
Zhao Jian's pupils began to contract, and his eyes looked in horror at the French window of the box leaning against amber.

"Don't look, even the worst sniper knows that he will use the way to occupy the commanding height to control the target scene..."

Qin Fan said faintly, and doubted whether Zhao Jian's words were true.

This is what my family does. I don't even know the common sense?

Then he waved his hand. After knocking Zhao Jian's bodyguard unconscious, ah Hao took Zhao Jian out.

Downstairs are ah Hui and ah Qiang, who have been waiting for a long time.

These two men are the old headquarters of the special forces that Zhao Zihao went to other places some time ago to win back.

Ah Hui, formerly known as Cheng Hui, FJ, once served in the firepower support group of a special brigade of a military region in Southeast China. After retiring, he opened a gym in his hometown. After receiving the recruitment news from Zhang Zihao, he immediately closed the gym and sold it. He came to Nandu to join the "Hunter" and continue to be accused by the firepower support group A Liang, a fellow of the same village, who died in the battle of abandoning the construction site, once served in the firepower support group of the special brigade of a military region in the southeast. After he retired, he was placed as a security guard in a unit in his hometown. After receiving the recruitment news from Zhang Zihao, he immediately quit his job and rushed to Nandu to join the "Hunter", forming a two person team with a Hui to be responsible for firepower support.

After pressing Zhao Jian into the car, ah Hao handed over the personnel to them, and then they got into a car behind with Qin fan, followed the refitted Buick GL8 and drove slowly towards the countryside.

"Young master, this man Are you sure you want to send it to the training base? "

In the car, ah Hao asked uncertainly.

"At present, our site has just been completed, and the personnel have just been in place. With the help of Nandu military region, the corresponding measures in the base have been completed very quickly, but now we are exposing this target to the eyes of an outsider. I am worried..."

"You don't have to worry." Qin fan waved his hand and asked, "has the batch of obsolete guns that Chen Feng promised to send arrived?"

"It's already here."

"How does it work?" Qin fan asked.

"Well To tell you the truth, when we were in the special forces, we used the most advanced weapons and ammunition in the active forces. This batch of eliminated guns are more than 17 years behind. If you ask me, even if you go to the black market to buy them, I'm afraid they are much more advanced than this batch of guns. Why does Qin Shao want to take the second place and use such a big relationship to make them nearly obsolete What about your weapons? "

For base construction, Zhang Zihao did not choose to listen to Qin fan's favorite words.

He knows what this base means.

I also know how determined Qin fan is to develop the base into what scale in the shortest and fastest time.

However, having participated in no less than 100 operations at the border, he deeply knows that a rifle with a range of only 700 meters is always inferior to a sniper gun that can accurately reach the opponent's eyes at a distance of 2000 meters.

Today, with the development of modern science and technology, the quality of weapons increasingly determines the attribution of the victorious party.

And he knows what the price of the most advanced weapons is on the black market.

But I don't know why Qin fan doesn't want to focus on the black market. Instead, he has to use such a big relationship to find Chen Feng to pull a batch of guns that are about to be eliminated. It's really unreasonable.

Giving and reporting don't yield. It's not like a businessman.

Qin fan turned his head with a smile and looked at Zhang Zihao who was driving seriously.

He knew the man, not the talkative one.

Just for soldiers, guns are their lives!

Besides the comrades in arms, it's the most trustworthy thing.

Moreover, this batch of obsolete guns, compared with the large amount of money they put on the base, are indeed somewhat abrupt.

He asked faintly, "do you pay attention to the price of underground weapons recently?"

"Well, I've paid attention to the price of a group of weapons that are more suitable for us to use. It seems that half a month ago, they have been in a rising trend. Up to now, they have almost tripled. I don't know if there is any problem with the transportation channels. There is no big demand for these weapons. In short, this trend is rare..."

Ah Hao's focus on these weapons is high price, difficult to operate, and very difficult to use.

Most people can't buy it, they can't use it, and they can't use it well.

Originally, the sales volume was not so good, but the price increased, which really made him confused for a long time.

"Some people are not willing to sell us these weapons, or they are reducing the number of people who buy them, so that they can know where the weapons go after they are sold. You should not underestimate the power of the Dragon gang. It's hard to say anything else. Controlling the circulation and price of the air is just a matter of words for them..."

Qin fan breathed a deep breath. Since he learned that the price of weapons in the black market was soaring, and a number of foreign goods of unknown origin were pouring in, Qin fan began to feel that the relationship between the underground world of Nandu began to be delicate.It seems that the Dragon Gang wants to know every move of the Shen family by controlling the weapons circulation in the underground world.

After all, if you want to deal with the next attack of the Dragon Gang, there must be a lot of weapons.

Its flow direction will determine the next focus of the Dragon gang.

And this training base, almost exhausted Qin fan's greatest effort.

He does not allow the slightest risk to be imposed here.

Therefore, the purchase of weapons is extremely important.

Although Zhang Zihao didn't fully understand what Qin fan was thinking, he also knew some of the tricks, so he nodded and said, "please don't worry, Qin Shao. No matter what kind of weapon is put in our hands, it can become the most effective tool to kill people. Even a piece of wood, as long as someone dares to invade the Shen family and Qin Shao, I can use it to pierce the enemy's heart and let him fight Pay the price for your own actions

Zhang Zihao's firm tone made Qin fan's eyes flash slightly.

Then he said with a smile, "but those eliminated guns are not for you."

Zhang Zihao was stunned.

"There are hundreds of them. They will be reserved for the new players to practice. I have already got your weapons. Since the channel of Nandu is monitored and blocked, we will buy them from other places." Qin Fan said lightly.

"Other places?" Zhang Zihao frowned, "now there are still people willing to bypass the Dragon gang and sell weapons to us?"

"Of course." Qin fan smiles and raises the black GL8 in front of him with his eyes. He says, "the boss has come in person. Don't you find out?"

The two cars headed for the western suburb of Nandu.

It's close to the coastline.

However, as a former industrial area in Nandu, it has not been reasonably developed since it was abandoned.

So there are few people here, or no residents at all. There is only an old road crossing the middle of the factory area. One or two wild dogs can be seen occasionally on the road. Less than one kilometer away from the sea, two cars stop in front of the gate of an abandoned shipyard.

Qin fan and Zhang Zihao get out of the car first, and then see a Hui and a Qiang bring down Zhao Jian, who has been wrapped in black cloth.

I have to admit that Zhao Jian's psychological quality is very good.

There was no noise or noise along the way.

After getting off the bus, he stood calmly on the ground and said, "don't think it's OK to control me. The Zhao family is just a small role in front of the Dragon gang. Even if you kill me today, no one in the Dragon gang will come forward to speak. On the contrary, you will offend one more Zhao family. Qin Shao, you are a businessman. You should be able to calculate clearly, Is this a good deal? "

Qin Shao?

Qin fan secretly laughs, so from Qin fan to Qin Shao, dare to say he doesn't counsels?

"Take him in."

Zhang Zihao said, ah Hui and Zhao Jian are pressing ahead to open the way. Qin fan is following him. Before he enters the gate, he suddenly hears a "bang" shot inside. Everyone stops to wait and see. Only Zhao Jian "flops" down on his knees and shouts, "grandfather Qin, I'm wrong. Please don't kill me. You can let me do anything for you! ”

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