To Chen Sixuan's relief, Qin fan saw an ID card on the table when he went upstairs to his room to have a rest.

above is Shatina Chen's birth and household registration information.

There are also some small jewelry and bags beside.

It should be that she didn't mean to put it here when she was packing.

Chen Sixuan is a very delicate woman.

Whether it's life, work, or in some small details.

Will be exquisite and elegant expression of incisively and vividly.

The small jewelry and the card bag form a line, and the front of the ID card is also covered.

Qin fan picked up her ID card, scanned the ID information on it, and then searched her birth date, lunar time, and this year's date with her mobile phone.

"Well It's already gone. "

Qin fan frowned at the date displayed on his mobile phone. Chen Sixuan's birthday was yesterday.

This silly girl, do not know to say, or worry about giving me trouble?

Qin fan shakes her head. Chen Sixuan, as her first woman, doesn't want to miss her birthday. Even if it's over, she wants to make up for it.

But when I really want to buy a gift, I find it very difficult. Let's not say that I don't know what Chen Sixuan really likes. There is no news about her sister's whereabouts. Her father is insane and is admitted to the hospital. The mind of the goddess president is now heavy and oppressive, which is hard for outsiders to see. It needs to be broken by her own hands so that she can welcome a new life.

Putting down his ID card, Qin fan went out of his bedroom and stood at the top of the stairs to look down.

Chen Sixuan's figure is still busy between the living room and the kitchen. The cold and gorgeous figure of the president of the goddess turns into a gentle and virtuous wife and pays the tenderest side of her heart for her beloved man, which makes Qin fan feel a little unreal.

"It's time to do something for her."

Qin fan stops at the stairway for a moment and turns back to the house.

Early the next morning, Qin fan didn't wake up the drowsy CEO in her arms. After she got up quietly, changed her clothes, printed a kiss on Chen Sixuan's forehead, and then went downstairs to leave the villa.

Sky blue Bentley Tim Yue drives away slowly.

Qin fan drives Bentley cross-country and looks in the rear-view mirror. The black morning Mercedes Benz keeps a fixed distance behind him, and his mouth raises a shallow radian It seems that the Dragon Gang wants to save Du Li.

However, I'm afraid even they didn't expect that Du Li would recruit so quickly.

Before the rescue operation started, the interrogation work of "Hunter" operation base has been completely completed.

Qin fan felt that this is not necessarily an opportunity. He could use Du Li as a bait to thoroughly eradicate Long Bangan's chess pieces and eyeliner in Nandu, and once and for all, he could concentrate on his intentnesses and do the following things.

Therefore, Bentley Tim Yue's speed has been very stable.

I didn't rush to get rid of the car behind me.

On the way, he stopped at the roadside, bought a bottle of water and bread for breakfast, and slowly drove the car to Huanhai road. Looking ahead, he saw the abandoned factory area where the shipyard was located. Through the glass, Qin fan could also hear a violent "bang" sound from behind. In the rear-view mirror, the black Mercedes Benz's business front wheels were emitting thick smoke, and the car slammed on the brakes, reporting the explosion Abandoned in the middle of the road.


In the Mercedes Benz business car, the middle-aged driver scolded, and told the co driver's accomplice next to him, "go and see if there's any nail in it, then call it up, report the location, and say we lost it."


The people around him took out the phone and opened the door to get off.

"Well, I now announce that you are officially arrested. Put down the phone and come with us."

A low, slightly sarcastic voice sounded.

The young man who got out of the car was stiff and raised his head. Standing in front of him were two muscular men in black trousers and short sleeves. They all had strange smiles like ruffians on their faces. One of them was still holding a gun, and the head of the gun was aimed at his head.

At the same time, he also heard the driver's door was opened, and the middle-aged driver was pulled out of the car. Two people were pulled to the front of the car and knelt down. In the hot sun, he heard the person in front of him say something that made him feel creepy: "call, let the person behind you help you."


Bentley Tim more did not receive the slightest impact, slowly into the industrial area, into the abandoned shipyard.

Zhang Zihao had been waiting at the door for a long time, while Zhao Jian, who had not seen him for several days, was standing beside him.

Zhao Jian's integration here is very fast.

There are less childish and middle-aged children who have seen the world for the first time on their faces, and more of them are the dark skin that has been exposed to the sun for a long time. They also wear a pair of glasses. Standing in front of the burly Zhang Zihao, they are just like the chicks who are protected by the old hens under their wings.

"Qin Shao, MUKANG has taken people to carry out the task. Du Li has arranged it. If you have any questions, you can start at any time."Zhang Zihao stepped forward to open the door and briefly reported the situation in the base.

"I'll go now."

Qin fan nodded. When his eyes fell on Zhao Jian, he asked with a smile, "how about the environment here? How can I get used to it? "

However, with a bang, Zhao Jian closed his legs and stood at attention. The rocker was straight. He looked at Qin fan with burning eyes and cried out: "Zhao Jian, the logistics trainee of the 'Hunter' action team, met Qin Shao!"

Hunter? Internship logistics?

Qin fan picked his eyebrows and felt Zhang Zihao pat him on the shoulder. Then he said, "well, you are welcome to join the hunter."

"Thank you, Qin Shao!" Zhao Jian said excitedly.

Qin fan glanced at Zhang Zihao, and saw some helplessness in his eyes. But anyway, since Zhao Jian can solve the biggest problem in the base, he doesn't have to spend a cent. Such a free coolie is not for nothing.

Zhao Jian is responsible for guarding the gate. Qin fan and Zhang Zihao go to the factory.

"Zhao Jian is still enthusiastic. He is too thin and has been used to taking care of himself since he was a child. Fortunately, he can get lost and know how to return. He no longer regards the Dragon Gang as an idol in his heart and wants to join us" hunters ". I gave him a one-year observation period, and he agreed. He also took the initiative to buy all the weapons in the future base. Anyway, he died I don't want to leave here. I called my family and said that it was to develop new lines outside so that my family could give unconditional support. "

When Zhang Zihao said it, he was helpless.

"Not a cent?" Qin fan smiles bitterly.

"Yes, you still have hundreds of millions of money left here. After the last batch of weapons arrived, I paid him for the money. He not only didn't want it, but also almost quarreled with me and cried. So I thought, this guy used to watch too many movies, and he was a bit of a second grader. He was still good in essence. Later, he kept it as his own person, and the money will be calculated slowly."

"That's OK. You can decide what's going on in the base. You don't have to report to me in the future."

As they spoke, they went into the basement of the warehouse, through the cold concrete passage, opened an iron door at the end, then turned on the light and went in.

"I've said everything you need to know. Don't beat me any more. There's nothing to say. Please let me go. I won't say anything after I go out. Really, I swear!"

As soon as the light was on, there was a terrible sound in the room.

Qin fan followed his voice and looked over. In a corner of the room, on an iron stool, sat a middle-aged man with bald hair, wearing a white vest and flowered underpants. His fat face was pale and colorless, his body trembled, and his whole body trembled.

"The air conditioner is a little high."

Qin fan raised his head. After the renovation, the whole plant was equipped with a central air conditioner, equipped with a high-power motor. The air conditioner was fully opened, and the air outlets on the four walls were covered with white fog. It was still hot outside, but the indoor temperature was estimated to be less than five degrees.

Looking at Du Li shivering all over, his eyes reveal the desire to go out. Qin fan stares at him and asks, "do you want to go out?"

He nodded violently.

"Where is Li Peizi's specific position?" Qin fan asked.

"Ah?" Du Li did not expect that Qin fan came here in person just to ask this.

"Well, tell me the exact location of Li Peizi, and I can consider letting you out." Qin Fan said seriously.

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