"So the key problem now is to find the 20 orphans who were kidnapped by Li Xiang and ensure the safety of the welfare home in the future. Only in this way can uncle Dong concentrate on dealing with some dangerous situations that may happen in the future."

After hearing Bai Jianjia's statement, Qin fan thought for a moment and said.

"It's not that easy, I'm afraid." Bai Jianjia said, "in fact, it can be understood that the driving force behind all these things is the Dragon gang. With the strength and means of the Dragon Gang, they want to hide some people I'm afraid it's very difficult for us to find it. "

"What about the military?" Qin fan asked, after all, the disappearance of 20 children at the same time has shocked the whole country. In the face of such a bad group incident, even if the Shen family does not speak, they must do so.

"But what about the safety of these children?" Bai Jianjia sighed.


Qin fan Leng for a moment, "you mean that once this matter is exposed, the Dragon gang may kill people?"

"It's not possible, it's certain."

The tone of Bai Jianjia is surprisingly firm.

"You don't know about the Dragon gang. They are desperators who set their goals, no matter who their opponents are or what problems may arise in the middle, and are determined to complete their tasks. In their actions, they will never survive. I suspect that Dong Ming is also afraid of this. He also shows a silent attitude towards you, so as to avoid the casualties of 20 innocent lives."

Qin fan fell into silence.

The other party seized the lifeblood of Uncle Dong. The lives of these 20 orphans, and even the safety of more than 400 innocent children in the whole welfare home, are now in the hands of Uncle Dong alone.

Qin fan completely believed that the other party could make a decision. He killed one person after pressing Dong Shu once, and then sent him the killing process in the form of video.

Dong Shu can hold ten or twenty, but how can he resist hundreds of people?

Even if he doesn't slipper in the end, once at the critical moment, even if he doesn't do anything, he just turns a blind eye. The possible consequences of his actions on the Shen family will be immeasurable.

What's more, the enemy I'm facing this time is the Dragon Gang!

"No, we can't let uncle Dong continue to sit down in this position. According to the information of Zhang Qiang and Li Yan, the actions of the Li family and the Dragon Gang should be in these two nights. Time is not enough. We must immediately take uncle Dong down from this position and let other more reliable people arrange the security of the Shen family."

"But the Shen family can't find anyone more reliable than Dong Ming?" Bai Jianjia asked.

Qin fan was stunned and then shook his head helplessly.

The Shen family is a family that made a fortune later. Without the Bai family and the four families in the capital, many reliable people have been cultivated. So far, the Shen family only needs Dong Ming as an outsider to be trusted and available, and there is really nothing else that can be put on the table.

Therefore, after Qin fan took over the family business, he cultivated some people of his own, such as Wu Xiongfei, Huang Qianqian and Lin Yihan

It's a pity that these people are only proficient in business affairs, and most of them have very low experience. Qin fan didn't even dare to tell them about these things. How can he let these people control them.

"It's the most important thing for my father to pay more attention to the situation of Shen's family. It's also the most important thing for me when I've been in control of the family for several times

Qin fan lay on the sofa with a long sigh.

Uncle Dong's business has brought him unprecedented challenges. He doesn't even know if he can tell his father about it. Uncle Dong is the most important person in the Shen family besides the three members of their family. Once something goes wrong with this person, the Shen family will face no less problems than what we can see now.

"Go to bed. You've been busy all day. I'll treat you to dinner tomorrow. Thank you for everything you've done for our family."

After a moment's silence, Qin fan stood up and spoke to Bai Jianjia, then went upstairs to sleep.

It was still a quiet night.

It may be that they find that their intention is exposed, and the other party doesn't have the threat of sending coffins before.

Not even a little wind and grass.

Qin fan had a good night's sleep. When he got up the next morning, Bai Jianjia left a note and went out.

The note said that she wanted to go out for a long time and didn't take the initiative to call her, but she didn't say a word about where to go and what to see.

Qin fan sat in the living room for a while, patted his ass, went upstairs to change his clothes, and then slipped out through the back door.

Nandu Financial Street.

Bailey group building.

Su fable in the president's office to deal with the document, is opening a news, casual browsing.


Just at three o'clock in the morning last night, a fire broke out in the love welfare home in the Eastern District of Nandu. After receiving the alarm, the fire brigade sent out an emergency police. After fighting hard, the fire was put out in an hour and a half later. Now the casualties and property losses are unknown, waiting for our follow-up report."Eastern love welfare home?" Su fable show eyebrow tightening, then the phone hands-free, dial a number key out.

"Mr. Qin, come to my office."

After the phone hung up, Qin Ru, dressed in a slim black uniform, with black framed glasses, knocked on the door and came in.

"Mr. Su, what's the matter?" Qin Ru stood in front of him with straight legs, and her figure showed a sharp undulating s line from top to bottom.

"Is the East District love welfare home the welfare home that our group has been helping each other?" Su fable looks at the news on the computer screen, corrects eyebrow to ask a way.

"Yes, at the end of every year, when organizing League building activities, we go to the love welfare home in the Eastern District to help the elderly and children, and provide some consolation products. What's the problem with President Su? What is the need for the delegation to build in advance this year? Or do you have another plan? "

In general, the League building activities of large companies like Bailey group often need to be prepared a few months in advance. Otherwise, the clothing, food, housing and transportation of hundreds of people will not be handled casually.

Su fable did not speak, but turned the computer screen to Qin Ru.

"What are you doing?"

Qin Ru looked at her suspiciously, but when she moved her eyes to the computer screen, her eyes couldn't move.

"The eastern love welfare home is on fire?" Qin Ru widened her eyes, which was almost the same as Su fable's expression just now.

"At three o'clock in the morning, it burned for an hour or two. Isn't it that the whole welfare home was burned? Mr. Su, there are 12 children who our group helps to go to school. They are all just on the first day of junior high school. This fire, this... "

At the end of the day, Qin Ru's eyes were red, and she was almost speechless.

Qin Ru was moved by these children who had no relatives when she first took them there four years ago. She mobilized the whole group to help these 13 children from primary school to junior high school, and planned to send them to college until graduation. As a result, such a big thing happened suddenly. How could she not be worried!

"I'll call Dean he now and ask him how the children over there are doing."

Qin Ru wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes. When she took out the phone, she heard Su's Fable: "don't call me. I just called. Dean he's mobile phone is off. It's estimated that he has been arrested as the person in charge of the accident."


Qin Ru stamped her feet anxiously. Then she was interrupted by Su's fable and said, "are you all right now?"

"Well, after the meeting with the Japanese delegation, I haven't been so busy recently." Qin nodded consciously.

"Come with me then." Su fable stands up.

"Where to?"

"Eastern District welfare home."

In five minutes.

A black Mercedes Benz Maybach S65 slowly left the underground parking lot of Bailey group building and drove towards the east side.

Sitting in the car, Su fable brush the latest news of the fire in the welfare home, while saying: "at present, there is no report on the number of victims of the fire. I think the fire is too big and the damage is serious. The statistical results are not suitable for release. The purpose of our visit this time is to see if the old people and children affected by the disaster need our help. After all, they do not have any According to no reliance, we can help as much as we can. "

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