Qin fan took a look at Jiang Yanzi, his face flushed slightly.

The charm of this mature goddess is a great test for her.

It can be said that last night and this morning, Qin fan was able to accept Liu Mengmeng and Zhou Lulu's suggestion so quickly.

It was all because of the smell of Jiang Yanzi in the car yesterday afternoon.

He couldn't help it.

A place in urgent need of venting.

Now she's back.

And today, she is wearing a black off shoulder close fitting T-shirt, thin but completely unable to cover her upper body, enchanting posture is particularly attractive.

Immediately, he quickly moved his eyes away, looked at the sweating security guard and asked, "can I go in now?"

"Yes, of course, Mr. Qin. I didn't know your identity before. Please forgive me. I really need this job."

Although he didn't know who Jiang Yanzi was, he knew that anyone who could afford to drive such a car could step on him at will.

Qin fan is also indifferent to smile, said: "nothing, you do well, is next time don't stop me on the line, goodbye."

With that, Qin fan waved his hand and got into the car.

In the car, there is a woman's body fragrance.

It's not the fragrance of a young girl, but the unique, hot and confused fragrance of a mature woman.

"The house the young master bought here, is he going to live on his own?"

Jiang Yanzi drove into the community and asked with a smile.

Qin fan nodded, but he couldn't help glancing at Jiang Yanzi.

This woman, in addition to the upper part of her body wearing a shoulder T-shirt tightly wrapped with proud figure, the lower part of her body is also wearing a white miniskirt. She is sexy, round and slender, with milk like white luster. She is wearing a pair of cotton slippers on her feet, but at Qin fan's feet, she is wearing a pair of silver high-heeled shoes inlaid with thin diamonds, which exudes fatal temptation all the time 。

"What a delicate woman..."

Qin fan sighed slightly in his heart, and then heard Jiang Yanzi ask, "young master, what's the number of your house?"


Throttle, speed up.

The water pink Bentley moushang takes Qin fan to visit the environment and facilities of the whole community in disguised form, and then slowly stops at the middle of the mountain, at the gate of the independent villa Qin fan likes.

After the car stopped, Jiang Yanzi didn't get off at the first time.

Meimou, looking at Qin fan gently, said with a smile: "Qin Shao, can you bring me the high heels, I want to wear them now."

This smile, beautiful flowers, as if the world's stars fell down, all installed in her eyes.

Qin fan nodded, bent down and took the silver high heels in his hand, then handed them to Jiang Yanzi.

"Thank you."

Regardless of Qin fan sitting next to him, Jiang Yanzi leans her upper body against the seat, raises her slender legs, reveals her curves, and gently puts her high heels on her feet.

Qin fan's eyes almost watched the whole process of Jiang Yanzi putting on high heels without blinking.

Finished, do not forget skilled from the storage box to take out a tissue, wipe the blood out of the nose.

"Let's go."

After putting on the high heels, Jiang Yanzi said a word to Qin fan with a smile. Then she looked over and almost reached out to the co pilot and helped Qin fan open the car door.

Qin fan's nostrils are hot again.

Two people out of the car, first of all, the villa around the environment.

Three story garden villa, backed by Castle Peak.

In front of the gate is a piece of grass, 20 square meters. Outside the courtyard of

, there is also a variety of pink flowers that can not be named. Along the driveway of the mountain road, they are planted with leafy French parasol trees, because they are next to the flowers, so the blooming flowers can be seen everywhere, and there is only one villa on the hillside, which is only ten minutes away from the other villas in the district. ...

Really lost and isolated, but deep in the bustling downtown.

Just looking at it here, Qin fan felt that the more than 20 million flowers were worth it!

And Jiang Yanzi obviously likes it.

She slightly narrowed her eyes and stretched out her waist beside Qin fan.

This let her originally is the golden ratio stature, once again in Qin fan's line of sight, exposed completely, unfolds incisively and vividly.

"Well, do you live here, too?" Qin fan wiped his nose and found more blood stains on his palm.

But this time, Jiang Yanzi didn't seem to notice. She pointed to a villa next to the hillside and said, "that one is mine. I just bought it. I want to open it today, but I didn't expect to meet Qin Shao here by such a coincidence.""So close?"

Qin fan looked at the villa where Jiang Yanzi pointed.

This is the only villa near the hillside.

As soon as you get down the mountain, it's almost there.

It's less than ten minutes' walk. As long as he has nothing to take a walk, he will definitely pass there.

"Yes, so I have a lot of affinity with Qin Shao."

Jiang Yanzi said, turning her head and looking at the villa beside her, she said, "come on, Qin Shao, the layout of the villa seems to be almost the same. It's just that I'm OK today. I'll act as an interpreter for you to have a good understanding of the new home in the future."

Jiang Yanzi is 1.73 meters tall.

The main reason is that the legs are too long.

In addition, seven centimeter high-heeled shoes with thin heels make the white skirt swing gently when walking. Under the sunlight, the delicate skin exudes a creamy luster.

There is such a gourmet goddess who accompanies him to visit his new home. Although the villa is a little big, Qin fan naturally doesn't feel tired.

And even enjoy it.

The small courtyard with Suzhou garden style, the three storey villa building with Chinese style appearance, and the simple and medium style decoration with the same light luxury style make Qin fan feel more and more satisfied. He even wants to stay here and never go to guishengde hospital again.

However, when he visited the master bedroom and watched Jiang Yanzi sit on the head of the bed gently and experience the comfort of the bed with elegant posture, Qin fan felt an evil fire surging up in his heart. He hated to try the comfort and softness of the bed immediately.

It's five o'clock in the afternoon.

Even in the hot Nandu, in this kind of beautiful residential area, also early feel a trace of coolness.

Two people are sitting in the open garden on the third floor. Jiang Yanzi cooks a pot of water in a teapot. Then he goes back to the car and takes out a bag of Dahongpao. After rushing up, he knows Qin fan's step by step and fills his cup with tea.

"For the first time in so many years, I can watch the sunset quietly at this time."

Jiang Yanzi was holding a blue and white cup in her hand, looking at the setting sun slowly falling in the distance.

Jiang Yanzi is watching the setting sun, while Qin fan is watching Jiang Yanzi.

This is a woman that people will never forget once they see her.

Even though Qin fan has seen a lot of beautiful women at present, every time he sees her, he can't help feeling shocked all over and can't help saying a word in his mind.

Once you see qingrencheng, goodbye Qingrenguo!

She has the perfect facial features, whether it is charming eyes, or small towering Qiong nose, or cherry red moist lips, all are beautiful!

What makes countless women hate is that not only her facial features are flawless, but her figure is also the golden ratio of the golden ratio, exquisite and graceful, with a clear curve.

In addition, her concentrated expression at the moment is combined with the beautiful scenery and sunset, which makes Qin fan feel that all this is not a real scene, but a painting.

"Can I often come up for tea in the future?"

Jiang Yanzi suddenly took back her eyes, turned her head, looked directly at Qin fan's eyes and said with a smile.

Qin fan a Leng, immediately nod, say: "certainly can."

"But I can't cook." Jiang Yanzi said with a smile.

Qin fan found that Jiang Yanzi's fingers holding the blue and white cup were undoubtedly as beautiful as her figure.

Slender, white, fingers, like white jade carving in general, is absolutely the most top holy thing in the eyes of the patients with hand fetishism.

Such hands are really not suitable for cooking and washing dishes.

At the same time, Qin fan also had a doubt in his heart: is this woman the woman who has been maintained to perfection from top to bottom and from inside to outside in the legend

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