"You seem to remember me." A woman's voice chuckles.

"Of course you remember the last time! He robbed the target's life in my hand and made me fall behind Seymour by one point, ranking third in the list of killers. I always wanted to find a chance to avenge that year, but I didn't expect that you would take the initiative to show up tonight! "

At this point, an inch of blood suddenly suddenly raised his head, "there's your inner man in the hall! You know this time, the Shen family not only invited Simo, but also I have been guarding the hall, so that your people can kill Shen Jianping, right? "

"Ha ha, it's not good for you to know this. Now I just want to ask you one question. Do you want to live, or do you want to be buried with your little monkey?" Red Dragon said with a smile.

But an inch of blood smell speech, not only not angry, but Jie Jie said with a smile: "red dragon, will it feel a little too early to decide the victory now? Now, two of the top three killers in the list are in Shenfu. You show up now. Aren't you afraid that the killer in the list one is also here and directly takes your dog's life? "

The killer list has always been the underground world's ranking of ten people who have paid for their lives.

Among them, the score was ranked by the killing rate and the bloody degree of killing.

The third inch of blood became famous in the underground world because it killed the target with a monkey every time, and then rewarded the red eyed monkey with the body of the target as food.

Simo, in the second place, was ranked second because of her accuracy in killing people and her signature l115a3 long-range sniper rifle. With each shot, a fist sized blood hole appeared in the target's head, and she never missed a target.

As for the first killer

It's always been a legend in the underground world.

His identity is extremely secret, but it is said that he is a man, 1.92 meters tall, who is very interested in heavyweight weapons. He is also the boss of a group in Huaxia. The killer is just a hobby, but as long as he does it, it will cause a nationwide sensation!

Every time Shaxing kills people, it's like a war broke out in the local area.

The scene was a mess.

And regardless of the lives of the innocent, each assassination will involve several innocent people's lives, so his appearance, like Satan's coming, will not leave people alive, and the whole body!

"Kill the stars?" Hearing these two words, the Red Dragon said with a smile: "the killing star will not come."

"How do you know?" An inch of blood sneers.

"Because the killing star is in the Dragon gang." The red dragon laughed, then pretended to be surprised and said, "no! Such a big secret tells you that if it is discovered by others, won't it damage the reputation of our dragon Gang? Moreover, if the above people know that I disclosed this matter, they must make trouble for me. What can I do? Although I'm one of the four guardians of the Dharma, I can't violate the rules... "

But an inch of blood's face, but already incomparably gloomy come down, he coldly stares at the dense forest dark place, the voice spreads direction, cold voice way: "what do you want on earth?"

"Hee hee, of course, it's killing people. I won't let you talk about it..."

As he spoke, a crisp sound of footsteps sounded in the dark. In the sight of an inch of blood, he saw a graceful figure coming out of the shadow and approaching him step by step.


Shen family meeting hall.

Dong Ming looked at the time and said in a low voice, "the gunfire has been stopped for a long time. Why is there no news about an inch of blood now? Is there any accident even with him?"

"I'll go and have a look."

Chen Lei suddenly stands up and looks at Shen Jianping.

"It's not safe for you to go, is it?" Shen Jianping frowned. Although the gunfire had been stopped for a long time, and the news from the front was good. The Shen family won a complete victory. Most of the enemy died, and the few who escaped did not take care of them. They just pulled back the body of the leader who was killed and kept it for later use.

But it doesn't mean that the Shen family's crisis has been relieved. He can feel that the Dragon gang has sent so much cannon fodder with such a high profile that there must be a backhand, and this backhand is likely to be in the back mountain!

"It's OK for the servants to see this kind of thing. No matter what means the other party uses, at least as far as the current situation is concerned, they can't rush here. We just need to wait until dawn to have peace of mind."

"Ah, I don't worry about it. Now there's a broken mountain. I licked blood at the edge of the knife. I'll take people to have a look at it from a distance. Just wait for me to call. Don't worry."

Chen Lei stands up and waves to a group of bodyguards to leave the hall.

"Home owner."

After Chen Lei left, Dong Ming asked for instructions in a low voice.

Shen Jianping quietly waved his hand, "wait and see."


Nandu suburb, Wine Manor.

Late at night.Sitting in a wheelchair, Qin fan is pushed out of the wooden house by Chen Sixuan. On the clear grass, he looks up at the waning moon in the sky.

"Almost It's over. " Qin fan's eyes were blurred and sighed deeply.

"Uncle Shen there should be well. Someone disclosed the news for him. The Shen family is so well prepared. They are just some local ruffians. How can they be the opponents of the Shen family?"

In the evening, Qin fan has told Chen Sixuan part of what has happened. He knows that since Tang Xin involved Chen Sixuan in the war, she will not get away easily. Instead of keeping her in the dark, he should tell her something, so that she can be fully prepared at some time. ,

"well, maybe, push me to walk around the manor. After a day in the house, I'm a little bored." Qin fan sighed.


Chen Sixuan nodded cleverly, then pushed Qin fan around the wine manor in the river.

In order to settle down in Nandu, Jiangliu spent a lot of money to buy this wine manor from an overseas Chinese.

The interior decoration style and architecture are full of exotic customs.

Even if there are two people walking in the night, they will not feel quiet.

Chen Sixuan's pretty face looks more crystal white and beautiful under the moonlight.

The scenery is better than the people.

"Qin fan, do you think there is a man sitting there?" As soon as Chen Sixuan turns around, she just sees a figure on the steps of a wooden house in front of her.

They are not the only two in the whole estate.

There is also an old guard, Tang Xin, who said that he had stayed here before he came from the river. The deaf mute old man closes the door regularly every day and never asks anything else. Besides going to the vegetable field next to the guard room to grow vegetables and water, he would not leave the guard room.

Qin fan looked around and found that he had reached the gate before he knew it.

"It's Shuibo, the deaf mute, who looks at the gate. It's too stuffy to breathe today. Let's not disturb him. We'd better go somewhere else." Qin Fan said.


Then, pushing her wheelchair, Chen Sixuan walked slowly in the opposite direction.

Go ahead and you'll find the viewing platform of the winery.

The first owner seems to be very satisfied with his masterpiece, so he built a very high Pavilion here, with a total of two floors. It looks like it has been for some time, but it makes it look more beautiful and full of the breath of time.

At the moment, sitting on the viewing platform is a silvery white monkey, its body slightly relies on the stone pillar, its eyes closed, just like people who really rest here.

"Why, there are monkeys here?" Chen Sixuan sighed softly, and her beautiful eyes were staring at the monkey leaning on the stone pillar. It was obvious that she had a lot of interest.

Qin fan frowned. Even though the wine villa is in the suburbs, the natural environment here is very well protected, but it's not so exaggerated that wild monkeys can run around, is it?

Maybe it was raised before the river? Now the man is gone, and there is no special guard, so the monkey runs out?

Just thinking about it, Chen Sixuan said with a smile, "let's go up and have a look. I haven't seen monkeys of this color yet."

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