"There's action tonight?" Bai Jianjia subconsciously looked at the direction of the gate.

"Well, as far as I know, some places in the southern metropolis are gathering people secretly, and the gathering direction is xiannvpo. Although it's not sure who is organizing the operation, the goal can be determined. It's xiannvpo of the Shen family!" Chen Feng said definitely.

Chen Feng is always concerned about the stability of a place.

In particular, such a large-scale gathering of personnel, even if the police collect information, in order to avoid the development of misconduct out of control, they will be informed, so as to avoid future trouble.

"Hoo Uncle Shen, do they know? " Bai Jianjia asked.

"I should know that I was called after hearing people's thunder, and ordered me to assemble a special team and stand by at any time. It is estimated that it is to deal with this matter, so you should not interfere for the time being, so that your father won't know and trouble me again."

Chen Feng is Bai Zhengze's soldier!

It was also promoted by Bai Zhengzheng when he was in power.

Therefore, in his eyes, Bai Jianjia is more intimate than his own daughter, and his relationship with Bai Jianjia is from the bottom of his heart.

"Well, I live here tonight, and the news here is still hidden. I think the Dragon Gang dare not touch the moldy head of that woman, so I'm safe here. I'll call you if there's anything. Goodbye!"

After hanging up the phone in a hurry, Bai Jianjia went back to the cabin and didn't tell Qin fan what happened to Chen Feng. Instead, after carefully examining Qin fan's injury, he pondered for a moment and said, "the wound is mainly on the head. If you rest for one night, it won't affect your action. It's just how long you want to live here. Didn't that person tell you?"

About Qin fan was taken away from the dynasty club, Bai Jianjia has always known.

She even knew that Tang Xin had come to Nandu and that she had saved Qin fan in danger.

The reason why she has been unable to resist is that Bai Jianjia knows

These two days are the most dangerous time in Qin fan's life.

Is it just a setback, or is it a butterfly It's just these two days to see if he can survive.

As for the beautiful girl with eyebrows and violence in front of her, Chen Sixuan has doubts, but she has never taken the initiative to ask.

At such a late time, I can go to this wilderness alone and fight with the killer to save people If she had nothing to do with Qin fan, she would not believe it.

Chen Sixuan is not stupid.

On the contrary, she is a very smart woman.

Know when to advance and when to retreat.

When Qin fan is not accompanied, she can stand behind Qin fan and work hard with Qin fan to face the dilemma.

But when a woman like Bai Jianjia appears and doesn't need herself, she will keep silent and take the initiative to step aside, willing to be a green leaf.

Such Chen Sixuan is the reason why Tang Xin doesn't call anyone and only binds her to take care of Qin fan.

"Hello, my name is Bai Jianjia, a friend of Qin fan."

Compared with Chen Sixuan's introverted, Bai Jianjia still outstretched her hand.

"Hello, Chen Sixuan."

Chen Sixuan will also hold his hand.

Two palms meet together, see Bai Jianjia smile said: "I know you, for your sister's business, Qin fan is still busy in the capital for a long time, but it's a pity that although finally found, but still let her run."

"Miss Bai?" Hearing Bai Jianjia say this, Chen Sixuan reacts.

Since Qin fan told her that the Bai family was also helping with Li Peizi's affairs, she saw Bai Jianjia for the first time. No wonder this woman's temperament even made her feel some pressure. If she was the eldest miss of the Bai family, then everything would make sense.

"Just call me Jianjia." Bai Jianjia laughed, then turned to Qin fan and said, "you can have a rest early. I'll go back to the guest house early tomorrow morning. I'll watch tonight. You can rest assured."

Maybe even Bai Jianjia didn't notice that he used the word "you".

Qin fan didn't respond, but when it fell into Chen Sixuan's ears, it was hard to avoid ripples.

"By the way, I also think it's better that you don't contact uncle Shen these two days. If you don't get rid of the ghosts in Shen's family for a day, your whereabouts will be exposed. You should pay attention to rest. After you recover, there are many things waiting for you to do outside."

After Bai Jianjia's explanation, he left.

Chen Sixuan took care of Qin fan and stayed in Jiangliu Wine Manor for another two days. When he was fully mobile, Qin fan asked Chen Sixuan to go outside and buy himself a sportswear, a black cap and sunglasses, and finally left here.

Two people choose to break up in the suburbs.

Qin fan didn't want to involve Chen Sixuan too much in the war.

The purpose of buying this suit is to cover the wound on the face. Of course, the most important purpose is not to be found by the Dragon gang.

He was not sure if the Dragon Gang, who had a good eye, had installed an informant in the command center.After all, Nandu is the most coastal metropolis, and the sky eye system is almost everywhere. Once your face and whereabouts are exposed, I'm afraid you will be welcomed by endless pursuit.

Take a taxi to the nearest bank.

Qin fan took 300000 cash out of Chen Sixuan's card and carried it in his travel bag.

Then he found a nearby car rental shop, rented a black Jeep free light for three times the price, paid a deposit, and drove away without registration.

All the way East.

On the way, Qin fan bought a new mobile phone and a phone card without name registration. After making a phone call, he drove the car to the roadside in front of the door of Putuo temple, put down the window, quietly lit a cigarette and waited while smoking.

In half an hour.

Qin fan saw in the rear-view mirror a woman in a long black dress, a big sun hat and sunglasses. She was twisting her waist and quickly approaching her side.

"Get in the car."

When the woman stood by her side and looked left and right, Qin fan patted the car door to let the woman notice her side.

"How can you make up for it? It looks like a spy. It's very emotional."

The woman got into the car and sat in the back row. After she took off her sunglasses, she showed a charming face.

Li Yan.

Since Li Gui died, Li Yan's life in the Li family has been better. I don't know how much.

First of all, Li Xiang lost his support and his position in the Li family plummeted. After Li Gui died, the money on his account was found by the family accountant. After it was distributed, it was worth four million yuan to everyone!

Just like the white one!

Everyone is happy.

"Who is in charge of the Li family now?" Qin fan ignored Li Yan's teasing, but said straight to the point.

"Li Bing, Li Gui's younger brother, used to be in charge of our family's foreign trade business. Now the family is in decline, and those who have the ability will not come back. He is the only one who has done business before, so he recommended Li Bing to manage the family for the time being. In fact, it's just money, nothing else."

It can be seen that Li Yan's mood is not generally good.

"How are you?" Qin fan asked.

"How about what?" Li Yan was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized, "Oh, you're talking about that. You think too much. Li Bing is a person that others don't understand. I can't understand any more. Although he graduated from finance abroad, he's a nerd. He's chased me before, but I didn't take a fancy to him. He's so stupid that I can't even say a complete word I'm talking about being the owner of a family. In fact, I'm just the one who manages the accounts and issues the money. I can't make a big deal. "

"Ask him out." Qin Fan said.


"Tomorrow night, South Gate Gele KTV, you find an excuse to get him there, I'll wait for you in 999 room."

Qin fan finished, indicating that Li Yan can get off.

I don't know why. Although I haven't seen her for a long time, Li Yan feels that Qin fan has changed his personality.

I can't tell the specific feeling.

It's just the tone of voice and the temperament.

It's totally different from before. It seems to have matured a lot, and it makes her feel mysterious.

"Well, well, I'll try to get him to see you tomorrow night, but I'm not sure he will go because I stood him up before." Li Yan said with some uncertainty.

"Well, he will."

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