Silent, but nervous and orderly, only to hear the sound of leather boots clasping on the ground.

Dreary, but give the heavy feeling of human way.

"Brother, look

One of the sharp eyed thugs, seeing the team gathering under the shade of a tree, immediately patted the security manager on the shoulder and pointed towards the truck.

"Damn, what's the situation? Acting?"

The security manager is a middle-aged man in his 40s. When he was young, he was also a tough guy. He was known as one of the four King Kong in the underground world of Nandu. Later, he was arrested and locked up for more than ten years because of his involvement in the underworld. After he was released, he was left by Guo Tao to work as a security manager in the dynasty club.

Seeing the assembled team, the security manager spat on the ground, stood up with a group of younger brothers, lit a cigarette in his mouth, hung his eyes, and looked at the assembled team on the roadside just like watching a play.

"Let's go! Search every corner of the hostage

The man in charge said with a wave of his hand.

"Yes A group of men cheered, murderous.

The leader made a sign, and the soldiers trotted to the hall of the dynasty clubhouse, stamping their boots.

As the security manager of the dynasty club, Zhao Demin should have stood up to intercept and asked why.

However, when the group of people with submachine guns in their hands and their eyes as cold as knives ran past him, he didn't even have the courage to open his mouth.

It's like a passer-by who doesn't look him in the eye.

Directly cut the iron chain on the door with tool pliers, pull the two doors open and rush into the lobby.

"Boss, I just heard them say that they want to rescue the hostages inside?"

"Hostage? What hostage? What kind of hostages are there in the business of the dynasty club? "

A terrible idea suddenly appeared in his mind. To his surprise, Zhao deman's legs and stomach were all weak. "Hostage No, I have to call the boss as soon as possible. Something is going to happen to the club! "

Hearing the reminder from the following people, Zhao Demin thought of the closed room between the third floor and the fourth floor.

Damn it. It's killing you!

Quickly took out the phone to connect with the boss, "boss, go back to the store, there are soldiers to the club looking for people!"

"Go to you, what army? It's not the turn to look into this matter over there. Please show me carefully. First stop them. I'll go and have a look now! "

On the other end of the phone, it was Feng Tianming's angry voice.

After Guo Tao was killed yesterday, Zhang Hu also disappeared mysteriously. As the third person in the dynasty club, Feng Tianming naturally carried the flag of the eldest brother. He didn't sleep until dawn, but he was awakened by a phone call before he could sleep.

After hearing this, Zhao Demin thought about it. It's really such a thing. No matter what they do here is illegal, the police will arrest them at most. When will it be the army's turn to take charge?

After thinking about this, Zhao Demin gritted his teeth and said, "listen to the boss, go up and stop them first and ask them what's going on. Even if it's a check, there must be procedures. Besides, in Nandu, no one knows who covered our Dynasty club. Damn it, stop them. Everything will wait until the boss comes!"

With a loud roar, Zhao Demin took out his electric stick, took a group of younger brothers under his hand, and chased them into the hall.


"Report, no target found!"

"Report, no trace related to the target found!"

"Report, the hostages in the third floor mezzanine have been found and rescued, a total of seven, no target found!"


Twenty minutes later.

It's in the lobby on the first floor.

The leader man looked at all the returned soldiers, seven girls with disordered hair and ragged clothes who were rescued from the third floor mezzanine. He kicked Zhao deman, who was squatting on the ground with his boots, and asked, "where's your boss?"

Zhao Deqing is so sorry all over the place. When he and his younger brother rush into the door and want to yell with these people, a bunch of bullets sweep under his feet. At that time, several people urinate, hold their heads and kneel aside. They dare not fart.

"Boss, the boss says he'll be here soon..."

As Zhao Demin was saying this, he heard a sudden sound of braking outside the door, followed by the sound of closing the door heavily and the sound of swearing.

In Zhao Demin's black line, Feng Tianming holds the phone in his hand. As soon as he enters the door, he points to the leader man and scolds, "which one? Too fuckin 'meddling with rats, right? When will you be in charge of our club? I tell you, I have an acquaintance above me. I've already called. You'd better let my people go now, or you'll be punished! "

"To be punished?" The leader glanced at Feng Tianming and said, "Changgui!"

"Here it is A soldier steps out!

"What to do with insulting soldiers?"

"Cut him!""Close the door!"


In Feng Tianming's face of disbelief, Changgui takes the lead and closes the iron gate of the club before running. The whole hall of Wang Xinhao's Club falls into the darkness instantly.


In an hour.

Shen Jianping watched on TV, Nandu express, a report about the destruction of an entertainment place that had been involved in gangs and pornography all the year round. At the same time, his mobile phone rang.

"Lao Shen, I didn't find Qin fan in that club. I have informed the information department to input Qin fan's information into Skynet. As long as he is still in Nandu, he will find it. Don't worry too much."

On the other end of the phone, I heard the voice of people's sincere voice.

"Well, I see." Shen Jianping nodded, hung up the phone and called his younger brother Shen Jianguo.

"Elder brother, I just finished the meeting, and I'm going to organize a joint steering group to carry out a comprehensive surprise cleaning of the underground places in Nandu. No corner will be spared. I'm going to the command hall now. Don't worry. If you can find it, wait for my call."

"Well." Shen Jianping hung up again.

In September, Nandu.

Under the calm surface, there is a storm that has not appeared in the past ten years.

Shen Jianguo was in charge in person. The senior officers of each bureau came to the headquarters in person, and all the phones were turned off. With some powerful means, he thoroughly checked all corners of Nandu!

At the same time.

Dong Ming is now in an old house.

This is an old building that is usually rented only to migrant workers.

The buildings are old and the facilities are simple. They are all products of the 1980s. But there are more than 20 strong young people in the house!

In the hot summer, everyone wore only a pair of shorts, bare upper body, dark skin and strong arms.

These people usually do the cheapest hard work in various construction sites.

After going home from the construction site, there was no entertainment.

Their life is simple and boring, and they repeat the same work and activities every day.

However, they all have a common name: Shen's orphan!

All of these 20 young people were trained by Dong Ming from the East District welfare home. Dong Ming paid for them to grow up, grow up, go to school, contact and fight skills, including work

It's just to wait for one day, when the Shen family is living or dying, a group of people who are not afraid of death will stand up and build a wall of flesh and blood with human flesh, so as to ensure the foundation of the Shen family for decades and not fall down!

"I believe you have seen the news about the welfare home."

Dong Ming stood in front of these people with a negative hand, and his eyes were as sharp as a knife, sweeping over everyone's face.

Shame! No! Anger

Dong Ming read all kinds of emotions in their eyes, and then said, "you guessed right. These people are coming to the Shen family, and they are coming to me. They want to threaten me with these orphans in the welfare home, force me to submit and rebel against the Shen family. Do you think Dong Ming can do it?"

"No!" The momentum of more than 20 people with one voice makes the old ceiling tremble slightly!

Although Dong Ming has always contributed to help them, after Dong Ming's teaching, the master in these people's hearts has only one name, that is the Shen family! Shen Jianping!

"Good." Dong Ming nodded and said in a low voice: "I received the news that just this evening, there are some unruly people who want to fight against our Shen family. To be honest, there are traitors in the family! So now I don't trust anyone, only 27 of you can protect the safety of my Shen family, so tonight, please

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