Hong Kong Island?

Qin fan lit a cigarette, took a deep puff and asked, "do Du Li know the specific location on Hong Kong Island?"

"Well, he has written it down. Li Peizi now lives in an apartment building at the Bay entrance of Hong Kong Island. Two people follow her 24 hours a day, and their people monitor the entrance and exit of the apartment. But after all, she is on Hong Kong Island, and she is very cooperative with them. Generally speaking, it's not as serious as ours."

"Is the news true?" Qin fan asked.

Zhang Zihao handed the note to Qin fan.

Qin fan takes a glance. Du Li's desire for survival is very strong. He not only provides the information Zhang Zihao said, but also clearly writes down Li Peizi's going to the Jockey Club every weekend and her fixed station number.

It was actually transferred to Hong Kong Island.

It seems that the Dragon Gang attaches great importance to this woman who may have a lot of information about herself.

Qin fan also believes that in order to protect her life, Li Peizi must have deliberately created an illusion that she knows everything. Only if she has the use value, the Dragon Gang won't attack her so quickly. It's all to protect her life.

"I'm afraid that the news of Du Li's arrest will leak out, and the Dragon gang will transfer Li Peizi again. Once she leaves this position, it will be very troublesome to look for her again." Zhang Zihao sighed.

"Well." Qin fan nodded, grabbed the note and put it in his pocket. After a moment's meditation, he said, "you should inform the operation team to fix it in place these two days. There is no task for the time being. If there is anything, wait for me to call."

"Good." As soon as Zhang Zihao nodded, he suddenly felt something was wrong. He looked up at Qin fan and said, "Qin Shao, you don't want to go to Hong Kong Island, do you?"

Qin fan looked at him, "what's the matter?"

"If so, I advise you to think about it before you make a decision!" Zhang Zihao's face suddenly became serious.

"Why?" Qin fan looked at him with some puzzlement. Zhang Zihao's courage and character are far above himself. He just went to Hong Kong Island. Why did he have such a big reaction.

Zhang Zihao hesitated for a moment and explained: "young master, after all, Hong Kong Island is not the southern capital, or even the capital. They have their own system and culture. This is a completely strange place. In addition to local forces, it is difficult for foreign forces to intervene. What's more, there are many gangs in Hong Kong Island, the underground world is complex, and there are many ports On the high seas, many things are not completely under our control. If something happens, I'm really worried about your safety! "

It's a matter of great importance. Zhang Zihao didn't care whether this way of speaking would hurt Qin fan's face. He directly rejected Qin fan's plan.

Qin fan gave him a light look and said with a smile: "in fact, you want to say that there are so many local forces on Hong Kong Island, and many of them are from the Dragon gang. Going there is equivalent to entering the tiger's mouth. You worry that I won't come back, right?"

Zhang Zihao didn't make a sound, but from his eyes, he confirmed it.

Qin fan nodded his head and sighed: "yes, the Dragon gang does not go white on the one hand, and does not engage in business on the other. Relying on its power and influence all over the world, it brings the wealth holders of various regions and regions to Hong Kong Island and Macao city to spend money and make huge profits. From top to bottom, it distributes in the proportion of 5:3:1:1 to maintain such a huge underground power The force is working properly. "

"So we can't go to these two places!" Zhang Zihao, concerned about Qin fan's life safety, directly interrupted: "these two places are the real gold selling caves of the Dragon gang. In order to maintain the normal operation of these two caves, the Dragon Gang must have put in a lot of people and the most elite forces to escort here, especially in this storm. In case they are arrested for Du Li, they deliberately set up Tianluo on Hong Kong Island Geonet is waiting for you. By then, life and death are hard to predict, Qin Shao

Zhang Zihao is really anxious. He has learned a lot about the inside story of the Dragon gang from the mouth of the poisonous dragon and Du Li these days.

This is a force all over the world, mixed up, an extremely terrible underground force!

It's not as simple as he had guessed.

What's more, after learning that Hong Kong Island and Macao city are the economic lifeblood of the Dragon Gang, Zhang Zihao is even less likely to let Qin fan go there alone to commit the risk. Every year, he doesn't know how many bodies are thrown down on the high seas nearby. He doesn't want Qin fan to become one of them.


After listening to Zhang Zihao's words, Qin fan nodded thoughtfully, looked at Zhang Zihao and asked, "are you OK these days?"

Zhang Zihao was stunned. "It's OK. What's the matter?"

"Get your pass ready and wait for me at the gate of terminal T2 of Nandu international airport tomorrow morning. I'll be there before 8 o'clock."

In Zhang Zihao's stunned eyes, Qin fan patted him on the shoulder, turned around, got on the Bentley and left the shipyard.

Before leaving Nandu, Qin fan plans to make up for a birthday present for Chen Sixuan.

Whether she is in the mood for her birthday or not, Qin fan also wants to buy some small gifts to make her happy before she leaves."I just bought a car, and I don't need it. I'm sure they don't lack a house. This is the first birthday gift for Si Xuan. It's better to be a little commemorative..." A superb collection of beautiful things,

Qin fan drove to Xintiandi department store for more than an hour, and some of his head was faint in front of the kitchen. The first few shopping were accompanied by his sister and Jiang Yanzi. They were responsible for selecting commodities. They only needed to pay by credit card. Now whenever he looks at a product, he will think of the waiter's enthusiastic voice. Qin fan had an impulse to escape.

Finally, I had no choice but to call Huang haozeng for reference. I didn't have any special friends in Nandu. It's not appropriate for Huang Qianqian to help me choose Chen Sixuan's gift. Only Huang haozeng, a military strategist, can help me.

Of course, Qin fan also went to the doctor when he was ill. Huang haozeng didn't even talk about his girlfriend. He was a man from home. What good advice could he give?

Huang Hao added to Qin fan's phone call, but it is incumbent upon him. But Qin fan did not say clearly what it was in the phone. He just rushed him to Xintiandi department store. At the gate of the giant media, there were 72 cars directly to the Xintiandi building. Huang Haozeng thought that what Qin had done was a taxi ride.

He hasn't paid his first month's salary yet.

When Huang haozeng ran out of breath and his white T-shirt was soaked with sweat, he saw Qin fan sitting in the cold drink shop on the first floor eating cold drinks. Sitting near the glass window, he saw Huang haozeng and Qin fan waving to him inside.

Huang haozeng was stunned, and then he walked into the cold drink shop.

"Damn, you are so leisurely. I thought something happened to you. I almost called the police on the way here. I spent dozens of yuan on a taxi!" Huang haozeng opened his stool and sat opposite Qin fan. However, the air conditioning in the shop calmed him down and made him understand. After all, what's going on with Qin fan, and he can't solve it himself.

What's more, Chen's finance and Lin's group are all around here. If Qin fan is really in trouble that can't be solved, he should ask Chen's family or Lin's elder sister for help. What's the use of finding him a dead man?

"It's OK. I just want to ask you to come and help me." Qin Fan said with embarrassment.

"Little busy? What's the matter? " Huang haozeng asked with a smile on his face.

"Well Give a woman a birthday present and buy a more memorable one. " Qin fan is embarrassed to say, this kind of thing asks for help, always let him feel a little strange.

"For women?" Huang haozeng immediately captured the meaning expressed in Qin fan's words and asked with a strange smile.

"Well." Qin fan nodded.

"This description is not very accurate. Girls and women are two kinds of creatures, especially mature women. They are picky when choosing gifts. It doesn't matter if they are expensive. You have to send them to other people's hearts By the way, who are you going to give a gift to? " Huang haozeng said while analyzing.

"Well It's a woman. " Qin fan thinks about it and says that he doesn't know if Huang haozeng has ever heard of Chen Sixuan. After all, Huang Qianqian is his cousin. Will it give him a feeling of being too amorous?

"Women." Huang haozeng took a meaningful look at Qin fan and said, "I don't know if you've heard of a sentence?"

"What?" Qin fan picked his eyebrows.

"If she doesn't know much about the world, take her to read all the prosperity. If her heart has changed, take her on the merry go round

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