Qinxia building revolving restaurant.

Qin fan and Chen Sixuan had a simple dinner and a little red wine before they got to the point.

"Your sister is still in Beijing, but she may be in a bad situation."

Although she was reluctant to tell Chen Sixuan the news in advance, Qin Fansi thought it would be better for her to have a psychological preparation.

Chen Sixuan didn't speak. Her beautiful eyes were fixed on Qin fan.

"The Dragon Gang blamed Fang Tian's death on the Shen family and the Bai family. Although I don't know how he died, because your sister was in the capital some time ago and had been active in the Jiang family, she was wrongly judged by the Dragon Gang to be an important person, so she was arrested and kept in an unknown position."

"But last time my sister called me..." Chen sips her mouth.

"It was done under the surveillance of the Dragon gang." Qin fan sighed.

He also learned from the mouth of the poisonous dragon that a week after the Jiang family was destroyed, Li Peizi was personally captured by him and detained and monitored by the Dragon gang.

As for the reason, it is nothing more than that Li Peizi made too much noise during her time in Beijing.

first followed Jiang Yanzi, then shot and assassinated the river, and then went to the capital's top clubs, and did nothing to conceal his identity. He even released "the river never dies. Shen Bai's two will not stop here". The result was reached in the ears of the Dragon Gang informants, and mistakenly thought that Li was the eye liner planted by Shen Bai in the capital, and was directly exposed to the dragon. Take down her hand, imprison her and try to get the information she wants from her mouth.

Although Qin fan after getting the news, want to stand up for the first time to clarify, he and this woman actually has nothing to do.

But after thinking about it, it's more like there's no silver here.

The Dragon gang can't find anything in Li Peizi's mouth. In order to protect her life, Li Peizi will certainly make a posture of knowing everything and deal with them.

This is to increase their own opportunities.

The Dragon Gang felt that if they were confident, they would not pose too great a threat to themselves so soon.

There's still time to breathe.

It's just that Chen Sixuan's eyebrows are tight and her eyes are full of worries.

"The Dragon Gang, will not do anything to my sister..."

"I don't think so." Qin fan comforted, "as far as I know, so far your sister has only been restricted from communication and personal freedom. It's OK for her to ask questions every day. After all, the Dragon Gang also declares that it's outside. If you really do something too special to a woman who has no power to bind a chicken, you will be despised by your peers."

The reason why she didn't worry too much about Li Peizi's safety is that the poisonous Dragon said that there is a rule in the Dragon sect, that is, any disciple who dares to do nothing to the old and weak women and children will be executed!

Li Peizi is just a bait. It's more convenient for them to leave Nandu.

It's just that caring is messy.

Chen Sikai Xuan didn't think of these things. Instead, he suddenly reached out and held Qin fan's hand tightly. His eyes twinkled and asked, "my sister, she will be OK, right?"

Qin fan's heart leaped.

Although since Li Peizi disappeared, the woman has been pretending to be strong.

But women's inner weakness is still easy to break.

"It'll be fine."

Qin fan nodded solemnly. After holding Chen Sixuan's jade hand in his backhand, he looked at her for a moment and led her away from the restaurant.

The white Bentley Continental is driving slowly in the street. Chen Sixuan is sitting in the co pilot. She used to be a cold female president. Now her face is full of happiness.

Qin fan took her hand and walked from the restaurant to the parking lot.

He also took the initiative to drive for himself.

Although it seems to Qin fan that it is an inadvertent move, it is still quietly stirring up the heart of this iceberg female president. A heart lake that has been calm for more than 20 years is finally completely disturbed, with indescribable ripples in circles.

She even quietly hopes that the journey home can be longer and longer, so that she can get along with Qin fan for a while, even if she just sits here and looks at him quietly.

Qin fan can drive, but did not notice at the moment around the female president's expression change.

Qin fan was driving, his eyes kept glancing at the rear-view mirrors on both sides, as if something was attracting his attention.

Gradually, a layer of frost covered Qin fan's eyes.

There was also a dignified look on his face.

From the beginning of leaving qinxia building, the two cars behind don't drive cars, have been keeping a slow speed, following behind.

This seemingly coincidental scene, let Qin fan smell an unusual taste.

"Si Xuan, the seat belt is fastened." Qin fan opened his mouth to remind him.

"Ah?" Chen Sixuan asked, "how did you fasten your seat belt?"

"We're being followed." Qin Fan said calmly."What?" As soon as Chen Sixuan's face changes, she will look back!

"Sit down!" Qin fan a low drink, step on the accelerator! Bentley Europe at full speed, the sound wave instantly bombed the streets!

"Report, track exposure, target found." In the back of a Buick oncoville, the man in black picked up his walkie talkie and asked.

"Catch up! Then take it down! " There's an order on the intercom!

"Got it!"

"Everyone, wait for the target to leave the downtown area, fire immediately, live or die!"

Inside the two Buick cars, all the guns are loaded!

But right now.

Bentley mozanne suddenly raced to 230 miles!

It's like Jinghong rowing through the Nandu street in the middle of the night, quickly throwing away the chasing vehicles and speeding towards the feicui valley.

"Do you want to call for support? This is Nandu. I can ask the bodyguard to come here!"

Chen Sixuan looked in the rearview mirror in panic, then said nervously.

"No, don't involve your people in this. I have a way to deal with them."

The accelerator is almost at the bottom.

Bentley Continental, equipped with a 4.0t, V8 engine, is like a mad beast. It doesn't give any breathing opportunities to the two Buick ankovi behind. It just leaves the city and enters the North Ring Road.


With a gunshot, a bullet head-on across the front windshield, marking a white scratch, flying into the air.

"Head down, be careful!"

Qin fan roared, slammed on the brake, and at the same time killed the steering wheel to the right. The harsh noise of the tires rubbing against the ground, accompanied by the white smoke of the tires, Bentley Continental turned 180 degrees, turned the car to the opposite direction, and rocked the accelerator again. In a series of gunshots behind him, Bentley Continental drove into the city again!

After listening to Qin fan's words, Chen Sixuan lay down and stuck to the front center control.

But Rao is so, Qin fan's this series of operations, still scared her face white.

It's not that she was afraid of a series of gunshots just now. It's that in her memory, Qin fan didn't want to learn how to drive for a long time. Even his driver's license was obtained from Shen Jianguo. How did he drive such a difficult driving skill?

When the Bentley turned around, she thought that she was going to follow Qin fan, and the car was destroyed.

But did not expect, Qin fan can make this kind of, she thinks the professional racing driver can complete the extreme operation.

What's going on?

While Chen Sixuan was still in shock, in the shadow of the direction of the road just now, several gloomy looking people came out and stood on the side of the road with guns in their hands. The leader scolded in secret and said, "I can't even hit this, just like a special fool."

"Boss, why do you want to hide here and simply arrange for the car to crash directly? As long as you stop the car, the people inside are not dead?" A man asked.

"You know a fart, what's the situation in Nandu now? If you dare to shoot, you are already working against your head, but don't worry, the people in the car will get rid of them. " He left the scene with a gloomy voice.

At the same time.

Waking up, Chen Sixuan, after seeing Qin fan driving and returning from the same road, immediately asked nervously, "Qin fan, will we meet a car coming after us when we go back now?"

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