“Fxxk! It's too fast to aim! "

On the top floor of the building next to the fish pond, a man scolded in MD language. In front of him was a sniper gun specially equipped with night vision goggles.

The dragon stood behind him, watching the only road beside the fish pond with night vision telescope, and said in a low voice: "let Minton and Danwen guard the gate, and then close the doors and windows. Other people guard their own positions, because these two people can't get in."

"Yes, boss." Two men agreed, then turned and ran downstairs.

It seems that the dragon is not at ease. He takes out the phone, enters Guo Kun's number, and then calls.

"Brother long, what's the matter? I haven't left Zhenjiang yet. Why do I have to go back?" Guo Kun said lazily. He just fell asleep in the back row and was woken up by the phone.

"Do you have a bad brain in Nandu? I don't know if you've been followed!" The poisonous dragon says that it's not easy for him to find a reliable hiding place in Nandu, especially under the eyes of the Shen family. What's more, he plans to use it as a base to fight against the Shen family for a long time to recruit a group of Burmese and play with the Shen family.

But I didn't expect that Burmese had just arrived here this evening, and even he didn't get hot in the butt, so he was found in the door. What the hell can he do if he's not being followed?!

Although only two people appeared in the other party, the weather tonight was so bad that the poisonous dragon didn't dare to love the enemy. Who knows how many people are lying in ambush outside?

"Lying trough, won't it? I looked at the vehicles behind me all the way. I didn't even see a ghost. How could I be followed? " Guo Kun can't help but open his mouth and yell, but then he hears a few dull gunshots coming from his mobile phone.

"How could it be like this? Brother long, don't worry. I'll send people from Nandu to come as soon as possible. You wait. I'll call... "

"It's useless to call those local ruffians. The people who come here look very professional, and now Nandu is completely under the surveillance of Skynet. If you call these local ruffians, they will only expose more of my targets!" Dragon hate iron not into steel said.

"Well, then what? How many people are there? Why don't I go back and support you now? "

"No, I can still hold on here at present, but I don't know how many people have come from the other party and whether they will come in the future. In this way, in my name, you should use the organization's strength to let the organization send people to come here as soon as possible. I always feel that today will not be too calm, it's important, and you know how to do it." Said the dragon in a low voice.

"Group, organization? OK, OK, I'll go to them now. Brother long, you must hold on for an hour at most. I'll bring people here! "

Guo Kun listened to the beep on the phone and thought for a while before dialing another number.

"Red dragon, I'm Guo Kai. Now the poisonous dragon may be in some trouble. I'm on my way back to Nandu. You can send me the contact information point. It's urgent. You can call the poisonous dragon directly if you have any problems." Guo Kai said anxiously.

There was a moment's silence on the other side of the microphone, and the call was hung up.

Then, Guo Kai's mobile phone SMS rang, a coordinate positioning, sent to his mobile phone.

"Poisonous dragon comes from pride. He never pays attention to anyone. Today he took the initiative to ask for help from the organization. It seems that it's hard for him to hold on there..."

On the street of Nandu City, a woman with a black umbrella stood by the side of the road, pondered for a moment, opened the door, sat on the red McLaren beside her, started the engine, and sped away in the direction of Zhenjiang county.


The gunfire only rang three times, because after the three gunshots, MUKANG and Zhang Zihao had approached the sniper limit. But when they detoured along the two-story building, they also found that although there was no yard in the building, there were only two heavy iron doors to go in and out. All the windows were equipped with two thumb thick anti-theft windows for each steel bar I'm afraid it will take some effort to rush in.

At the back door, MUKANG makes a gesture to Zhang Zihao. Zhang Zihao nods and retreats. When he can see the window on the second floor, he suddenly makes a sprint and steps on the hand ladder MUKANG has already prepared downstairs. With the help of his strength, he ascends to the anti-theft window attached to the window on the second floor.

A MD boy was the first to find out that he raised his gun and shot at Zhang Zihao. But Zhang Zihao was faster. At the moment of the gunshot, he suddenly released his hand holding the iron railing. While sinking to avoid the attack, the other hand raised his gun and shot, directly hitting MD boy's eyebrow. He was killed on the spot!


The sound of the body falling to the ground suddenly rang out in the convenience. When Zhang Zihao fell, he grabbed the bottom of the anti-theft window, pulled up with one hand, and the man was hanging under the anti-theft window.

When they heard gunshots coming from the room, others knew someone was going to rush up the second floor.

With a gun in each hand, the poisonous dragon quickly arrived with two MD's and winked at them in front of the door. Two of them stood on both sides of the door, one with a shotgun in his hand and the other with a submachine gun in his arms, tightly guarding the door and listening to the movement of the room.When the two men's eyes reached a tacit agreement, the Dragon gun locked the door, and at the moment of the gun, a MD boy suddenly jumped up, kicked open the door of the room with one foot, and the other man suddenly turned around, standing at the door with both feet apart, carrying a submachine gun to the room for a frenzied shooting!

MP5 submachine gun, enough to allow users to pull the trigger, at the rate of 7-10 bullets per second, will be in front of the enemy into a sieve.

The muzzle of the gun was blazing with fire. There was a lot of gunfire in the room. All the people and things in the room could not escape the baptism and sweeping of bullets. The crackling sound was heard all the time. When he finished playing the bullets in the magazine, another man took out a flashlight to hit the light in. The room was already in a mess, but he didn't even see a person.

But just at this time, gunshots and screams came from the next room. They rushed out and rushed into another room. Then they saw another partner lying on the ground with a spear in the middle of his eyebrow. The spear had penetrated into the man's head, and only the handle remained outside.

Seeing the tragic death of another companion, these professional killers who lick blood with their knives can't hang on their faces. Originally, they thought that they could hold the night by taking advantage of the terrain and weapons to kill their opponents outside the door. But now the second floor has become a Shura hell. They are slaughtered like animals.

Who are these people? Why are their actions, skills and ways of killing so similar to those they once faced in the triangle?


Suddenly, the whole building suddenly trembled.

Then I heard a bang downstairs, and the gate of the back door of the small building was blasted open!

"What's the matter?"

When the Dragon frowned, he thought that the previous speculation was right. He dared to attack such a tight defensive place in the middle of the night, just because of the two of them!

The other side came prepared!

"Call everyone in and get out of here The

dragon whispered to two people in Burmese Language, then turned around and rushed toward the arsenal.

Heavy rain swept the night, dense sound vaguely, can also hear some.

Knowing that the sound of explosion sounded like thunder, Qin fan looked at Xiaolou's calm face and finally showed a smile.

"It seems that Cao Liqiang and Qu Zhihai are quick, and they don't give the poisonous dragon too much reaction time..."

Qin fan's eyes narrowed, looked at the distance and said with a smile.

"Cao Liqiang? Qu Zhihai? Aren't these two guys from the EOD and blast team? They should be at the base now. How can they be here? " Zhao Jian has been squatting nervously beside Qin fan. When he heard these two names, he turned his head and asked.

Qin fan turned to look at him, "do you think the poisonous dragon will die tonight?"

"I..." Zhao Jian doesn't know. He can see that Qin fan is well prepared tonight, and Mu Kang and Zhang Zihao just avoided the bullets from the small building just by relying on their own speed and combat experience, which has shocked him enough!

Seeing that Zhao Jian didn't know how to open his mouth, Qin fan narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "someone wants to run away. I have to pick up the fish."

With that, Qin fan turned over from under the ridge of the field, and ran very fast in the rainy night.

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