"Yesterday?" Li Yan thought about it and said, "I don't know. What happened yesterday?"

"You are not honest." Qin fan sighed.

"I don't know!" Seeing that Qin fan didn't believe it, Li Yan was in a hurry.

"Since Li Gui called all the people to come back to Li Fu, he held a family meeting just two days ago. At the meeting, he asked Li Xiang about buying Dong Ming and what else he was going to make trouble in xiannupo these nights. Besides, there was nothing else. Even if there was, they would not tell me about me as a girl."

Fairy slope?

Qin fan squinted and asked, "when?"

"I don't know. It seems that Li Xiang is also in charge of these two days. Now he and Li Gui are the only two people in the whole family who keep their word. Li Gui is in charge of the commander of the law, Li Xiang is in charge of the implementation, and the others take the money with them. There is nothing else for the time being." Li Yan said truthfully.

"Can you get Li Xiang out?" Qin fan asked.

"No Li Yan didn't even think about it, so she denied it.


"Li Xiang and I have been in trouble with him since we were put in Kunshan last time. They hardly have any contact with each other. Otherwise, I would not have heard that this beautiful woman is him or what he is, so I want to use it as a handle to steal more money from him..."

So it is

Qin fan looked at Li Yan, also know the redundant information, also can't ask what, then asked: "Li family this time give you bonus points how much?"

"Ah? Oh, two million. " Li Yan said truthfully.

"Quite a lot." Qin fan smiles.

"What's more? The previous two million is our pocket money for two months, but it's said that we have to insist on half a year to give the next batch, and the premise is that we have to pay back..."

Seeing Li Yan's desire to say nothing, Qin Fan said, "the premise is that the Shen family is destroyed. If you can swallow the assets of the Shen family, you will have as much money as you want, right?"

Li Yan did not dare to admit it, but did not deny it.

"Well, I'll give you a chance to have more money than you can spend without waiting for the collapse of the Shen family. How about it? Do you want to consider it?" Qin Fan said with a smile.

"Ah?" Li Yan looked up at Qin fan, obviously did not understand the meaning of his words.

"I give you a million dollars a month Well, two million. You just need to report to me all the news of the Li family at any time. I won't tell anyone else. How about it? Is it a good deal? " Qin Fan said with a smile.

"No way." Li Yan a listen to, head immediately shake with rattle like, "I can't do this, otherwise I will die!"

"If you don't, you'll die now." Qin fan looked at her and said word by word.


Li Yan hesitated.She had no doubt about what Qin Fan said.

Compared with death, she was more afraid of returning to Kunshan again.

But now the Li family is no longer the family of the Li family, but the one behind Li Gui.

She is very clear about what the Li family is doing now.

The risk is enormous.

No success, no benevolence.

As the daughter-in-law of the Li family, she doesn't care about the enmity between the families. Who will be the richest man in Nandu.

She only cares about how much money she can get each month, whether she can afford to buy Hermes, whether she can go to London with her best friend and have afternoon tea, and whether the latest Maserati can swipe the card in full.

"Can you keep me safe?" Li Yan looks at Qin fan and asks.

Qin fan shook his head, "I can guarantee your safety in the case that you don't break the rules. Of course, if you break the rules, I can't guarantee your safety, and even personally send you to hell. Can you understand what I mean?"

"I know." Li Yan takes a deep breath. She knows that Qin fan is telling her to keep absolutely secret about the things between the two people, and it's up to her to keep things secret.

"It's good to have a villa on the golden coast. Originally, my family gave it to me, but I haven't had time to live in it..."

"I promise you!" Li Yan suddenly said, "but you also have to promise me a condition!"

"Well, you say." Qin fan asked.

"If the Li family is gone this time, I hope you can keep your promise..."

"It's no better than that." Qin fan waved his hand and interrupted her, "if the Li family is gone, I will give you the villa on the golden coastline, and then I will give you enough money to support your old age. It's your business to think what you want there."

See Li Yan face puzzled, not through the golden coastline, but is known as one of the world's top coast, where the villa, in the world are hot, worth hundreds of millions! And fixed appreciation!

It's more attractive than paying every month!

How can Qin fan do this kind of loss business? It's not like his style.

Seeing Li Yan's confused face, Qin Fan said with a smile: "I hate trouble. I pay money every month. It's easy for me to forget. If you think there's no problem, it's settled."

"Good!" At this time, Li Yan just knew that there was no way out. Similarly, she also wanted to fight for her future!

"Li Guixiang and I will tell you what's going on at the first moment when we get back." Li Yan took a deep breath and said.

However, to her surprise, Qin fan shook his head and said, "this is too slow. Since Li Xiang is the only one who can be used by Li Gui now, you'd better let Li Xiang go back and settle the past quarrel. I need to know more information. If it's too late, then it's totally unnecessary to do all this."

"However, I'm not sure if Li Xiang is willing to reconcile with me, and if he is too deliberate, I'm afraid he will be exposed." Li Yan said.

"It's up to you. If you can do your best, even if you can't, what I need is valuable information. If you do it well, your reward will be far more than what I just said. Can you understand me?" Qin Fan said with a smile.

"I understand."

Two people add each other's wechat, and Bai Jianjia gives her the key to the BMW. After Li Yan drives away from here, Bai Jianjia walks up to Qin fan and asks, "don't you worry, will she say today's things when she goes back?"

Qin fan shook his head, "she won't."

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