Only Shen Jianping knows what the word "winner" means in China!

But he turned his breath slightly, and heard that Ren Ting said, "and I also found that Qin fan had been checking a woman named Tang Xin a few days ago."

"Tang Xin?"

Shen Jianping's thoughts turned, but he didn't find the power or power related to Tang Xin.

"And I've found the Tang Xin."

Hearing people staring at Shen Jianping, he said faintly, "Tang Xin, a native of Hong Kong Island, whose real name is Li Puti, is the daughter of Li Cheng, the richest man on Hong Kong Island. Li Puti's original name is Li Kexin. When he was in India at his rite of passage, he was favored by the Bodhisattva dragon tree and called his Bodhisattva heart, so he changed his name. He seldom traveled to and from the mainland, but in this month, he used his pseudonym to fly between the mainland and Hong Kong Island no less than ten times, The place where he stayed the longest was the capital, that is, the time when Qin fan went to the capital a few days ago. "


However, Shen Jiancheng and Li Jianping often met each other, but he didn't get a deep breath.

"Just, what's the relationship between Li Puti and miss winner?" Shen Jianping asked.

"This is also the problem..."

Hearing Ren Ting's deep breath, he said: "the reason why I speculate that the big man who came to Nandu had something to do with the missing young lady of winner is that when the young lady of winner disappeared, a batch of medicinal materials worth more than 20 million yuan of winner also disappeared for no reason. Although more than 20 million yuan is not worth mentioning to winner, these medicinal materials are rare in the world, once they are put into the market It will be mastered by the winner at the first time. "

"But just two days ago, this batch of medicinal materials arrived in Nandu, and it was this batch of medicinal materials that caused the alert of relevant departments. In order to find out whether this batch of medicinal materials was related to miss winner's disappearance, I have been secretly paying attention to it and found a place according to the direction of this batch of medicinal materials in Nandu..."

"Where?" Shen Jianping asked in a low voice.

"River Wine Manor."

Hearing the news, he said: "this Jiangliu Wine Manor has been in an idle state since the collapse of the Jiang family, and there is no one to guard it. According to reliable information, the final trend of medicinal materials is to disappear in the Wine Manor. During this period, two unregistered Mercedes Benz VIP cars have been in and out of the manor three times, one in the morning before yesterday, and the other in the morning It's the first destination for these two cars to enter Nandu. "

and "the second time was yesterday morning, two cars passed the forenoon club. According to the police's eye liner in the clubhouse, the mysterious person appeared in the imperial court, that is, only to show up on the day."

"Then, the first van went back to the manor first, and the other one disappeared one day later, and returned to the manor at 3 o'clock in the morning, that is, today. We now suspect that the car that disappeared later should turn back with Qin fan, and the winner's eldest lady is likely to be in the car that first returned to the manor."

"Just by the flow of a batch of medicinal materials, we can infer that Miss winner is in Jiangliu Wine Manor. Is it rash?"

Shen Jianping and Wen renting are close friends, so they don't have so many scruples in speaking.

"I have received the information from the winner. They also suspect that Miss winner has appeared in Nanzhou these days. Of course, I don't know why they have such speculation. I can't ask about the winner, but don't you think it's very Coincidence? "

Shen Jianping shook his head in disbelief in the face of hearing people's thunder. "Compared with what you said, I'm more inclined to Li Puti. After all, Qin fan took the initiative to check this person, which proves that the two people probably met during their time in the capital, but the winner is the eldest lady..."

Shen Jianping said with a bitter smile: "there should be no intersection between the two people. Maybe she just happened to pass by Nandu. Moreover, since she has left now, Fanfan still has no news, which proves that the person who took Fanfan is not this young lady."

Hearing this, he nodded: "I know it's just speculation, but no matter what the ending is, it's a good thing for Qin fan or for your Shen family, don't you think?"

Shen Jianping didn't speak, but his eyes flashed across Wenren muxue.

"Uncle Shen, don't get me wrong. Qin fan and I just said that after contacting each other, if it's suitable, we'll consider the future. If it's not suitable, it's good to be a friend. Moreover, I always believe that sometimes friendship will be stronger than love. In case we are really together and divorce one day, what will you and my father do?"

Hear the person Mu snow to smile to say.

Shen Jianping sighed with regret. At the beginning of his life, he thought Qin fan could choose between mu Xue and Jiang Yanzi to be his future daughter-in-law. But he didn't expect that the Jiang family was destroyed and Jiang Yanzi was implicated in the investigation. He still kept Qin fan's secret about this matter, and then some things happened to the Shen family during this period, which made the two families happy Children's relationship gradually alienated, in the final analysis, or the world is unpredictable, or, fate has not arrived.

"How are you doing tonight?"Seeing that Shen Jianping was lost in meditation, hearing the thunder of others also revealed the second purpose of coming here tonight.

"Well, they're all ready for the desperado to come and die." At the mention of this topic, Shen Jianping's face immediately regained an angry look.

"Well, you just let go tonight, and don't worry about the aftermath. Even if the other party comes to a division, as long as you can eat Shen Jianping, I can dig a big hole for them when I hear people's thunder, and bury them all!"

As a feudal official of the garrison side, he still has this confidence.

"Well, I'll also pay attention to what you said about Jiangliu winery. No matter where fan fan is or not, I have to go to see him after tonight. If the winner really saves him, if I have a chance, I have to go to the capital and visit him in person to thank him."

After the greetings, Wen renting and Wen renmuxue turn around and leave.

Shen Jianping pondered for a while in the lounge, then stood up and went back to the hall.

"Master, time is coming."

Shen Jianping returned to his chair, and Dong Ming whispered a reminder.

"Well, what's going on over there?" Shen Jianping asked.

"We've set out."

"How long will it take to get there?"

Dong Ming raised his hand and looked at the time. "It's ten o'clock in the evening. It's estimated that they will arrive at the place they set in forty minutes. Then within half an hour, they will begin to approach xiannvpo."

"Let them come." Shen Jianping's sword eyebrows were raised obliquely, and his tiger eyes were shining. "I'm sitting here today. If they really have this ability, they'll come here and take Shen's head!"


Outside xiannupo Geopark.

Dozens of black unlicensed vans are rapidly closing in.

When driving to the destination, the car stopped in a hollow open field, and all the doors were pulled open almost at the same time. One by one, people in black sportswear and holding all kinds of equipment in their hands got out of the car and concentrated in the middle of the open field.

Hundreds of people!

There was a ferocious look on everyone's face.

They're not professional killers.

On weekdays, they are ruffians, hooligans, gamblers and addicts!

But because of the words of the Dragon Gang, they all appeared here, holding a heavy guy in his hand, breathing heavily, in order to suppress the heart beating wildly in his chest!

"In half an hour, you will set out according to the established direction and go deep into xiannupo park to turn the Shen family into Shura hell!"

A middle-aged man, also wearing black sportswear but wearing a black mask, stood in the front of the crowd and spoke slowly.

"I know a lot of you didn't volunteer to come to the operation tonight."

"But you should remember that if you die in xiannvpo, you can still save the lives of your family. Of course, some people have no father, no mother and no children. They come with the mentality of making a fortune overnight."

"I can give you everything you want, even more than you can imagine!"

"The premise is that you have to live and kill every target assigned to you!"

"Bring the car here."

The middle-aged man said, a black bread pulled over and stopped horizontally in front of the crowd.

The middle-aged man stepped forward and stretched out his hand to open the door, red, black, white All kinds of mixed colors have already been piled up in the van, at the moment when the door is opened! Just like the tide, it's coming down in an instant!

Red is money!

The black one is the gun!

The white one is Fen!

"Take whatever you like. Of course, it's just a gift."

Before the words came to the ground, these Desperado didn't care about anything at all. Under the leadership of one person, they all ran to the van like crazy, fighting for what they wanted.

The middle-aged people stand still in the disordered crowd, looking at these crazy people, hiding in the mouth under the mask, grinning crazily.

Tonight is destined to be a bloody night!

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